Example sentences of "response to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The capacity of the mature human individual to run through whole sets of possible scenarios as imagined responses to a problem situation or as a means to achieve a goal so far existent only in thought , is the secret of human ascendancy .
2 In responses to a recent questionnaire from members of Age Concern England 's governing body , it was notable that few saw concessionary entitlement to services as discriminatory and patronising , only necessary in a society which implicitly recognises that older people are not treated fairly .
3 The analysis stage is invariably carried out on the basis of written responses to a questionnaire .
4 the oppositions between authority and freedom , self-expression and self-control , and masculinity and femininity , are among the basic conflicts around which an individual 's life develops and that they cover his responses to a wide range of logically unrelated issues … they represent some of the earliest developmental crises through which each individual in this particular culture passes : the impact of parental authority ; the demand for self-control , first physical , later verbal ; and the establishment of a satisfactory sexual identity .
5 The first of these lines of research led to the development of so-called creativity tests in which the subject has a free hand to generate his or her own responses to a given problem .
6 He analysed more than 100 responses to a television programme Help asking for experiences of residential care .
7 Responses to a questionnaire sent to NHS authorities in March 1988 had shown that only 8 per cent of employers requires nurses and health visitors to undertake re-entry programmes before employment , even though individuals might have had substantial breaks in service .
8 This can also be seen in the responses to a series of sentence-completion test items directed toward eliciting cultural values .
9 Gilligan began from Kohlberg 's ( 1966 ) stage theory of moral development , formulated from an all-male sample 's responses to a set of moral dilemmas .
10 ‘ Guilty ’ , ‘ worried ’ , ‘ miserable ’ and ‘ depressed ’ are the words which women use to express their responses to a situation in which they do not get their work done ‘ as it should be done ’ :
11 However , it is not possible to make this inference from the data as they are based upon subjects ' responses to a single question .
12 It is difficult to see how Evans-Pritchard 's approach can begin to cope with this sort of variation in responses to a culture 's religion .
13 But the response at first was muted , for the Acts seem to have been ad hoc responses to a perceived crisis rather than an expression of a coherent programme .
14 They are more plausible when taken as responses to a question about dependent conditionals which in fact has more claim to be regarded as the principal one .
15 The inadequacy of structural responses to a crisis such as decentralization and matrix management stimulated the slow emergence of what Waterman et al. ( 1981 ) term ‘ a new consensus ’ in organization studies .
16 It is well known that responses to a stimulus presented off-centre will be faster when made by the limb on the same side of the body as the stimulus appears , that is , when stimulus and response are said to be compatible ( Fitts and Seeger , 1953 ) .
17 Kandinskaya watched her as if she were some lab specimen but eight months of training had taught Jezrael techniques that smoothed her responses to a minimum .
18 This can probably best be discovered from responses to a series of questions :
19 These assumptions and beliefs are learned responses to a group 's problems of survival in its external environment and its problems of internal integration .
20 Richards asked a sample audience in Cambridge to describe their responses to a set of thirteen poems supplied without titles or the authors ' names .
21 We have similar responses to a wide variety of experience , from talking to someone new at a party to taking an exam .
22 In particular the researchers are interested in responses to a recent directive concerning the uses and meanings of literacy practices in the writers ' lives .
23 ‘ But ’ , says Janet Boulton , ‘ you can never really predict what people 's responses to a painting are going to be .
24 Responses to low dose CCK-8 were completely abolished whereas responses to a high dose were reduced by about 80% .
25 Reduced peripheral blood T lymphocyte counts , impaired macrophage function , and diminished cutaneous responses to a variety of antigenic stimuli have been reported , all of which have tended to return to normal after antibiotic treatment .
26 Representing your feelings or responses to a passage can also present register difficulties .
27 However , just as the fourteenth-century English mystics present a variety of responses to a core of dogmatically formulated belief , the tradition they inherited developed a variety of particular views on the nature of mystical experience in relation to Christian orthodoxy .
28 In particular , in the attainment of a Learning Outcome such as : ‘ describe a number of responses to a selected major social issue ’ ( L.0.2 — A World of Values ) , it will be understood that the pupil will study the Church 's response ( referring to relevant aspects of the above content areas ) and include mention of the Church 's position as part of his/her Response Item .
29 Describe a number of responses to a major social issue and evaluate these
30 They act as a complement to his large works which are responses to a progressive environmental catastrophe .
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