Example sentences of "prepare for [art] " in BNC.

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1 At sea , the Royal Navy should prepare for a long ‘ broken back ’ period after a nuclear exchange in Europe , during which resupply across the North Atlantic would be vital to the United Kingdom 's survival , whether the exchange had been decisive or not .
2 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
3 By biding his time in the immediate aftermath of Mao 's death , he could prepare for a rise to power in the CCP .
4 The problem is no less with open-ended exercises and unstructured enquiry projects in humanities work , where the teachers need to anticipate and prepare for a wide variety of student response and reaction .
5 Round the corner in No 22 , Church Row , Irene Pitt was watching her daughter prepare for a picnic .
6 The ability of the modem to translate signals makes the information services market we have today a possibility … information publishers must now prepare for a new challenge and for a similar degree of networking capacity for video and other multimedia as they currently experience for data … ’
7 The alliance should prepare for a conventional war lasting no more than a few days .
8 And we see the RAF prepare for a flypast to celebrate their seventy fifth anniversary .
9 We must prepare for the struggle .
10 Now we could prepare for the Jubilee without a car& in the world .
11 Somewhere further up the scale is the seasonal dieter who goes on a diet in spring to get rid of the Christmas over-indulgence ; in summer to get ready for the beach ; in autumn to lose the fat gained from too many chips , ice-creams , and Tequila sunrises on holiday ; and in early winter to help prepare for the Christmas binge .
12 We said that this in no way lessens the grief , but it does perhaps help us prepare for the event .
13 Next month he will commute from his home in Fulham to a club in Hamburg , where he will prepare for the grass-court season by playing on clay for a club in the Second Division of the German League .
14 The two sides were a world apart and while Northern hope for successive victories in their final two games for survival , Wigan can relax and prepare for the Silk Cut Cup final at Wembley on May 2 against Castleford .
15 Come , me hearties , we must prepare for the evening 's adventure ! ’
16 The Headmaster was helping prepare for the grand event and was so confident it would be a success , he had contacted a specialist to come to take the Bookman away when caught .
17 In Chapman 's view , the foundation of Aston Villa 's long history of success was their ability to plan ahead and prepare for the departure of key players .
18 The society claims that there are ‘ cosmic masters ’ in the universe and that they have come ‘ to give priceless teachings to man to help him prepare for the New World and to bring a great millennium of peace ’ .
19 But no film or lecture can prepare for the culture shock that awaits the new tourists to the sub-continent when they arrive early tomorrow in Delhi .
20 The rest of the year I will prepare for the Open .
21 You are to make yourself the master of a particular sub-topic or sub-sub-topic rather than prepare for the year 's examination in the whole subject .
22 There is considerable ( ? deliberate ) confusion about the figures , but it seems that general practice and community services will receive about 4% extra revenue next year to help them prepare for the extra workload .
23 I tell myself I must prepare for the worst .
24 The petitioning creditor must prepare for the hearing a list of all those creditors who have given notice of their intention to appear at the hearing and hand it in at the hearing(r6.24) .
25 Despite her depression she occupied herself with office tasks , and , although there were times when she dabbed at a tear , she reminded herself that she must prepare for the time when she would never see Silas again .
26 They will prepare for the United Kingdom 's Presidency of the Community beginning on 1st July 1992 .
27 ( 14 ) Are there any strategies you can use to help pupils prepare for the tests without teaching to the test ?
28 He nevertheless ended the year ranked ninth in the world , with 17.43 metres , and can prepare for the Olympics safe in the knowledge that his event wo n't be held on a Sunday in Barcelona .
29 He took the precaution , however , of carrying a typewriter and books among his luggage so that he could prepare for an address at the University of Leeds which he was to give in the following year .
30 Just as you can prepare for an exam by looking at old exam questions , so you can prepare to write a dissertation by looking at previous examples which have been submitted and accepted by your institution .
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