Example sentences of "introduce the first " in BNC.

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1 Romantic novelist Barbara Cartland will introduce the first instalment on October 12 .
2 However , as we shall see , in other modes , because does not necessarily introduce the first event .
3 But , as vinyl hits its final downward path , Tokyo 's Finail Technology company introduces the first laser turntable for vinyl discs .
4 Anthony Dew , of the Rocking Horse Shop , introduces the first principles of making rocking horses by carving the head
5 Stage two introduces the first formal recognition of marketing as such , but places the marketing manager under the direction of the Sales Director .
6 This followed my 1981 legislation which had introduced the first road-safety measures for fifteen years and was used ( as I knew it would be ) to introduce compulsory seat-belts .
7 Viscount Melbourne became Prime Minister in July 1835 , but by the end of that year , it was necessary for the Duke of Wellington to become Prime Minister for a short period , followed for about one year by Sir Robert Peel , who had been Home Secretary and had introduced the first Police Force , enrolling men who soon became known as ‘ Peelers ’ or ‘ Bobbies ’ , after the founder .
8 SyQuest Technology and Control Concepts — a federal government integrator and manufacturer — have introduced the first SyQuest removable drive for Sparc machines .
9 A more significant change has been the separation of sales of ITV1 and Channel 4 : Channel 4 has been responsible for its own sales from January 1993 , and this has introduced the first genuinely competitive element into national commercial TV .
10 As for training , as my hon. Friend the Member for Bosworth ( Mr. Tredinnick ) has just reminded us , the Government have introduced the first and only guarantee anywhere in Europe of a two-year training place for every 16 and 17-year-old who needs it .
11 A couple of years later , introducing the first season of ‘ New Independents ’ on the newly launched Channel 4 , Alan Fountain wrote of the flowering of a new dimension of British film culture from the late sixties onwards , which ‘ recognised the need for a more imaginative , more politically responsive and aesthetically daring British Cinema ’ , linking this movement with the radical film-making tradition of the thirties .
12 A. B. Chalmers of Inverness started out like the shopkeepers in Inveraray with a delivery barrow , graduating to a pony and trap for outlying districts and in 1907 introducing the first steam lorry to the Highlands .
13 John Bums , President of the Local Government Board , when introducing the first legislation with ‘ town planning ’ in its title in 1909 declared : These objectives may seem happily optimistic when contrasted with subsequent achievements , but they serve to remind us of the tension that always exists in town planning between the engineers and the sociologists ( Goldsmith 1980:Ch. 7 ) .
14 Introducing the first collection of trimmings by Sanderson — each design is styled to complement the company 's printed and woven fabrics , and is available in eight colourways .
15 Originally named the Laboratory Equipment Corporation LECO is based in St Joseph , Michigan , USA and started life by developing and introducing the first volumetric carbon determinator for the iron and steel industry .
16 In 1991 , MiLAN introduced the first dedicated print server for TCP/IP networks priced under $1,000 .
17 In the 1870s Suttons introduced the first single-coloured , double-flowered petunia ; it was a delicately fringed white called ‘ Lady of the Lake ’ and cost just 25p a pack .
18 Little known UK company , White Cross Systems Ltd , Bracknell , Berkshire , last week introduced the first in a family of Transputer-based parallel servers , the White Cross IDS 9010 .
19 The Cetia SA subsidiary of Thomson-CSF SA , which specialises in VME workstations and processor boards for real-time applications , last week introduced the first computers based on the IBM Corp-Motorola Inc PowerPC 601 microprocessor .
20 David Rees is Chairman of the Law Committee , and he introduced the first morning session , which dealt with the new rules for Administration Orders in personal insolvency .
21 It was not until the California law of 1947 that a state law tackled air pollution other than dense smoke , and not until 1952 that Oregon introduced the first comprehensive state air pollution control legislation .
22 managing director of our Industrial Business Group , introduced the first part of the Minister 's tour , with a visit to industrial Businesses , where presentations were made on our work on electromagnetic compatibility , technology for medical and health care markets , advanced batteries and technology transfer to the process industries .
23 The Institute introduced the first video package in 1982 and currently has eight titles available for sale .
24 Syva , a Californian company , introduced the first mass urine-testing procedure for marijuana in 1981 .
25 Later Caroline specialised in Special Needs classes and introduced the first class to help stroke victims .
26 10 years ago CLIFF Michelmore , who introduced the first Holiday ‘ 69 in would you believe ? 1969 was still at the helm of Holiday ‘ 82 .
27 The time has wandered on to 11.15 pm and the only person that the august gathering has heard is the MC , but it is now time to introduce the first speaker , who needs little or no introduction .
28 One or two sentences at your discretion to introduce the first prize winners who will go on to compete in the national finals in London on 16 March 1991 at the Natural History Museum .
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