Example sentences of "recently [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , one of us ( PH ) recently examined data on the relative size of the testes among primates .
2 Suppose that he recently sold bonds short ( ie , promised to deliver in future bonds which he did not then own ) when prices were at their peak .
3 Stevenson College also intends to provide APL within its recently validated HNC in Management .
4 In addition to the above sites three others held a total of six birds in one year between 1962 and 1965 , and five held a total of 15 birds only in 1975 ; two of these new areas in 1975 were recently filled reservoirs .
5 Although the practice whereby user firms invent and exploit new processes internally has recently received attention , this research is intended to identify and describe situations in which those firms act entrepreneurially to exploit their innovations in product markets .
6 Serum aminoglycoside concentrations should be assayed in all patients with renal impairment , patients receiving other nephrotoxic agents , elderly patients , and patients who have recently received aminoglycosides , since these groups are at increased risk of toxic side effects .
7 If you are more than twelve hours late , take the most recently delayed pill straightaway , discard any earlier missed pills and use extra precautions ( e.g. condoms ) for the next seven days .
8 If there are fewer than seven pills left in the pack after the most recently delayed pill , then when you have finished the pack , start the next pack next day , without a break .
9 I recently met Mrs Kjaersgaard in London to discuss our common objective to forge a link between parliamentarians across Europe who wish to see Europe united not by a single government but with a free market .
10 ‘ We recently met ministers at the DTI and put forward our desperate need for more money for export promotions and greater financial education for designers , ’ he says .
11 Of course , despite claims about elections — I recently met President Tudjman and Mr. Peterle , the Prime Minister of Slovenia — enormous questions have to be answered .
12 Has just recently withdrawn Labour 's promise to link pensions with average earnings .
13 The Irish Garden Plant Society has recently honoured Billy Douglas with an Honorary Life Membership .
14 Sachs argued that since only a limited amount of information can be stored verbatim in memory , normally only the most recently heard sentence is remembered word for word .
15 Pyramid Technology Corp , Mountain View , California , has been taking something of a backseat role in telling the world about its newest developments lately : most recently Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA was left to deliver Pyramid 's latest MIPS Computer Systems Inc-based R3000 and R400MP siblings at its bash in Rome a couple of weeks ago ( UX No 390 ) .
16 Any explanation of what occurred in the war 's opening stages is incomplete unless it includes the traumas of collectivisation , the purges , the antagonism of the peasantry and the strength of national sentiment in recently annexed regions — and any accounting for Vlasov 's ‘ Russian Liberation Army ’ is impossible .
17 The search for a laterality index that is not biased with respect to accuracy recently led Bryden and Sprott ( 1981 ) to propose the adoption of a new index , lamda , based on the log odds ratios ( P/ ( l — P ) ; P/ ( l -P ) where PR and P , are the respective probabilities of a correct response at the left and right sides .
18 The Japanese male seems to think that women have only recently developed skills and abilities they never had before .
19 We have recently developed immunoassays for the measurement of pancreatic group I PLA2 and non-pancreatic synovial type group II PLA2 in serum and other body fluids .
20 Vidal Sasson have recently developed Salon Intensives — a unique range of salon-formula conditioners .
21 Adding 20,000 square metres , the recently completed Atrium complex is linked to the main Piazza by ‘ Skywalk ’ , the longest moving pavement in the UK .
22 The Xinhua news agency reported that at a meeting with Li Peng soon after the Kazakh party 's arrival , the Chinese Premier called for enhanced relations in all fields and said that the recently completed rail link would help bilateral relations in the economic and trade fields .
23 The report was drawn up as part of the evidence in the recently completed court case against Exxon [ see ED no. 45 ] .
25 It seems almost certain that the model for the new building was the recently completed church at Cluny , which Urban II had dedicated in 1095 , and which Anselm and Eadmer had visited in 1099 .
26 They will also view and discuss the recently completed work of a new writer .
27 For the moment , it means that recently completed properties can not be connected to the sewage system in 43 towns and suburbs .
28 This 1760 Kalendar advertised the recently completed Figures of Plants : at twelve guineas coloured and six guineas ‘ plain ’ .
29 But Edinburgh has begun to produce music of note : The Chimes have just celebrated their second number one on the Billboard dance charts , and Paul Haig has recently completed sessions with Curtis Mantronik and Lil Louis .
30 Other sessions are on the recently completed project in the Vatican ‘ The Cicognara Library on Microfiche ’ , which is divided into two parts : ‘ Contents , catalogues and operation of the project ’ and ‘ Operation and opportunities for international co-operation ’ .
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