Example sentences of "arrive at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( Peavy , 1984 , arrives at similar conclusions , though his arguments have a different emphasis . )
2 He is the sort of person who says he will come for lunch and arrives at 3.30 , just as you are heading down the road to collect the kids from school .
3 So one is forced to conclude that the reason hundreds of dismayed tourists and walkers are stranded on stations up and down the length of the West Highland line at the height of the season , unable to squeeze into an already packed ‘ Sprinter ’ , if it arrives at all , is that somebody is doing this on purpose .
4 An easy cart track heads north and in five minutes arrives at Dry Laithe Cave , commonly known as Calf Holes , where a stream coming down on the right disappears in a rash of rocks and passes into a cave under the track .
5 The program considers every possible move which the laws of the game allow it to make , and arrives at various positions which we may call HisPos .
6 It is possible to see the weather from a long way off , but as the people at Old Slains know , the weather then arrives at such speed over the surface of the North Sea that seeing it approach seems hardly sufficient warning .
7 The poem , of epic proportions , illuminates the way in which Will arrives at such " kynde knowynge " which embraces both knowledge of himself and of the love of God .
8 Bersani arrives at this position because he sees gay male sexuality as enacting insights into sexuality per se which heterosexual culture has to repress ruthlessly ( above , Chapter 17 ) .
9 Johansson arrives at this positive conclusion by using a new kind of energy analysis , which compares the costs and benefits , both economic and environmental , of the ways a society can meet its energy needs .
10 When he has shot and eaten his final prisoner , he begins to worry what he will do for food ; but fortunately a seaplane arrives at this point and rescues him .
11 ‘ The next guard arrives at 12.15 . ’
12 ‘ One article arrived at 2,000 words long .
13 When the CEGB 's drilling rigs arrived at one particular farm , their way was firmly blocked and a local woman and her daughter immediately chained themselves to the equipment .
14 During Sunday morning Miss T. 's father became so concerned with her apparent condition that he telephoned to his mother ( the paternal grandmother ) who arrived at 11 a.m .
15 Bucks Railway Centre staff could fairly be described as confused when Ex-GWR 6024 arrived at 08.55 hrs at Quainton without any coaches on Sunday morning .
16 I had my ideas worked out by the time I left for the 1960–61 Tasman series , and on the 24-hour flight to New Zealand I sat with a slide rule and drew the car as a pin-jointed structure , stressed it and arrived at all the tube sizes . ’
17 We arrived at all of the locations in good time , although the traffic in Stoke did put us under a little pressure towards the end , we finished with a whole five minutes to spare !
18 Party managers arrived at that conclusion because that is the way they had treated their own party for the past eight years .
19 The Steward 's party , having cleared out the domestic quarters , arrived at that side of the keep , driving before them a crowd of servitors and general retainers , women amongst them , many only partially clad .
20 When you and Chantal arrived at that accommodation agency I had just been talking to the proprietor .
21 If he ever arrived at that most famous of all Dwarf Holds the Dwarf records do not tell .
22 Have we not in such circumstances arrived at that ‘ elective dictatorship ’ of which Lord Hailsham gave warning in 1977 :
23 He did not explain how he arrived at that figure , but it turns out — conveniently — to be £93 less than the £420 student loan that the Government are now making available .
24 And when you arrived at that conclusion , what did you do ?
25 It arrived at that by concluding that almost half the trees are felled more than five years before , or after , their age of theoretical maximum return .
26 After climbing three sets of stairs you arrived at two doors , with name-plates .
27 The car arrived at two .
28 ‘ We arrived at 10.55 and rang the bell .
29 They arrived at 1 pm. and were held up by Immigration Officers .
30 A happy working relationship is vital , and Jane and I quickly arrived at joint decisions about the project , choosing the clothes I would wear — light jacket , dark blue shirt and jeans — and deciding against the use of corny props ‘ appropriate ’ to my profession , such as books , a typewriter , or a bottle .
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