Example sentences of "pick up [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd picked up dysentery at a game fair in Hampshire ! ’
2 They could always have had the church watched and perhaps picked up Zoser when he came out .
3 The networking company has signed an agreement with Hudson , Massachusetts-based Gradient Technologies Inc , which has already picked up support from the likes of IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc and Unix System Laboratories Inc .
4 Qualix Inc has picked up Adobe Systems Inc 's TransScript software for distribution : the software is designed to enable Unix programs to print to PostScript output devices .
5 Qualix Inc has picked up Adobe 's TransScript software for distribution : the software allows Unix programs to print to Postscript devices .
6 Also insulate the walls , and eliminate as many draughts as possible , Try to avoid water drips from the roof , as they could have picked up asbestos particles .
7 In Place 's pocket it had picked up fluff and minute scraps of human skin and hair .
8 The candidate dubbed himself ‘ the comeback kid ’ and his campaign steadily picked up steam .
9 Markham , Ontario-based Geac Computer Corp — which has been promising an acquisition a month over the next 12 months , got two under its belt for the same month in May : it has bought the UK end of struggling MAI Systems Corp , MAI ( UK ) Ltd , and has also picked up Tekserv Computer Services Ltd .
10 Among the equipment was a maritime receiver that automatically picked up ship transmissions while continuously scanning a preset frequency range and recorded everything on tape , including the position of each vessel .
11 The Glasgow shop ( 1,600 sq ft , 4 full time , 2 part time ) is managed by Brownie Gray , who , my rep friend surmises , has picked up trade which formerly went to Holmes and Grants .
12 ( Charles may have picked up malaria in Italy in 875 : he was seriously ill from late July to mid-August 876 , and from December 876 to January 877 .
13 Corollary Inc has picked up Truger Technologies Inc in Canada and PC Distributing Inc out of Illinois to distribute its communications and multiprocessing lines .
14 The EWGM probe was almost insensitive to gamma radiation ( only about 0.3% of the radiation detected by the scintillation probe was detected by the EWGM probe ) , whereas the scintillation probe also picked up beta radiation ( about 20% of the counts detected by the EWGM probe ) .
15 The wall of molten lava has come to a virtual halt 150 yards from the first home in the town , but officials said yesterday that its flow appeared to have picked up speed further up the slope .
16 ‘ Thank you , ’ she answered , hiding beneath a pleasant smile of her own as she went to the desk , that her heartbeats had suddenly picked up speed .
17 It would , however , have been interesting to see what relationships might have been revealed had WIRS picked up information on casual workers , since casual working ( albeit involving direct employment ) is also a considerably less regulated form of temporary working and gives an employer considerable disposition over his labour inputs .
18 Likewise computer king David Goldman and Newcastle 's ‘ Fishfinger ’ Ken Bell have picked up Labour 's red rose and backed Mr Kinnock .
19 He is also facing an inquiry over the taxpayer picking up part of his £24,000 bill to evict a self-styled sex therapist from his home and was embarrassed by revelations about his Access card .
20 Core programme activities have been focused on interpreting the existing datasets , with an emphasis on picking up evidence of underlying structural controls and increasing our three-dimensional understanding of the crust .
21 Norway 's most eloquent campaigner against the Community is Anne Enger Lahnstein , leader of the Centre Party , which , like the anti-EC Socialist Left Party , is picking up support at the expense of Labour , which forms the minority government .
22 More recently , they have been supplemented by the galium arsenide laser instrument with opto-electrical linkage for picking up conversation at a distance from the vibrations in window panes .
23 Commenting on Gladstone 's support for the scheme , the News of the World said : " picking up type is not the same thing as picking up needles and stitches : the mental and physical labour demanded in the compositors " room is infinitely greater than anything that has yet been required of women " .
24 Or it may abrade ; picking up silt , sand , or even rocks and grinding them against the rock beneath .
25 Geac Computer Corp , Aprkham , Ontario has made another acquisition , picking up Computer Library Services International ( Australia ) Pty Ltd of Melbourne for some $800,000 .
26 Even picking up litter on a regular basis is a positive , life-affirming act .
27 In 1988 , while politicians made a show of picking up litter in London parks to encourage public concern , other European countries were several steps ahead in implementing hard-hitting environmental policies .
28 Once it was finished we went outside and swept round the entire barrack block in an extended line , picking up litter from the damp grass .
29 I 've even considered picking up litter in different parts of London — or even different parts of the country — to include in the archive , as historical specimens of the varied treatment meted out to ephemera : the flyers with the coupons torn out , worth 15 pence off the next purchase in high-street supermarkets ; the junk-food cartons , the ketchup sachets and tiny envelopes of pepper and salt outside the fast-food places , and , by contrast , the pristine copies of Vogue , the printed dress boxes , emblazoned with trademarks and royal coats of arms , tossed into the dustbins of Kensington .
30 If the economy is picking up steam , the recovery may be nipped in the bud by renewed Fed tightening .
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