Example sentences of "refer not to " in BNC.

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1 Significantly , Leslie Howard , in the famous film of 1938 , misunderstood this phrase , which he uttered as if it referred not to sex but to Eliza herself .
2 I referred not to this one but to the principle .
3 If it had been the house and the body it would surely have referred not to digging a woodland grave but to digging in an animal cemetery .
4 Indeed some theologians argue that ‘ creation ’ refers not to what happened ‘ in the beginning ’ but to a constant dependence of the world upon God .
5 The phrase damnatio memoriae ( formal condemnation of an emperor following his death ) refers not to the repealing of the acts of an unpopular emperor but to the destruction of his images and the elimination of his name from inscriptions .
6 The title Kirkby Hill Races is something of a misnomer , as it refers not to a race but to an election .
7 This ‘ difference ’ refers not to the difference in the law of the actual topic under study ( for that is to confuse the weakness in the technique with the whole rational for undertaking a comparative approach — if the law is not different why compare ? ) .
8 It refers not to power but to authority , and what I think he means is that although a woman can make good and wise judgements , she can not be the arbiter of that goodness or wisdom .
9 To say ‘ the Word was made flesh ’ , then , refers not to a simple identity of God and Jesus but to a relationship in which God lovingly identifies himself in and with a real human person , 80 that that person can truly be called the Word , the self-communication and self-objectification of God in human terms … .
10 Much of the writing on education and the structure of knowledge refers not to higher education but to the schools , and in particular to the concept of general education at the secondary level .
11 Apparently , this refers not to the Lower East Side survey , but to Labov 's preparatory department store survey ( Labov , 1966 ; 1972b ) .
12 The term , then , refers not to an enterprise 's size or age , but to a certain kind of activity .
13 This term refers not to a single theory but rather to a set of assumptions underlying a particular approach to the study of perception and cognition .
14 It refers not to truncating the inquiry but to the timescale before appointing an inspector and publishing the report .
15 It follows that there is a close , but quite unexplored , relation between discourse deixis and mention or quotation ; thus in the following example ( from Lyons , 1977a : 667 ) : ( 91 ) A : That 's a rhinoceros B : Spell it for me it refers not to the referent , the beast itself , but to the word rhinoceros .
16 Secondly , in an exchange like the following ( from Lyons , 1977a : 668 ) : ( 94 ) A : I 've never seen him B : That 's a lie the pronoun that does not seem to be anaphoric ( unless it is held that it refers to the same entity that A 's utterance does , i.e. a proposition or a truth value ) ; nor does it quite seem to be discourse-deictic ( it refers not to the sentence but , perhaps , to the statement made by uttering that sentence ) .
17 Employers ' preferences refer not to personality characteristics developed by a specialized , occupational socializing agency — the school — but to life-cycle characteristics .
18 Per Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. The words in section 8(1) ‘ directions for the purpose of determining a specific question which has arisen , or which may arise , ’ refer not to the method of determining that question , but to a direction which will , as a matter of law , determine the issue between the parties ( post , p. 118F ) .
19 In the case of Hinduism , we are led to ask whether all the gods are really ‘ God ’ , if by ‘ God ’ we intend to refer not to spiritual forces at work in the world but the absolute being who lies behind the gods themselves .
20 ‘ Vile , ’ is the first thing Esme says to me , referring not to the freezing weather but the correct pronunciation of the Welsh Brother 's name : Cad-vile .
21 In the case of the Kurds we were referring not to the Gulf War but to the aid Western governments were ‘ forced ’ to send after the War by public pressure .
22 I was referring not to press reports , but to my conversation with the gentleman concerned .
23 ‘ It 's a human tragedy , ’ says a full-time union official , Gordon Samson , a Timex sit-in veteran and another of the officials scheduled for a court appearance , but he is referring not to the sacked workers but to the recruits .
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