Example sentences of "prepare [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How should I prepare them for repainting ?
2 He trained them to regular confession , and whenever any one of them was dying would prepare them for death , and be thankful when they died in penitence , peace and hope .
3 This suggests that something is amiss with the job definition and , by implication , also with education and training which does not prepare them for the reality .
4 According to Wells , the data from his research contradicts crude generalizations that are often made about some children as being ‘ deprived at home ’ of those language experiences that will prepare them for schooling , and assumptions that the school is a ‘ rich language environment ’ .
5 In exploring such environments pupils will experience the type of argument and logical analysis that will prepare them for the real-life problems they will tackle outside .
6 Two teenagers have chosen to bed down for the night in a freezer as part of their training for an expedition to the Artic Circle , They hope that a good night of shivering in sub-zero temperatures will prepare them for the trip .
7 While I was at Cambridge , I began to follow a rule of life which I hoped would prepare me for the priesthood .
8 Three years of being a member of the Campaign Team at AI had not prepared me for seeing human rights abuses first hand .
9 Nothing had prepared me for that .
10 Nothing had prepared me for the overwhelming architectural beauty of Salamanca , and in particular for the grandeur of the university , the oldest in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe , with its noble façade in plateresque style .
11 I had seen newspaper photos of him since his release from the psikhushka , but they had n't prepared me for his gauntness , pallor , baldness .
12 The experience of playing with one , or on one , was astonishing ; nothing I had read had prepared me for it at all .
13 Back in London after that trip she said : ‘ Nothing could have prepared me for the agony of seeing countless dying children .
14 If my aunts ' upbringing had prepared me for anything , it was for just this sort of agitation .
15 Living in close intimacy with Jean-Claude had not prepared me for confronting in musical shape the qualities I sensed and loved in him but could not define .
16 I saw that gentleness Conchis had prepared me for .
17 Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather , much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking .
18 The houses looked completely different from those in Trieste , most of which were grey and severe , and although I had seen picture postcards of Venice nothing could have prepared me for what I now saw for the first time from the steps of the railway station .
19 You could have prepared me for this — ’
20 The twenty-first century 4-D representations had prepared me for something horrific ; yet my impression was of features more frightening than strictly horrifying .
21 I have to say that nothing in my career so far has prepared me for this kind of work .
22 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
23 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
24 I knew that telling them would be hard but nothing prepared me for their anger and grief during our final month together .
25 ‘ I was expecting it to be bad , but nothing prepared me for this ! ’
26 My father 's passion for Tracey Childs prepared me for a life of drama
27 You prepared me for triumph .
28 Nothing in my biologist 's intuition , nothing in my 20 years " experience of programming computers , and nothing in my wildest dreams , prepared me for what actually emerged on the screen .
29 I had each Wednesday afternoon off from Russell 's and he enroled me , secretly , into his school for lessons with his normal classes , He and his wife held a weekly open house and these cramming sessions prepared me for the coming Halton entrance examination .
30 Nothing prepared me for the reality of A wing .
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