Example sentences of "obtain [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The deeper they go , the more secure the vine will be in times of flood and the more able it will be to obtain moisture in times of drought .
2 When the psychologist Donald Griffin describes the ability of great tits and chickadees to obtain milk from bottles by ‘ pecking through their shiny coverings with the conscious intention of obtaining food ’ ( 1984 : 35 ) , it is obvious that were he not talking of a ‘ conscious intention ’ , in the normal human acceptation of the phrase , he would fail to arouse the average reader 's curiosity and sympathies .
3 The single-cell layer of the wall will lie in such a way that it is in contact with the mother 's blood supply , burrowing into the capillaries ( thread-like blood vessels ) to obtain nutrition via the mother 's blood — only the first few days ' nutrition comes from within the blastocyst itself .
4 Broadly speaking , it is easier to obtain funding for explanatory research that seems to provide guidance to policy-makers than for purely academic research , and for research that is statistically based than for research that is more qualitative in its approach .
5 They are usually created by local government , but have wide representation from financial and development sectors , and hope to obtain funding through European money , Derelict Land Grant , City Grant , and so on .
6 It seemed to Wetherfield to follow that where a creditor had proved his debtor 's means , he might have him committed to prison , and that he could then levy on those means , if tangible and available , to obtain payment of what was owed him .
7 Some of the costs that were eventually allowed were costs incurred in conducting correspondence with a surety in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain payment of the mortgage debt i.e. non-litigation costs .
8 To obtain payment of the fine the court sequestrated against assets held in the political fund of the union .
9 The aim of a letter before action ( LBA ) is to obtain payment from a slow payer without recourse to court proceedings .
10 Since it is virtually impossible to obtain cultures for the gonococcus , the chances of making the correct diagnosis are considerably reduced .
11 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
12 For ethical reasons , no social researcher should expose respondents to that possibility , and others over whom this threat does not hang or by whom it is treated lightly , such as ex-policemen and women or disgruntled members of the force , are too unrepresentative to give a balanced view of policing Therefore , it was necessary to undertake an overt study and to obtain permission for the research from the Chief Constable .
13 We had gone to the Council Offices to obtain permission for him to take it with him .
14 It had taken a full day for Merymose to obtain permission for Huy to visit the embalmer .
15 Prior to their purchase of the building , the owner of the adjoining mill house had made two attempts to obtain permission from the local authority to change the use of the mill from industrial premises into a dwelling , but it was only with the current owners ' application of 1977 that planning permission for this change was granted .
16 First of all there was the paperwork : it was necessary to obtain permission from the head of the family , to have a certificate of baptism for each emigrant , to obtain exemption from military service for males , to have no criminal record and to prove how the voyage would be paid for .
17 Thus Lacey ( 1970 ) , in his study of a secondary school , had to obtain permission from the chief education officer and the headmaster before he entered the school , as did Burgess ( 1983 ) .
18 Their first auction in Moscow was successful because they managed to obtain permission from the Soviet authorities to export a group of Russian paintings from the Twenties and Thirties .
19 Before you detect on the beaches in Portugal , you are supposed to obtain permission from the local Captain di Maritimo ( something like our local harbour-master ) , but I could never find him .
20 Bureaucrats use their power to obtain policies with characteristics which will benefit themselves by distorting information , leaking information , distorting the speed of policy implementation and distorting the costs of policies as they are implemented ( Breton and Wintrobe 1979 ) .
21 By 1800 , Nez Perce buffalo-hunting expeditions to the Yellowstone had become too dangerous , and five years later a council in the Kamiah valley resolved to obtain firearms for the tribe .
22 In 1920 the Imperial Bureau of Mycology was established at Kew under the directorship of Butler , who , after assembling a small staff and laying plans for the abstracting journal , the Review of Applied Mycology , visited plant pathologists in the United States , and subsequently Commonwealth countries , to obtain support for the Bureau , which flourished .
23 The aim of verifying the accuracy and reliability of records and documents ( by examination and testing ) is to obtain support for the expression of an opinion on the financial statements .
24 The latter — that is , those living with spouses and with younger people — are most likely to obtain support from those living with them and little from the state .
25 In the latter — the steppe and woodlands inhabited by Tatars , Altaians , Kirgiz , Buryats and Mongols — the Russians had to wage war against formidable enemies who were not only capable of putting up resistance to incursions into their territories , but also able to obtain support from the larger communities of Turkic-Mongol peoples to whom they were related .
26 The military commander , Lieutenant Colonel Brereton , failed to obtain support from the magistrates and withdrew two of his troops from the city .
27 His anonymous volume of pen portraits , The Whispering Gallery by an Ex-Diplomat ( 1926 ) , led to his arrest on a charge of ‘ obtaining or attempting to obtain money under false pretences ’ , but under cross-examination his engaging candour appealed to the jury which found him not guilty .
28 It is , for example , a lot easier to obtain money for controlling rats than dogs or cats .
29 It was through the need to obtain money for this that I took the part-time job with Mrs Morton and her husband , Weary Willy .
30 It subsequently transpired that the conveyancing arrangements I have described were part of a fraudulent scheme of the Hammonds to obtain money for themselves using the property as security .
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