Example sentences of "end up in " in BNC.

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1 This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before .
2 Flying through the sea breeze front without realising it is a common cause of inadvertently landing downwind and ending up in a hedge .
3 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
4 Disappointment was also the reaction of Sealink British Ferries , whose parent company Sea Containers is currently fighting a $1.036 billion bid from Temple Holdings which would involve the UK ferry business ending up in Swedish hands if it succeeds .
5 When they hit the ground , they may stop abruptly , embedding themselves still glowing , fuming and sizzling slightly in the loose ash ; or they may bounce off , to leap down the steep sides of the cone in a series of great bounds , developing a rapid spin as they do so , and whirring downhill like cannonballs , ending up in a rattling shower of small stones at the bottom .
6 Who 's been gossiping to you about her running away with the married man when she was fifteen and ending up in the Daily Record ?
7 Many gangs were apprehended and their gear confiscated , most of it ending up in our possession .
8 Or the black Broadway actor who always fears ending up in the gutter .
9 This can only lead to children growing up without knowing the difference between right and wrong — and ending up in court themselves .
10 He tried setting up in Geneva and Canada before ending up in San Diego .
11 In most of these countries there 's now a price tag on these toys cum- objets d'art and they are even ending up in rarefied art galleries .
12 So should not the law be changed immediately to prevent the likes of Dr Cox ending up in the dock ?
13 She crashed down the four steps , ending up in a heap on the landing .
14 They will only be able to move downwards , ultimately ending up in 4a .
15 While a gravel tidy with too fine a mesh will soon block , one with too large a mesh can see the fry ending up in the gravel bed below and the parents trying to get at them .
16 Jane says : ‘ By helping homeowners give dignified care we prevented people ending up in large psychiatric hospitals and residential homes . ’
17 Not only had Bohr explained Balmer 's mysterious formula ( and other later formulae for lines corresponding to ending up in orbits with unc but he had also enabled the value of the Rydberg constant A to be calculated in terms of the known quantities m , e , c and h .
18 In general , they tend to follow a more or less logical sequence , starting at the top with a headline ( assuming it is there ) and ending up in the bottom right-hand corner .
19 This does not reflect a radical social openness or free circulation of agents between social positions , since the offspring of the higher occupational grades still have a much greater relative chance of ending up in those grades than people from lower occupational backgrounds , but all the same it represents de facto social mobility on a large scale .
20 Being with a prostitute is different from meeting a girl at a party and ending up in bed together , although there 's no difference in the mechanics of the sex .
21 The amazing thing about memory is that you can use the same hooks for a multitude of lists without ending up in confusion .
22 If a pregnancy is pre-marital , it trebles the relative risk of a couple ending up in the local authority sector rather than the owner-occupied one ( Murphy , 1983 ) .
23 But then I started getting into trouble in approved school — running away , things like that , ending up in Brighton and Margate and being arrested for being an absconder from council care .
24 With a sharp pang of defeat , he noticed Benny dive headlong through the weakened window , ending up in the water below with a huge splash .
25 She and Keith moved into a cold , damp flat together when she was pregnant , from which they were moved into a hotel before ending up in her present home , on the outskirts of a sprawling town .
26 Then turn to the opposite direction by stepping with the left foot about a shoulder 's width to the left , thus ending up in a left forward stance in the opposite direction .
27 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
28 It serves 38 million vending cups a year , most of which have been ending up in bins .
29 Connections of Laurel Queen , Walking The Plank and Buzzards Bellbuoy the trio to sneak in at the bottom of the race will have to send them a percentage if ending up in the money .
30 Cyclist Nicholas Chareyon , a WWF supporter from West Didsbury , raised over £1,000 when he undertook a sponsored cycle ride with is two pet Alsatians starting from John O'Groats and ending up in Cornwall at Lands End .
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