Example sentences of "point [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Laverne points down the bank on the other side of the road .
2 The examples all have the same structure : a well-defined quantity is recorded at successive equally-spaced time points over a specific period .
3 Christie 's had pointed up the stylistic similarity of the putti to those found in some of Rysbrack 's , tomb sculpture .
4 Investigations in New Zealand have pointed up the complexity and variability of white orientations towards the entitlements of Maoris within the policy ( Wetherell and Potter , 1988 ) .
5 pointed up the risk that the panel may have to respond to shareholders demands to make the company spend money on more external work : ‘ While most shareholders will act responsibly , anybody who has attended an AGM knows there will always be someone with a bee in his or her bonnet . ’
6 Although their public language is guarded , the Americans have pointed up the Belgian and Irish beef industries as examples of general hormone abuse .
7 My dilemma points up a basic dichotomy in the educational aims of the school .
8 This points up a second mystery .
9 Erm which is points up a weakness there on the public relations side there I mean going back to their post share repurchase they said that they 'd got no new products in the pipeline , no research and development really sort of throwing anything up in the near future .
10 Christmas time , when party-giving is on the whole overdone , may make the social aridity of the rest of the year seem almost attractive , but this exhausting seasonal overswill also points up the ordinary isolation that obtains for most of us nowadays .
11 This points up the possibility that the organizational differences built into the preliminary study may be only surface ones , masking ‘ deeper ’ structures of thinking about the nature of social work .
12 Nevertheless , the example points up the paradox of the advantage to the teacher of having to experience new learning alongside and in co-operation with the children , and yet at the same time having to be an expert in the subject .
13 PHILIP ROBINSON 'S illustration points up the differences .
14 Such an approach 's insistence on dealing with non-traditional , non-objective methods points up the ambiguities which characterize psychological methods , in a persistent and useful way .
15 But it is possible to describe the commonalities between these feminist psychologies , in a way which points up the importance of the associative approach for feminist psychology in general .
16 Such work makes an association between psychological writing and apparently non-psychological narrative forms , which points up the ubiquitous but usually denied role of these forms in psychological discourses.i
17 ‘ Full many a glorious morning ’ has been ruined and disgraced by ‘ the basest clouds ’ : They ‘ may ’ stain : the ambiguity of the verb ( ‘ it can happen ’ ; ‘ it is allowed ’ ) points up the ambivalence of feeling , for the poem is clearly another example of a strategy we have already found in the Mistress poems , an apparent exculpation which is in fact an indictment .
18 Richardson is not uncritical of his subject or the paintings , particularly the blue period works , and certainly points up the variable quality of the paintings of the earliest years , where fully-fledged masterpieces were mixed in with hastily produced or rather gauchly sentimental pieces .
19 It points up the importance of admissions , and suggests that the assessment of a course may ‘ wash back ’ on its content and aims .
20 The strength of neo-elitism is best seen against the background of pluralism ; as a critique of pluralism it introduces the concept of non-decision-making and points up the failure of pluralist methods to define properly what is meant by the term ‘ key issues ’ .
21 doctrine of original sin under the guise of a genetically determined bio-grammar of cultural values , by colleagues who would clearly like to think of themselves as hard-boiled scientific rationalists , both amusing and disconcerting ; but it points up the difficulties of the problem !
22 The hon. Member for Barrow and Furness ( Mr. Franks ) in the course of an extremely lengthy spech did not answer the question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) about fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh and eighth Trident nuclear submarines , which only points up the fact that this nation needs a programme of conversion from arms manufacture to material for peaceful purposes .
23 The way he expressed it , quaint to us today , nevertheless neatly points up the dilemma : If one government has a right to require that children be religiously educated , so has another , so have all ( whether … in Constantinople Islamism , or Pekin Confucionism … ) .
24 Since the story has a happy ending , Fallon points up the effectiveness of extra police manpower and resources funded by the government .
25 The programme does not apportion blame , or claim a conclusive link , but it points up the lack of long-term monitoring on people working with the chemicals , and suggests warning labels on the products do not always make clear what type of protective clothing is suitable .
26 Big Angus was pointing along a stretch of turf between the shells .
27 Lawrence then supposes that bristles grow so as to point down the concentration gradient .
28 If bristles then grow so as to point down the local gradient , they will produce exactly the pair of vortices that were observed ( Figure 14d ) .
29 The cab skidded to a halt , its headlights pointing down a long slope of scree .
30 The lunge whip is carried in the outside hand , pointing down the back .
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