Example sentences of "occur when a " in BNC.

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1 A loud juddering sound occurring when a tap is turned off or a ball-valve shuts is known as water hammer .
2 So , for example , in the case of the passive both animacy and prior access of a particular word ( occurring when a noun is thematic ) are factors which have been shown to influence single word identification .
3 It is clear that the complex pattern of symptoms could not be a consequence of just one or two loci of damage within the normal reading system , and Morton and Patterson ( 1980 ) have offered an interpretation in which the disorder is explained as occurring when a number of different loci in the normal reading system are all damaged .
4 AFAILURE of the signalling system — which occurred when a signal box wire that should have been removed was not , thus preventing the signal from turning to red — caused the Clapham rail disaster in which 35 people died last December 12 , according to the report of the inquiry chaired by Sir Anthony Hidden , QC .
5 In looking , therefore , for a possible performance element within the dramatic playing mode we discovered that a certain heightened form of dramatic playing , which we labelled presentation , occurred when a significant contribution by a participant was communicated by words and gestures achieving a shared public meaning .
6 In the event the Loyal Citizens failed to appear and the only incident occurred when a small group began to sing ‘ God Save the Queen ’ as the demonstrators struck up with ‘ We shall overcome ’ .
7 The point is that the experts were convinced Leakey was wrong when they could not possibly have known this to be the case In his rollicking ‘ Steady-state cosmology revisited ’ , Sir Fred Hoyle recounts what occurred when a paper submitted by his fellow astrophysicist Sir Hermann Bondi was set before that august body , the Royal Astronomical Society .
8 An extreme example of this occurred when a hospital social worker was asked to see a family who refused to allow a newly bereaved husband to leave hospital to attend his wife 's funeral , as they felt angrily that he had contributed to her unexpected death with his demands .
9 Comdisco had been playing in a high stakes financial game known as risk arbitrage , hoping to get ahead of the rapid run-up in a company 's share price when it became the object of a takeover ( or the reversal of fortune that occurred when a takeover fell apart ) .
10 This occurred when a broker attempted to undertake a single transaction involving 2,000m Hungarian Forints — $22m — in the government bonds market only to discover that the appropriate field in the application did n't have enough space for the zeros .
11 Amman radio reported that the incident occurred when a Jordanian Army patrol detected " unusual movement " on the edge of the River Jordan and fired in its direction .
12 A less obvious example of this failure to take protective measures occurs when a contestant believes that a scoring technique has been delivered , and so disengages and dances around the area waving a fist in the air .
13 Where roof-spaces are not well ventilated ( as occurs when a roof is reclad with a more windproof and watertight construction ) , the close-textured nature of the concrete tiles which contrasts with the relative porosity of clay tiles may encourage the formation of condensation on their undersides , encouraging dampness and rot in stagnant roof-spaces .
14 This means that if , for example , the cooking cycle is programmed for two-and-a-half minutes at a required temperature the machine will adjust to compensate for the fall in temperature which occurs when a frozen or chilled food will have been cooked for two-and-a-half minutes at the correct temperature .
15 This occurs when a politician , perhaps so senior that he is notionally responsible for the agency itself , makes it known that he would be very pleased if some particularly sensitive and hazardous intelligence coup could be attained , usually in order to enhance domestic political popularity .
16 Stage migration occurs when a peasant moves to a provincial town for some time and then on to the city .
17 Indirect sex discrimination occurs when a person applies to a woman :
18 We thought it possible that we might get an auto-immune reaction otherwise — similar to that which occurs when a patient rejects a heart or kidney transplant .
19 What sets the Pearce-Hall ( 1980 ) model apart is its prediction that a decline in associability occurs when a stimulus accurately predicts its consequences and that inconsistent consequences will attenuate or prevent the loss .
20 Fear of doors , entrances , gates etc. often occurs when a horse has been ( unwisely ) tied to a gate and has gone off with the gate ! !
21 Similarly , indirect race discrimination occurs when a person applies a requirement which he applies or would apply to persons of a different racial group but :
22 repair by second intention occurs when a considerable amount of tissue has been lost and the wound edges can not be approximated ; a mass of new tissue is required to fill the gap .
23 A throw forward occurs when a player carrying the ball throws or passes it in the direction of his opponents ' dead-ball line ’ .
24 This occurs when a firm continually has to ‘ look over its shoulder ’ and concentrate on short-term performance targets in order to try and maintain its share price , rather than planning for the future .
25 The medical name for the start of this most fertile period is ovulation and occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovaries , ready to be fertilised .
26 It occurs when a writer applies a name or a descriptive term to an object to which it is not literally applicable ; when a word is carried over from its normal use to a new use .
27 Task analysis can be very expensive in skilled manpower , but in looking at cost/value it is important to include in value the increase in mutual understanding which occurs when a multi-disciplinary team conducts the analysis .
28 ‘ Purposive sampling ’ occurs when a researcher chooses a particular group or place to study because it is known to be of the type that is wanted .
29 This occurs when a third word is common to both definitions , e.g. ’ brick ’ is found in both ’ terraced ’ and ’ house ’ .
30 The first instance most commonly occurs when a group of students complete training at the same time .
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