Example sentences of "regard them as " in BNC.

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1 One can only regard them as victims of other people 's loose ends , just as the terrible sustained anxiety of Raskolnikov 's mother and sister on his account is the measure of his power to make others suffer as well as himself in that limbo which his friend — his only friend — Razumikhin calls being out of the practical swim .
2 They must have talked long and hard about their future , and from now on Helen believed that other people would probably regard them as being ‘ engaged ’ — a term she hated because of the overtones of male dominance and female sexual ignorance that went with it .
3 As a rule of thumb , when d s get down much below 0.05 , we can regard them as so small that they might just be a sampling fluke ; we will conclude that for all practical purposes there is no effect of one variable upon another , and erase arrows with very small path coefficients from our model .
4 They would regard them as essential information necessary to plan their activities , to prepare operating budgets and to assist in pricing their products .
5 None of these major issues figures in Krashen 's scheme of things , so he presumably does not regard them as having any relation at all to the learning and teaching of languages .
6 Such planets can not really be thought of as having a surface , in the sense that the Earth has ; rather , we should regard them as being ‘ all atmosphere ’ .
7 So individualism must regard them as being in some way free from the determining influence of society , and it is this which makes the properties of individuals into a suitable stopping point for explanations .
8 But although explanations of this kind provide some understanding of the class struggle , it is clear that Poulantzas does not regard them as enough .
9 For the person with these projects the forwarding of them has an importance to which utilitarianism can not do justice , for it must regard them as simply among the many preferences of which as many as possible are to be satisfied .
10 These difficult questions should so far as possible be confined to those fields of law to which they are immediately relevant and I do not regard them as relevant questions under the Theft Act 1968 , ’
11 He may regard them as curious examples of another civilization or occasionally view with incredulity the ways of city people and industrial workers , but he will only regard them with envy when television reinforces the evaluations already implanted personally by friends and kin with whom he identifies .
12 He says he respects Agnelli 's opinions , and does n't regard them as critical of himself .
13 And we would regard them as arbitrary .
14 Always I had regarded them as only incidental to the main theme , the real great things that were to happen to me .
15 There was also the additional point that a large percentage of employees had accepted the new terms , which led to the conclusion that they must have regarded them as reasonable in the circumstances .
16 By the turn of this century they were plentiful in Scotland , eventually becoming so numerous that commercial foresters regarded them as vermin because of their liking for pine buds and needles ( a trait which , according to gourmets , makes them taste strongly of turpentine ) .
17 Tory members who felt that Mr Lawson regarded them as intellectual pigmies ( as , doubtless , he did ) are puffed up with pleasure at how this kinder , gentler chancellor listens to them .
18 ‘ We wanted to make the Cabaret Voltaire a focal point of the ‘ newest art ’ , although we did not neglect , from time to time , to tell the fat and utterly uncomprehending Zurich philistines that we regarded them as pigs and the German Kaiser as the initiator of the war …
19 Battling clans and pursuing Redcoats cursed them for presenting huge obstacles denying fast military movement around the Highlands , whereas the Victorians regarded them as sporting playgrounds and background subject matter for romantic oil paintings of the fat , unattractive aristocracy and their useless families .
20 Yet , when faced once again with war between north and south , Christian and Moor , they found themselves unable to relate to their brothers in France or Italy , who in turn regarded them as scandalously Islamicised .
21 The National Consumer Council had the impression that consumers wanting to borrow money felt agencies automatically regarded them as ‘ guilty ’ and that they had to prove their innocence .
22 The simple fact is that American consumers regarded them as boring , which is why 60 per cent of the crop had always gone into products like bread and biscuits .
23 Few of these deposits have been found , since the Romans regarded them as booty when in hostile territory , and systematically cleared all likely pools .
24 He supported Parliament 's measures against blasphemy and the Adultery Act of 1650 , though he regarded them as inadequate and insufficiently close to scripture .
25 When the apostles wrote letters to their friends and colleagues they were always trying to pass on words of encouragement and the people who received these letters regarded them as precious sources of information , that is why many of the letters of Paul or John or Peter have been carefully guarded and handed down to ourselves .
26 They keep sheep in Magdalen grove now , and I hear the fleecy care bleating all day long : I am shocked to find that none of my pupils , though they are all acquainted with pastoral poetry , regards them as anything but a nuisance : and one of my colleagues has been heard to ask why sheep have their wool cut off .
27 The interrelation of morality and religion in his thought is such that he regards them as convertible terms in the same way as Truth and ahi sā are convertible terms .
28 Though the federal government still regards them as criminals , some Americans view the guerilla needle exchangers as heroes .
29 Both tend to present an ‘ overly determined view of women ’ in that the former portrays women as ‘ over-socialized ’ and the latter regards them as ‘ doubly-determined ’ by the needs of capitalism and patriarchy .
30 The British Trust for Ornithology ( BTO ) , which analyses the annual survey data , attributes the 1991 results partly to the unpleasant spring and slow migration , and in many cases regards them as reflecting normal fluctuations in the bird population .
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