Example sentences of "affect by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It decided that an individual citizen in the UK affected by a breach of Article 86 can bring an action for damages based on breach of statutory duty .
2 Present guidelines are that , if goods or services covered by an agreement or arrangement or other goods and services perceived by consumers as equivalent do not represent more than 5 per cent of the total market in an area of the EC affected by the agreement and the aggregate turnover of the participants in the respective group does not exceed 200 million ecu ( £130 million ) , EC competition rules will not apply .
3 In general terms , special damage is damage over and above that suffered by the public at large or some significant section of it affected by the decision .
4 Sir John is the fourth minister to have served in Northern Ireland affected by the market crash .
5 The desire to make arrangements covertly could well have been affected by a double pressure .
6 The kites ' breeding success was affected by a cold wet spring , accidental disturbance and the theft of eggs from six nests .
7 Writing about the novel in 1 927 , Eliot stated that ‘ nearly every contemporary novel known to me is either directly affected by a study of psycho-analysis , or affected by the atmosphere created by psycho-analysis , or inspired by a desire to escape from psycho-analysis …
8 Family honour and pride , which are so easily upset by a woman 's actions , are far less easily affected by a man 's errors .
9 The company is likely to be affected by a series of unofficial stoppages before any official action begins , as it was in the lead up to negotiations when Ford 's final offer was rejected last month .
10 LAURENCE SMITH , the former London and Saracens centre , whose livelihood as a fireman has been affected by a serious leg injury sustained while playing rugby a year ago , has an international benefit match at Southgate on Monday afternoon .
11 Subsequent notification to each individual affected by a suspended measure might well jeopardise the long-term purpose that originally prompted the surveillance .
12 CND had planned a number of marches in London for that summer but they were affected by a ban on all public processions ( other than those traditionally held ) in the Metropolitan Police District which was imposed for a twenty-eight-day period by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner , with the consent of the Home Secretary , under section 3 of the Public Order Act 1936 .
13 CND claimed that sixteen air bases were affected by a co-ordinated action over the two days .
14 For example , it is now possible to produce cassava seedlings , the parental line of which is usually affected by a mosaic virus , by culturing unaffected cells that can be propagated in sterile conditions ( Tudge 1988 ) .
15 This process can be affected by a wide variety of factors .
16 The multiple role of many detoxification enzymes would explain one of the curious features of chemical-sensitive patients — the fact that they are usually affected by a whole range of chemicals , not just one .
17 Occupancy in homes has been marginally affected by a downturn in the economy though businesses have generally continued to trade profitably .
18 It is important when answering questions on relevant costing to identify all future cash flows affected by a particular decision .
19 But he was already affected by a euphoria which induced courage and recklessness .
20 Bassett , who yesterday put midfielder Mike Lake on the transfer list , said : ‘ We have allowed our confidence to be affected by a few bad results .
21 As a result the function of second-level policy-making institutions such as Public Local Inquiries is seen in terms of merely affording an opportunity for those whose private individual rights and interests may be affected by a policy proposal , to make this known to those responsible for making the decision .
22 The principle of equal concern and respect would also entail an obligation for those in authority to provide those affected by a decision with reasons for it and appropriate institutional mechanisms for challenging it .
23 John Stuart Mill notices this ( he quotes the sentence in question , italicising ‘ and of individual qualities ’ ) , and proceeds ( 1 ) to ask what is meant by an ‘ individual quality ’ ; ( 2 ) as if he knows the answer to this question ( namely , the individual qualities of an object are ‘ the individual and instantaneous impressions which it produces in us ’ ) , to deny that predicating a quality of an object is predicating of it one of its individual qualities ; and ( 3 ) to say what it is to predicate a quality of an object ( namely , ‘ to assert that the object affects us in a manner similar to that in which we are affected by a known class of objects ’ ) .
24 When we ascribe a quality to an object we intend to assert that the object affects us in a manner similar to that in which we are affected by a known class of objects .
25 Five thousand square metres of the castle , which is regularly lived in by the royal family , was affected by a blaze which began near the family 's private chapel in the Chester tower on the north-east side of the vast complex .
26 A variety of other industries were also ruined by British policy : silk goods manufacturers , for example , were compelled to restrict themselves to the production of raw silk , while gun making was seriously affected by a restrictive licensing policy and other means ( Bagchi , 1982 , p. 82 ) .
27 They are scholars , mystics and sorcerers without peer , but are affected by a languor that means they rarely bestir themselves except for the most pressing and dire of circumstances .
28 Because they argue and fight amongst themselves even in the thick of battle , Orcs and Goblins are affected by a special Animosity rule .
29 Thus , a young person who has stayed long in care is affected by a multitude of factors .
30 Defining sufficient interest is relatively easy where one or more persons are more seriously affected by a decision than people generally .
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