Example sentences of "serve [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 CEPALC is a non-profit-making organisation which has been working since 1978 to serve the communication needs of grassroots groups in the towns and rural areas of Colombia .
2 The Department of Transport on airports policy ; being a response to the consultative document Runway Capacity to Serve the South East ;
3 When he came to serve the Parliament , Charles I thought that he was as great a monopolist as those arraigned .
4 The information system is the major link between adviser and client , without which a bureau could not and would not be allowed to continue to serve the public .
5 A body of men and women ( a ) identifiable by reference to some register or record ; ( b ) recognised as having a special skill and learning in some field of activity in which the public needs protection against incompetence , the standards of skill and learning being prescribed by the profession itself ; ( c ) holding themselves out as being willing to serve the public ; ( d ) volun-tarily submitting themselves to standards of ethical conduct beyond those required of the ordinary citizen by law and ; ( e ) undertaking to accept personal responsibility to those whom they serve for their actions and to their profession for maintaining public confidence .
6 The language used throughout these public self-descriptions reflected general visions of altruism and service : ‘ public protection ’ , ‘ willing to serve the public ’ , ‘ public confidence ’ , ‘ trust ’ , ‘ special skill ’ , ‘ the supply of professional services is very much more than a business transaction ’ .
7 We 're here to serve the public . ’
8 Certainly in certain professions such as teaching , nursing or social work it is generally considered that a desire to serve the public is of paramount importance .
9 There is no involvement in politics , we merely want to serve the public , ’ he added .
10 It became the rule to serve the vegetable a fairly plain dish — as a pleasant change after the usually rich taste of the entrée , as a kind of diversion after the sauce , and , so to speak , to clean the palate for the roast to come , the roast being always ( it still is ) accompanied by a green salad .
11 The same body of men could act as arbitrators in disputes and provide men to serve the Crown as local officials or as commissioners to levy a subsidy or array troops .
12 The text of the Convention suggests that in all other cases the Central Authority may choose to serve the document either by the method prescribed by its internal law for the service of documents in actions brought against defendants within the jurisdiction or by ‘ delivery to an addressee who accepts it voluntarily ’ , i.e. remise simple .
13 Proceedings in a Dutch court were begun by a document transmitted under the Hague Convention to a local court in Germany which certified under Article 6 that it had not been possible to serve the document .
14 The online catalogue was a spin-off which did not stem from any desire to serve the user better .
15 To Harry 's left , the lane petered out in a gravel track curving round past the garden hedge to serve the jetty .
16 The water authority must be contacted to establish if a mains water supply is available and that it is of an adequate size and pressure to serve the development .
17 I AM concerned about the proposed housing development adjacent to Bellburn Lane , Darlington and the section of new road from Bellburn Lane to serve the development .
18 The Widdicombe Committee 's response ( 1986 , ch. 6 ) to these developments was firmly to assert the need for officers to remain neutral and to serve the council collectively .
19 But is Royal Ordnance still able to serve the country as it used to ?
20 Baldwin … declared his readiness to serve the country , either in a National government or in a Conservative government with Liberal support .
21 So Regan , anxious for an alternative theoretical platform from which to put into orbit his conviction that the immediate and absolute prohibition of all exploitation of animals is imperative , proposes his theory of ‘ inherent value ’ to serve the purpose .
22 " How strange it is , " mused Fleury , feeling the futility of everything yet at the same time enjoying the feeling , " that these millions of wings , with all their wonderful machinery of nerves and muscles , should be made to serve the purpose of a single flight .
23 There are one or two mild metaphors and parallelisms , but these tend to serve the purpose of irony ( see 8.4–5 ) , which is the overarching figure of speech in this passage .
24 It is seen to serve the purpose of creating national wealth .
25 In 1961 it was reopened as a hospital dedicated to specialist services for the rehabilitation of mentally ill patients , to serve the whole of the West Midlands region .
26 The platinum fabrication operations previously carried out in Brussels have been successfully moved to Royston , where we now have a single manufacturing site able to serve the whole of Europe .
27 In keeping with Ackoff 's principle ( 1988 ) that ‘ It is better to plan for oneself , no matter how badly , than to be planned for by others , no matter how well' ’ , individuals who have contributed to the policy-making process are likely to be in a position to serve the organisation more effectively .
28 identified the ‘ manifest slip or error ’ into which this court is , or is in danger of , falling in its consideration of the consequences of procedural irregularities in contempt cases , such as failure to serve the committal order or serving it late .
29 The Rules of the Supreme Court make no specific provision for a contemnor being served with a copy of the committal order , but as I have mentioned an instruction has been issued by the Clerk of the Rules with the approval of the President of the Family Division which makes it the duty of the applicant 's solicitor to serve the committal order , but does not require personal service .
30 An appeal against a committal order based upon a failure to serve the committal order on the contemnor presents somewhat of a paradox .
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