Example sentences of "represent only the " in BNC.

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1 Dennis Parsons was an accountant of the new ‘ creative ’ variety , for whom the firm 's actual turnover represents only the original idea on which the completed tax return is based .
2 When this is the case , a trap is to mistake such an event for the completion of the entire change effort ; instead , it represents only the beginning of the change-management process .
3 Thus in Lothian about 250 children — the vast majority not infected with HIV — are likely to suffer the death of one or both parents due to disease related to HIV in the near future ; this figure is probably an underestimate as it represents only the tested population .
4 However , revolutionary technological innovation represents only the tip of the iceberg .
5 The Royal Bank of Scotland plc [ a Member of IMRO and of SFA ] represents only The royal Bank of Scotland Marketing Group for life assurance , pensions and unit trust business .
6 It may be observed that the linear regression line in Fig. 1 represents only the general tendency of the association between women 's age at first marriage and at first birth .
7 This figure represents only the tip of the iceberg , since as many as 90% of cases go unreported , according to Dr Richard Gilbert , the Director of the Food Hygiene Laboratory .
8 This is embodied in the theory developed by Flory and Huggins , but still represents only the combinatorial contribution , whereas there are other ( non-combinatorial ) contributions to the entropy which come from the interaction of the polymer with the solvent and are much harder to quantify .
9 This , however , is an over-simplified view as the current phase of uplift and volcanicity represents only the most recent episode in a complex history stretching back to the Mesozoic ; moreover , the history of this vast mountain system differs greatly from one part to another .
10 He disputed Lenin 's contention that imperialism constitutes the last stage of capitalism , arguing that in Latin America it represented only the first stage .
11 Plato 's main ( if misguided ) objection to traditional art was that it represented only the limited reality of the empirical world .
12 The by-election swing from Conservative to Labour of 21 per cent was the largest such since 1935 , and the result represented only the 13th Labour by-election gain from the Conservatives since 1945 ( the most recent being the Vale of Glamorgan in May 1989 — see p. 36740 ) .
13 This echoes the general case made by Rychner for variation between closely related fabliau texts to be explicable on the basis of different intended audiences , although van den Boogard actually contradicted Rychner 's specific findings on the Anglo-Norman fabliaux , which Rychner found to represent only the common degeneration typical of " " transmission memorielle " " .
14 The encouragement of a more enlightened attitude in would-be converters of barns is crucial to the welfare of the architectural heritage of the countryside because the number of old barns converted to date may represent only the tip of the iceberg .
15 MacDonald ( 1978 ) argued that no genuine consensus is possible ; anything so called would represent only the views of the most powerful and reinforce their hegemony .
16 With strong evidence that the disclosures to date represent only the tip of the iceberg , the State President 's claim that a commission of inquiry would create a climate of distrust verges on self-parody .
17 Furthermore , simple measurements of sediment at a point represent only the net result of all the processes going on upstream .
18 In Europe , accidents are now the third most important cause of death , and yet fatalities represent only the tip of the iceberg .
19 Although many of the group would still be under 25 in the years 191418 , there are only 16 brides under 25 during the period , whereas in 1911–12 alone there were 15 brides under 25.22 ( One must of course bear in mind that these figures represent only the retrievable fragments of the marriage pattern for the whole sample . )
20 Thus , the primary musical materials represent only the starting point for an investigation into who actually played and sang what in these ballets .
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