Example sentences of "clearly [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The relatively low duty on wine clearly encourages sales of imported wine at the expense of home-produced spirits .
2 Section 1 — in which you present your principal arguments in clearly differentiated paragraphs .
3 It might be easier to use a few objects with clearly differentiated attributes as a starting point , but conversations of this kind can occur spontaneously in many activities .
4 The initial emphasis was on speakers and their ability to encode messages sufficiently clearly to enable listeners to identify the target object .
5 What makes the difference between these reports and our study , however , is the fact that we clearly divided patients with gastrooesophageal reflux from those with endoscopic oesophagitis into different degrees or categories and in the number of patients evaluated , which is less than 50 in all these studies .
6 Sudden and infrequent changes of many inputs clearly undermine stability .
7 Leith assured him quickly , and felt dreadfully sorry for him when he clearly sought crumbs of comfort .
8 And it shows that , far from being suicidal , he was clearly enjoying life and looking forward to the future .
9 I should like to take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of our shareholders who have clearly recognized Palatine 's potential and have remained unimpressed by the attempted takeover .
10 One clearly lay south of the road near the north-west gate , where Stukeley recorded urn burials and Artis noted stone coffins .
11 The idea clearly horrified Ashdown .
12 Some clearly shared David Stockman 's notoriously low estimate of Reagan 's intellect and were not convinced that he had an adequate understanding of the intricacies of economic policy-making .
13 Most workers were unclear about what their marginal tax rates were , and consequently did not have any very clearly calculated response .
14 These libraries had been used as a means to circumvent a restrictive loan policy applied in the main library , which clearly lacked support from the scientific or library staff within the departments .
15 Suppose first that he has clearly formed preferences and all necessary information .
16 A stubborn Armagh defence clearly frustrated Portadown 's attacking edge for most of the time and the visitors took full advantage of their rare intrusions into Portadown territory .
17 Much of the criticism community relations attracts , especially from colleagues in the police , derives from a misunderstanding of these goals and time-scales and a consequent failure to see that even its practitioners have clearly circumscribed expectations .
18 The value of such studies is that they show plainly the ubiquity of popular political action , which may be diffuse , episodic , lacking any clearly formulated doctrine , or expressing itself mainly in religious or cultural terms , but always provides a matrix from which political organizations can emerge in favourable circumstances .
19 Precise , clearly formulated theories are a prerequisite for precise observation statements .
20 The defence of pluralism , however , was aligned to professional scholarship rather than a clearly formulated politics of education .
21 And also , of course , the reference to Orpheus , a figure who clearly haunted Milton 's imagination as that of the poet of enormous power but somehow also the natural victim .
22 During dinner at the Pheasantry , Ian clearly expected Clare to be frivolously entertaining .
23 Wrangham , after a short period of ecological work , remarked that ‘ herd formation clearly involves costs even at the beginning of the wet season , when a grazing animal should have the best food supply of the year ’ .
24 This type , which we find to some extent in English , clearly emphasized differences rather than shared properties , and Morgan labelled it ‘ descriptive ’ .
25 Both Ari and Nathan looked sullen and had clearly joined ranks over something .
26 I 'm sure that he is , the people who 've come from there , quite clearly recovering alcoholics or mental hospital patients , or possibly people from prison , and I 've known enough people in my time to know this .
27 Mrs Thatcher , like Mr Heath before her , clearly regarded Opposition as a time of preparation for government .
28 Huge concoctions of gumbo and jambalaya , crawfish pie and Andouille sausage , against a backdrop of swamps and snakes , street-cars and Creole Queens , suit the postcard , throw-it-all-in format of this particular culinary genre , and life in the Big Easy clearly made Floyd feel at home .
29 The very existence of French appellate jurisdiction over the duchy clearly made Plantagenet rule potentially more difficult than it would otherwise have been .
30 A charter which encouraged the poorer countries to move towards the best practice in the richer nations would clearly affect competitiveness in the less well-off states .
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