Example sentences of "thank he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pope acknowledges Oswiu 's conversion to orthodoxy and the Roman Easter , thanks him for the gifts he has sent but grieves that the bearer of these gifts had died in Rome , and regrets that he has not been able at the time of writing to find someone suitable to send as Wigheard 's replacement .
2 I declined his offer of another brandy , made my excuses , and thanking him for his hospitality I left by the back door .
3 A year before his death , Charles had written to Lord Mountbatten , once again thanking him for his help .
4 One was a personal letter from the President of United Motors , Nate Cocello , thanking him for his services to the Corporation .
5 The other was from the Vice President in charge of Overseas ' Operations , thanking him for his personal contribution to the expansion of European Component Operations .
6 At Thanksgiving 1985 , Bush sent North a postcard thanking him for his work ‘ with the hostage thing and in Central America ’ and exhorting him to get some turkey ; North read it out at his trial four years later as evidence of approval , but it was all delightfully vague .
7 Barbara Newington from Connecticut remembered shaking hands effusively with Reagan at the beginning and end of her audience , and each of them saying thank you to the other ; but precisely what she was thanking him for , and what he was thanking her for , neither said .
8 I recall thanking him for his consideration , but quite probably I said nothing very definite for my employer went on :
9 He took a sheet of Gordon 's notepaper and typed a short note to Alan Bleath , thanking him for his recent contribution to the stimulating seminar on lenses of a high refractive index , signed this with a fair approximation of Gordon 's hand and put it in one of the ‘ Gordon Beamish : See ? ’ envelopes , addressed to Alan Bleath , 329 Carradine Road , Mitcham .
10 Moments later he was chatting to the C.P.R. Divisional Superintendent , Tom Warner , thanking him for his obviously favourable comments on the broadcast , and he went on , ‘ But seriously , Tom , I want a favour .
11 Afterwards Churchill is supposed to have sent a note to the Marshal , thanking him for his hospitality and reminding him of the details of their verbal agreements of the night before the morning after .
12 Paul wrote to Dr Heatherton as he had intended , thanking him for his trouble and saying that he had called in the hope of meeting him .
13 Thanking him for giving me a lift , I sat down in the passenger seat and waited for Chapman to get moving .
14 A furtive junior diplomat bowing and scraping his way out of the interview section of the Lefortovo , ogling the KGB man and thanking him for a fifteen-minute access to a prisoner for whom the key was now thrown far away .
15 I send it to the individual 's home and I include a personal note from me thanking him for his achievement .
16 Royal Scottish Chief Executive Ian Offor wrote thanking him for his prompt action and sent him a Fortnum and Mason luxury hamper as a token of appreciation .
17 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
18 ‘ Well — I was thanking Him for you .
19 It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr Field thanking him for his work as Membership Secretary and on the Committee .
20 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
21 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
22 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
23 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
24 Only yesterday he received a letter from Mr Clinton thanking him for his support .
25 But Marwood refuses to take issue with Bassett and , instead , has thanked him for furthering his management ambitions .
26 Imagine , she 'd thanked him for telling her Rob was missing !
27 I had n't thanked him for doing the walls .
28 John-William had not cut his wages this time , and no one had thanked him for it .
29 It was only as she rounded the corner that she remembered she had n't thanked him for walking her home .
30 I can assure you that I did and I can assure you that I have already thanked him on behalf of the Council , shook his hand and said how well he done it , but if you 'd like a letter to go to say how well he done it , then I 'll send a letter telling him how well he done it .
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