Example sentences of "depend [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Social control depended for respect on agencies which proved increasingly inadequate .
2 In every aspect of his work Caro is brazenly derivative , depending for effect on the assertiveness of scale , and is , in essence , trivial ; but , translated from the Tate Gallery to the Roman Forum ( see The Art Newspaper No. 18 , May 1992 , p. 5 ) , he is this year the beam in the public 's eye ( would that he were only a mote ) , and thus inevitably the choice of Heaths and Fanfanis .
3 The feeding process takes quite a long time , depending of course on the sizes of the individuals concerned and various environmental factors , such as temperature ( see p. 303 ) .
4 I had been used to analysing speech — such as in a radio discussion — which ran at an average rate of 300 syllables a minute , depending of course on such variables as personality and regional accent ( for some accents are spoken much more rapidly than others ) .
5 Yes , depending of course on what it costs me .
6 Second , state policy is constrained because government depends for taxation revenue upon maintaining successful capital accumulation .
7 It depends for success upon the goodwill and support of the LEAs and the schools .
8 Just as the pure scientist , from his [ or her ] early training , absolves himself [ or herself ] from the uses to which his [ or her ] discoveries are put , rather than seeing that the discoveries themselves are inescapably linked to an economy on which he [ or she ] depends for support , so the applied scientist accepts that others define the goals that he [ or she ] has to achieve rather than seeing that his [ or her ] own means or technology itself presupposes a social order , set of priorities or goals .
9 Some 40 per cent of the world 's population depends for drinking water , irrigation and hydro-electric power on 214 river systems shared by two or more countries .
10 But , on reflection , this depends for example on one 's theory of oligopoly .
11 But it is an option that I certainly would n't want to discount at this particular er stage erm because it depends on so many er factors , it depends for example whether er the site that er has been identified for up to two thousand and six , and which is developed up to two thousand and six , has the physical capacity to expand beyond two thousand and six , and I think that that ought to be one of the considerations perhaps that we ought to look at as we move towards the identification erm er of the new settlement , conversely , it could well be that ought to be looking at a second new settlement in a different location , erm I ca n't give an answer , a definitive answer , what I can say is , coming back again er to Mr Brook , this sort of issue er will not be picked up in nineteen eighty eight or nineteen eighty nine , er if we are all alive and kicking in North Yorkshire and the District Councils we will be looking at it regularly , we 'll be looking at it in two years time , one years time , erm erm that 's the way we work in Greater York , and it 's basically worked very successfully .
12 It is a defining feature of capitalist society that the productive wealth of the society ( on which the whole population depends for employment and products ) is privately owned and controlled .
13 While scientists may be called on to use their knowledge to set priorities for action by conservation groups , the groups depend for funding and action on their public appeal .
14 On the one hand , it is clear that we depend for survival upon our bodies , whereas we may not want to say that God depends upon the world for survival .
15 As parasitic tissues generally depend for survival on a more rapid synthesis of nucleic acid than the tissues on which they prey , anything which stopped the synthesis of nucleic acids had a chance of harming parasites more than their hosts .
16 They depend for business on Copts , but Prester John 's poor little Ethiopes are not even permitted to roll eggs at Easter .
17 They appear in vast numbers in the Antarctic Ocean particularly in summer ( they depend for food upon the blooms of phytoplankton ) and it is then that whales like the blue migrate towards the pole to feed .
18 Other studies elsewhere have linked changes in trophic-level populations to acid deposition effects , such as the decline in goldcrests in coniferous forests where trees suffering lost needles support fewer spiders on which these birds depend for food in winter .
19 It all depends of course on what is meant by ‘ the feminine ’ .
20 Final pricing depends of course on how Sun eventually pitches its Tsunami offering , which is to be announced two days prior to HP 's roll-out .
21 Much depends of course upon what is meant by ‘ success ’ as well as by ‘ policy ’ and ‘ planning ’ .
22 The effectiveness of the second vote depends of course on its being assessed on a national basis , not in separate constituencies .
23 The " individuating force " of such references depends of course to a large extent upon the context in which they are made .
24 The extent to which we aggregate individual units in this way depends of course on the purpose at hand .
25 How well the record fares depends of course on whether Swindon can repeat their achievement of 1990 and win the play-off final at Wembley .
26 All of these generalisations depend of course on a constant wind speed sufficient to fly the kite within its designed wind window .
27 Some warehouses have one crane in each aisle whilst others with relatively low rates of throughput depend upon crane transfer mechanisms .
28 A recurrent problem encountered in investigations of processes is that measurements and analysis are conducted for a detailed level near the climatological station , in the soil pit or on an erosion plot , whereas many potential applications of process studies depend upon knowledge at a much greater spatial scale and possibly that of the world level .
29 ( This presupposes the British system , where seniority and higher salary depend upon promotion to such leadership positions ; in some schools in the USA , on the contrary , the system of rewards is such that there is less incentive to a fine teacher to seek , or , accept what we would call " promotion " . )
30 I would , respectfully , dissent from this analysis of Dixon J. 's judgment , nothing in which lends , in my opinion , any support to the notion that the principles which he formulated depend upon proof of agency .
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