Example sentences of "na [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 and and th that 's ri they were , they , mum was gon na stay at home and I was gon na take you for a ride on the train
2 oh what about that place we stayed , we were gon na stay at ?
3 Sarah tonight I 'm gon na stay at your house
4 Er , you should always put meat , meat and things , things that are gon na drip at the bottom , never ever put
5 Yeah , there 's got in , it was in the paper the other night the team of a hundred people gon na take fourteen days to erect this mega stage for Queen that 's gon na build at Wembley
6 I wan na watch at
7 cos if you 're gon na looking at
8 I did n't feel as if I was gon na succeed at all .
9 He said , what you 're gon na do at it ?
10 right what do you think you 're gon na do at play school today then , does anybody know ?
11 I could n't see how it was gon na work at Budgens to be quite honest , that new post office
12 That , that you 're gon na send out to parents , they 're gon na look at all these numbers and oh
13 And if you wan na look at this graph the period we 're talking about is indicated with these dotted lines and you can see the green line here representing U K residents holidaying abroad .
14 We 're also gon na look at where they live , remember what they 're income is etcetera and the important thing is because of these increases here and because of the recession in general , it dictated to us that there were gon na be more one and two person households .
15 Right just to finish off I just wan na look at actual vertical distributions of elements in the ocean .
16 Well we 've , we 've had interim or final interim reports and wishing now that Whiskers are actually gon na look at Dixons for me .
17 So we gon na look at it in simple form first , things like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and carbonates and then build up erm I think , no .
18 And of course you 're gon na look at social services , which is one of the most difficult areas .
19 Erm the document we 're gon na look at in a minute , talks about training entitlement , so we can maybe , maybe pick that up .
20 We do n't need to be editing w probably only gon na look at it now .
21 The more people I get in and get involved in classes , the better it 's gon na look at the end of the year .
22 I think , I think that in any , I mean in , in , in , if you wan na , if you wan na look at it in terms I mean I think labour it it 's always gon na have to be there and I think the biological constraints put the you know , sharpened device
23 The first session we 're gon na look at is called Training and .
24 We 're gon na look at training objectives see that a bit more , a bit more lively though .
25 We 're gon na look at how we actually set about writing the training session
26 Oh yeah , we 've got the analysis we 've got the questionnaires Okay what we 're gon na look at now is we gon na look at the work of Honey and Munnford and what Honey and Munnford spent a lot of time researching was people 's learning sides and they spent a lot of research and what they found out is that there are four different learning sides and we all learn in different ways .
27 Oh yeah , we 've got the analysis we 've got the questionnaires Okay what we 're gon na look at now is we gon na look at the work of Honey and Munnford and what Honey and Munnford spent a lot of time researching was people 's learning sides and they spent a lot of research and what they found out is that there are four different learning sides and we all learn in different ways .
28 We have n't we were just gon na look at it but Jane has a technical knock , not speaking to each other
29 I 'm not quite sure yet cos we 're this chicken and egg which starts first I think we 're gon na look at a an an interim type report in year nine a quicker type report I ca n't remember what it 's , it 's written down in my other diary because what I do n't want to happen is to , people to have a onerous report at the end of year nine , cos they 're gon na have to do a report there now
30 And we 're gon na look at a passage in just a few moments in , it 's in the eighth chapter of acts where a group of people there , they were Samaritans how they came in to experience their pentecost .
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