Example sentences of "assume that [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He assumes that entities referred to will remain constant , that the temporal setting will remain constant , that the locational setting will remain constant , unless the speaker indicates some change in any of these , in which case the hearer will minimally expand the context .
2 It assumes that bills of quantities are unnecessary , that fluctuations in prices need not be allowed for , and that the nomination of subcontractors is not required .
3 Like the CAPM it assumes that investors prefer more wealth to less , less risk to more risk , and that they are rational decision makers .
4 It is important to remember this when thinking about climatic geomorphology , because if one assumes that landforms are going to vary significantly with these zones , one assumes that the climatic parameters controlling landforms are the same as those controlling natural vegetation .
5 But that hopeful estimate assumes that firms owned by the Treuhandanstalt , the privatisation agency for east German industry , will find the courage to ask for lower pay hikes rather than pass the bills on to German taxpayers .
6 McCallum assumes that firms set their prices for period t in the following way .
7 This assumes that firms always set price equal to average costs because they are constrained by the level of competition to making only normal profits .
8 It assumes that firms faced with increased demand for their products will immediately attempt to increase their capital stocks .
9 The model assumes that managers can specify their information requirements and that these can be predicted by the information system .
10 This is not the place to explore the many alternative theories of the firm , but it might be worth noting that , for example , the theory of sales revenue maximisation ( Baumol 1959 ) assumes that managers pursue the objective of maximising revenue rather than profits .
11 This assumes that patterns and trends which can be identified in past ( historical ) sets of data may be projected forward , especially under stable economic , market and organisational conditions , for the purpose of forecasting perhaps up to one year ahead .
12 The Tiebout model assumes that residents mainly consume the public services provided by their own local authority .
13 Relativism is a stance which assumes that opinions which can not be tested scientifically are just subjective and relative to the particular context giving rise to them , to cultural upbringing and different individual and group experience .
14 This interpretation assumes that institutions ( such as the licensed disrespect and ragging between nephew and uncle ) are not aimless social eccentricities , but function logically and coherently .
15 Alternatively these techniques could be applied to every one of the candidate strings for each word position identified as a potential error ( again it should be noted that this assumes that errors can be identified , which may be doubtful for our system ) .
16 This assumes that companies will respond to a weakening share price by improving efficiency in the long term , rather than by making short-term savings which might help the company 's performance in the short term ( known as short termism ) , to the detriment of long-term performance .
17 As we explained in section 4.2 , the model we are considering assumes that prices in each market move each period to equate supply and demand in each market .
18 Where there is agreement about goals the public assumes that professionals share in that consensus but ‘ if consensus is in doubt , there is an accompanying uncertainty about the values and practices that guide professional activity ’ .
19 He assumes that citizens are rational , selfish actors .
20 But this always assumes that departments will want to store information about the processes of document creation , as opposed to merely the results of such processes .
21 This new attitude assumes that beliefs in occult power are solidly based in a true and more profound understanding of ultimate verities .
22 It assumes that preferences are absolute .
23 Furthermore , it assumes that monopolies have a single or unitary interest which the state can follow without question .
24 This assumes that girls themselves want to do this , unlike Kate whose response to being given contraceptive pills by her mother was to put them down the toilet .
25 In the 1391 Statute of Mortmain there is mention of towns acquiring property , and the Act virtually assumes that towns already possessed a corporate and perpetual identity , although few boroughs had as yet received formal recognition of their corporate status .
26 In this atmosphere one assumes that consultants who fail to educate preregistration house officers will lose the privilege of having such a colleague .
27 The use of B avoids the problem of estimating the normal level of government expenditure which , ADD argue , Barro handles inconsistently since he assumes that agents form their expectations about normal government expenditure using an adaptive expectations mechanism , while assuming that agents form their expectations rationally elsewhere in the system .
28 It also assumes that debentures or debenture stock will be transferred in much the same way as shares .
29 It also assumes that providers are free to manage their assets and personnel to maximise efficiency gains .
30 Because the state assumes that women are men 's natural dependants , widows benefits are reasonably generous , whereas widowers are expected to be earning or receiving some form of social security in their own right .
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