Example sentences of "throw [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In The Natural History of Nematodes it is unfortunate that George Poinar Jr does not throw off the armour of nomenclature which prevents the general student from getting to grips with these creatures .
2 Marx started out as a Young Hegelian in the early 1840s and never threw off the underlying presuppositions of Hegelian rationalism .
3 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
4 This came when the satellite threw off the cover that had protected the sensitive detectors during the launch and afterwards , while the team at the operations centre at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory checked that the telescope was pointing correctly .
5 Thomas threw off the question lightly .
6 He threw off the pau and stood there over her , naked , seeing how eagerly she watched him now .
7 The Dalriadic Scots and the Britons , probably of Strathclyde , whom Ecgfrith had almost certainly driven into alliance with the Picts in 685 through his claims to supremacy over them ( see above , p. 100 ) , regained their independence , and the Picts threw off the overlordship of the northern Anglian king and recaptured territory formerly held by the Angles ( HE IV , 26 ) .
8 In doing this , Carvajal and his colleagues finally threw off the disguise of Roman Catholicism , which by then must have worn very thin .
9 Giving herself a mental shake , she threw off the thoughts .
10 Without thought , Theda threw off the covers and swung her feet to the floor .
11 Then , almost overnight it seemed , Oxfordshire suddenly threw off the mantle of winter .
12 He looked broken like the toy he threw against the wall .
13 The Feldwebel took it into a corner and pulled out a large envelope which he threw onto the table .
14 Fiona kept her face away from him , looking out into the night , watching the vertical bright line of light the car threw onto the serried mass of dark conifers .
15 Fishing into my green Marks & Spencer carrier bag I found some biscuits and an apple , some old sandwiches , which I threw into the water for the fish — and oh yes , there was still some dandelion wine left .
16 Some she discarded and threw into the fire , others she kept .
17 It was this force which the Collector now threw into the engagement , though he had to shout the order more than once as their leader , Judge Adams , was rather deaf .
18 They tasted salty from the fine spray Seawitch threw into the hazy air as she dug her elegant nose into the waves before tossing them aside .
19 The corpses they threw into the PC .
20 The cardboard he threw into the tent .
21 The EC Commission for its part threw into the discussion the now celebrated Cockfield Report3 which detailed the host of measures which would have to be adopted before a single market could be said to exist .
22 He threw before the prime minister other names — Coggan , Stopford , and some more .
23 But after Commodore cut the price by £100 , and threw in the £25 add-on TV adaptor , the Amiga took off as a games machine .
24 Then he threw in the spice and seasoning : ‘ By stirring up people 's fears unnecessarily , jobs have been endangered by the Labour Opposition . ’
25 ‘ The bosses went bankrupt , so they sold the whole place , auctioned it off , and threw in the apprentices as well .
26 So I did , just for a fortnight , but it was fourteen miles there in the morning , and fourteen back at night , and I 'm afraid I threw in the sponge !
27 At the end of the 1975 season , he threw in the towel — though Hesketh , under Horsley , was to stagger on for two more years , with indifferent results .
28 Hall threw in the third crate for a Quinn goal that was disallowed .
29 Another fine prospect is Adrian Davies , the Cambridge University captain , but he has n't been blessed with much luck recently and I hope his experiences in Australia , when some of his team-mates threw in the towel , will not have destroyed his confidence .
30 When the table was ready she filled a deep pan with water and put it on the cooker , her movements slow and simpering in contrast to those of her mother , who quickly poured olive oil into a big black frying-pan , threw in the artichokes , covered them and rinsed her hands and arms before drawing a chair up to one of the cauldrons and sliding into the curd up to her elbows .
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