Example sentences of "twenty years after " in BNC.

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1 Twenty years after the conversion experience in St James 's the book may yet materialise ( as , also , might a planned Gibbons exhibition — the first ) .
2 Mankind has a powerful desire to rationalise its actions ; and when people found themselves ten , twenty years after the First World War still paying housing subsidies , this desire to rationalise , and perhaps a natural sense of shame , forbade them to recognise that they were doing so merely out of unwillingness to recognise that 1914 prices and money values had gone for ever .
3 Thereafter Bobby Locke of South Africa and Peter Thomson of Australia dominated the British professional game alongside American entrants for the Open for twenty years after the Second World War .
4 This was where the offices of the English Department and several lecture-rooms were situated when I arrived in 1957 , twenty years after Philby .
5 In 1867 , nearly twenty years after coming to the throne of Austria , Francis Joseph was crowned here by that same Count Andrássy who , in the aftermath of 1848 , he had sentenced to death .
6 The first edition was produced some twenty years after the death of Mohammed — a much smaller gap than that between the death of Jesus and the emergence of the New Testament !
7 The last secondary modern school in Banbury , nearly twenty years after the Act , had been established just in time to be reorganized .
8 Twenty years after that holiday I read in the Scotsman one morning that a St Abbs fisherman had hauled in his nets and landed a complete suit of sixteenth-century armour .
9 His attention to the style of his premiership shone through even at the age of ninety , twenty years after his departure from No. 10 , in a television interview with Ludovic Kennedy :
10 Lord Kilmuir 's harsh recollection of his summary despatch may usefully be compared to Macmillan 's sepia portrayal more than twenty years after the event .
11 For the rest of the decade they shone only on training sessions and ground maintenance work , and it was not until 1951 , some twenty years after Chapman 's enthusiastic advocacy , that the first official floodlit match was held , between Southampton and Tottenham reserves at the Dell .
12 Over twenty years after the introduction of village tribunals the Government Agent at Kurunagala discovered that presidents refused to accept any criminal plaints not endorsed by the village headman .
13 St. Martin 's was rebuilt over twenty years after the sack , which implies there was no extensive damage to its structure , and although All Saints ' was also rebuilt at this time , a great deal of its thirteenth-century architecture survived .
14 Twenty years after the vulcanization of the Pontifex , plans for Crusade began — for the wheels of the Imperium often ground slow ; but certainly they must pulverize the Sagramoso clan to dust , to microns , and install a new loyal commanding dynasty .
15 For some twenty years after the ending of the war , in 1945 , literary criticism was a dominating force in the Anglo-American literary mind .
16 What has made the re-dating definitive has been the dendrochronologist 's report which dates the panel to around 1485 — some twenty years after Rogier 's death ’ .
17 In the twenty years after 1951 , Britain 's settlers from New Commonwealth countries increased from 0.2 million to 1.2 million , the majority being black workers attracted to England in the 1950s and 1960s by expanding job opportunities ( for more details , see The Runnymede Trust and the Radical Statistics Group , 1980 ) .
18 Exactly twenty years after their collaboration for that extraordinary presentation of Henry Moore in Florence , Caro 's exhibition reunites the powerful curatorial vision of Professor Giovanni Carandente with the British Council .
19 For almost twenty years after that various proposals were run up the flagpole , mostly to unsaluting generals .
20 Japan 's incorporation into the American sphere of influence , her military weakness , her lack of diplomatic room for manoeuvre and her concentration on domestic rebuilding for some twenty years after the war meant that major changes or developments in Japan 's relations with the West were infrequently the result of positive action on the part of Japan .
21 Dickens published Sketches by Boz in 1836–7 , just twenty years after Jane Austen 's death , and it is not difficult to discover , by a comparison , why Kingsley should have regarded that book as a watershed in the depiction of fictional living space .
22 Offa 's description of Ealdred as ‘ my subregulus , dux , that is , of his own people , the Hwicce ’ ( CS 223 : S 113 ) , which reveals dux becoming an acceptable term for a sub-king , dates to as late as 778 , twenty years after Offa 's accession .
23 As a general rule it might be productive to give forecasts at the year 2012 — twenty years after Rio .
24 One hundred and twenty years after Nehemiah and Pericles Greeks and Jews found themselves under the control of Alexander the Great — a Greek-speaking Macedonian who considered himself the heir of the Persian kings .
25 In the first place , there is the time factor : her first biography was begun over twenty years after the publication of BT and even honest sisters ' memories would be fallible at such a distance .
26 About twenty years after the sack of Aurae Phiala , Honorius finally issued an edict that recognised what had been true for nearly a century .
27 One dentist I know , is so used to dealing with hypersensitive children that he says — and I mean to me — ‘ Now , pop this in like a lollipop ’ , but I do n't mind that either because , about twenty years after everyone else , I 've discovered the benefits of meditation .
28 She was perfectly happy to live like a student twenty years after art college , anything so long as she could paint .
29 Twenty years after the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King Jr , the Reverend Jesse Jackson was standing up , by popular vote , the front-runner Democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States .
30 Citations to theses peak , as earlier demonstrated , in the second year after deposit , and the rate of citation decreases rather rapidly ( although the spread of citations may extend up to twenty years after thesis deposit ) .
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