Example sentences of "election see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the first round in April of the 1990 presidential elections see p. 37371 .
2 The alliance was strongly criticized by UDF and RPR leaders with the exception of Giscard d'Estaing who did not comment [ for question of alliance with FN in March 1989 local elections see p. 36530 ] .
3 Claudio Martelli , the Italian Deputy Prime Minister , visited Tirana on March 11 , meeting the Chair of Albania 's provisional Council of Ministers , Fatos Nano [ for Feb. 22 appointment of government pending March 31 elections see p. 38016 ] .
4 [ For July 1990 Sabah state elections see p. 37612 . ]
5 The PNP in a general election on Feb. 9 , 1989 , won 45 of the 60 seats in the House of Representatives , defeating the JLP , which had held office since 1980 [ see p. 36461 ; for March 1990 municipal elections see p. 37816 ] .
6 The Parti Pesaka Bumiputra Bersatu ( PBB ) of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud , which had ruled the state for 10 years and formed part of the ruling National Front coalition at federal level , was returned to power for a further five-year term as the dominant member of the self-styled Bavisan Tiga ( Front of Three ) which altogether won 49 seats , of which the PPB had 27 , the Sarawak United People 's Party 16 , and the Sarawak National Party six [ for April 1987 elections see p. 35460 ] .
7 The extreme right-wing German People 's Union ( DVU ) , taking advantage of recent anti-foreigner disturbances to denounce " bogus asylum-seekers and criminal foreigners " , increased its representation to six seats [ for 1987 elections see p. 35722 ] .
8 [ For October 1990 Land elections in Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt , Thuringia and Bavaria see pp. 37762-63 ; for December Berlin elections see p. 37905 . ]
9 [ For January 1991 formation of government following October 1990 elections see p. 37968 . ]
10 In recent months the government had offered subsidies and television air-time to the legalized opposition parties [ for boycott of June 1990 local elections see p. 37550 ] .
11 The elections had been called 15 months early after a group of five Green legislators — who had kept the minority government of Michael Field in office since June 1989 [ see p. 37877 ] — withdrew its support after disagreements over the issue of logging [ for May 1989 elections see p. 36658 ] .
12 Although Golkar won all 27 provinces , including the disputed territory of East Timor , its share of the vote fell from 73 per cent in 1987 to 68 per cent [ for 1987 elections see p. 35326 ] .
13 A report by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution , published on Aug. 13 , found that in 1991 there were 39,800 members of extreme right-wing organizations ( including 24,000 in the German People 's Union — DVU — for whose showing in April 1992 state elections see p. 38871 ) .
14 The federal ruling Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) suffered a crushing defeat in state elections in Victoria on Oct. 3 , with an adverse swing of around 6 per cent [ for 1988 state elections see p. 36296 ] .
15 [ For 1985 legislative and presidential elections see pp. 34288-89 . ]
16 Multiparty elections were held in March 1991 [ see p. 38804 ; for June 1989 legislative elections , August indirect presidential elections see pp. 36726 ; 36841 ] .
17 [ For other parties registered before June 1990 local elections see pp. 37549-50 . ]
18 All but one ( Marcin Swiecicki , Minister of Foreign Economic Co-operation ) of the ministers who had belonged to the former ruling Polish United Workers ' Party ( PUWP ) were replaced by Solidarity or Solidarity coalition party members by November 1990 [ see pp. 37621 ; 37841 ; for new government after presidential elections see pp. 37922 ; 37974 ] .
19 The representation of the other two coalition parties ( Social Democratic Party of Switzerland — SP/PS and Swiss People 's Party — SVP/UDC ) remained unchanged [ for 1987 elections see pp. 35666-67 ] .
20 [ For the PS 's poor showing in the March regional elections see pp. 38820-21 . ]
21 The second general election since the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime in December 1989 were held on Sept. 27 [ for May 1990 elections see pp. 37441-37442 ] .
22 In February Tabaré Vázquez , the socialist mayor of Montevideo [ for whose election see p. 37039 ] , announced cuts in transport tariffs and a decentralization of the city 's administration .
23 [ For October 1986 Land election see p. 34828. ] 1990 1986 1990 1986 CSU 127 128 54.9 55.8 SPD 58 61 26.0 27.5 Greens 12 15 6.4 7.5 FDP 7 0 5.2 3.8 Republicans 0 0 4.9 3.0 Others* 0 0 2.6 2.4 *Included in 1990 the Ecological Democratic Party ( Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei ) — 1.7 per cent ; the Bavaria Party ( Bayernpartei ) — 0.8 per cent ; Christian League ( Christliche Liga ) — 0.1 per cent .
24 Prospects for a free and fair general election , scheduled for late 1991 , improved when opposition parties agreed in late April to respect electoral procedures , in return for a government promise to consider the reform of the election commission [ for December 1985 election see p. 34162 ] .
25 On April 5 Hans Eichel was sworn in as Minister President at the head of a SPD-Green coalition in Hesse [ for January 1991 Land election see p. 37966 ] .
26 The first multiparty general election since 1959 was held in Nepal on May 12 [ for 1959 election see p. 16826 ] .
27 [ For the ÖVP 's poor performance in the October 1990 general election see p. 37785 . ]
28 The Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands is Jogvan Sundstein [ for November 1990 Faroes election see p. 37868 ] .
29 It was reported on Nov. 13 that Hsu Hsin-liang had been sworn in as DPP chairman [ for his election see p. 38531 ] .
30 In his opening speech , the chair Ruslan Khasbulatov [ for whose election see p. 38537 ] warned the deputies that after the break-up of the Soviet Union the Congress had no longer the excuse of central Union power to influence its deliberations ; the Congress now represented , he emphasised , the highest legislative body of a sovereign state .
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