Example sentences of "pick up the " in BNC.

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1 Could n't have picked up the pen and opened the notebook and faced the blank page .
2 Some market men said they believed Smith was trying to support the price because the firm was already heavily exposed to Ferranti , having picked up the bulk of shares placed at 81p in July by Jim Guerin , International Signal and Control 's former chairman .
3 She 's cut taxes , she 's made concessions and somehow the British people simply have n't picked up the ball and run with it .
4 He had picked up the pieces after the war and it must have come as a total shock to someone with his background to find players in his side who rocked the boat .
5 He had picked up the Bren gun and was gazing to the left of the wood and pointing the gun in the same direction .
6 One soon picked up the basics .
7 STOCKBROKERS have picked up the airline habit : flying merrily on heedless of a leakage of cash .
8 They had picked up the man at the bottom of the hill .
9 More confused than ever Mungo had picked up The Forest and the Fire , turning to page 119 .
10 People who had had experience of the National Assembly , where much the same procedures were followed , or who had picked up the style from televised broadcasts of it , were at a decided advantage .
11 If the pension funds and insurance companies had waited they could have picked up the same properties at a far lower price .
12 A. Apling ( Department of the Environment ) immediately picked up the relevance of this statement to government attitudes in his discussion of Policy implications of atmospheric chemical change .
13 They have picked up the wrong book and are probably in the wrong bookstore .
14 As mail boy , he had picked up the habit of addressing everyone by their Christian name , whoever they were .
15 Irina however had not picked up the seriousness of his last words .
16 Fairbrother had not picked up the emphasis in that suggestion , and Richard decided to let it go .
17 I crossed the hall and had actually picked up the offending item before realizing its full implication ; my father , I recalled , had been brushing the entrance hall a half-hour or so earlier .
18 Another one to fall by the wayside with a 78 was Ray Floyd , who had picked up the US Open title Norman had let slip through his grasp a few weeks before .
19 However , as I replaced the cap , to my utter amazement , I noticed it was labelled ‘ Geranium ’ — I had picked up the wrong bottle .
20 When we consider the essential role of susceptibility it becomes plain that the people who caught a cold in the bus were ‘ ill ’ before they ever stepped onto it , for if they had been healthy they would never have picked up the bugs in the first place .
21 He 'd picked up the baby and held her while Ma gave her the medicine , and his face had the same look as when Billy had fallen in the river .
22 Emil , who must have picked up the same signals , spoke with a true leader 's decisiveness .
23 Soldiers had since picked up the habit of wine-drinking in France during the war and upon returning to England had educated the middle classes , further increasing the popularity of Champagne in the immediate post-war years .
24 The persons alleged to have picked up the letter then chase the accusers round the circle and try to catch them before they sit in the empty space , as in the previous game .
25 Willie did so and soon picked up the melody until he almost began to enjoy it .
26 This year it was ever-reliable Tony Humphries who shifted the club world on its axis and demolished the Sound Factory Bar by creating an hour-long mega-mix out of a tune he 'd picked up the previous week during one of his periodical spinning visits to Switzerland .
27 In an improbable , but typical , detour in a review of a book about corsets , she asks : ‘ How has it come about that feminists have picked up the masculine notion that those women who are n't self-confessed feminists do n't known what they 're doing , half the time ? ’
28 ‘ We think someone may have picked up the jeans innocently , and maybe now thinks it 's too late to come forward , ’ a Norfolk police spokesman said .
29 It was because Mrs Strawson was five minutes late — behaviour he made no demur at , though he would have refused to see a National Health patient who failed to turn up on time — that he had picked up the Standard and seen that paragraph .
30 Somehow I had picked up the idea that putting the patient in a tub of hot water sometimes had the desired effect .
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