Example sentences of "support [pron] by " in BNC.

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1 We are fortunate to have men of such commitment and expertise amongst us and we need to support them by our prayers .
2 Catherine or St Catherine 's Hill itself constituted a Pandora 's box of small-town trades and occupations at the time : everything from a gingerbread maker to a hairdresser , a staymaker , a breechesmaker , Charles Tucker the coalminer , John Golledge the blind schoolmaster , Mrs Allen at the Castle public house , and even John Ward , who seemed to be able to support himself by practising the noble art of a ‘ horse jockey ’ .
3 Like most Birkbeck students , he was obliged to support himself by working at a job of some kind .
4 I lead my life in God 's love ; I support myself by my spinning .
5 Having given up hope of a career , they have doubts about the future and support themselves by working in ‘ low pay , low prestige , low benefit jobs in the service industry ’ or ‘ McJobs ’ .
6 Please support us by providing bric-a-brac , clothes , unwanted but saleable articles , etc .
7 Let us remind the Labour Party that they should be attacking this useless Tory government , not supporting them , not voting with them , not supporting them by abstaining when necessary we 'll never get power that way !
8 The horses were being led and one of the men was limping badly and supporting himself by holding on to a stirrup .
9 Schlick 's murder in 1936 terminated Waismann 's employment and his opportunities for supporting himself by private teaching .
10 A person in possession of someone else 's cheque book and guarantee card forged the owner 's signature and gave the cheque to the plaintiffs , supporting it by the guarantee card .
11 A house was to be provided to receive those incapable of supporting themselves by reason of age , infirmity or disease ; to provide work for those who were capable of it ; to correct and punish the idle and profligate ; and to educate the infant poor in habits of industry and religion .
12 He would cajole , flatter and persuade congressmen to support him by using his wide knowledge of their attitudes , constituencies , prejudices and personal backgrounds .
13 This differs from most earlier kouroi in having arms and hands carved free of the sides , but the sculptor has cautiously supported them by struts from hip to wrist : an extremely rare feature in Greek work but regular in marble copies of the Roman period after Greek bronzes ; and bronze becomes the favourite medium for freestanding sculpture in the period we are entering .
14 Concentrating on promoting funding for its health care and nutrition projects around the world , UNICEF is asking the public to support it by sharing a meal with someone at work or at home and setting aside a donation which would then go to fund its work .
15 Demonstrate , in talking about fiction and poetry , that they are developing their own views and can support them by reference to some details in the text , eg when talking about characters and actions in fiction .
16 Well , Her Ladyship was rather special because she was with me for many years and supported me by producing calves for market .
17 I 'm especially grateful to my friends who supported me by giving evidence .
18 Chairs at that time were not well endowed , and Smith supported himself by continuing to teach at Balliol .
19 From about 1690 he also supported himself by giving courses of lectures on chemistry .
20 He supported himself by painting the portraits of the distinguished people he met on the way , and in Japan he went off alone to live among the aboriginal Ainu .
21 Roth supported himself by freelance writing until in 1939 he received a specially created readership in post-biblical Jewish studies at the University of Oxford , where he was also mentor and host to Jewish students .
22 SAVE and other local and national bodies can support you by making direct contact with the local planning office and writing letters of support to the local press and planners .
23 She supported herself by teaching little girls , and , with Heyrick , won local fame for philanthropy : when slaves were emancipated in 1834 , she was fêted .
24 After her father 's death she moved to Petersfield , Hampshire , where she supported herself by washing clothes , brewing , and other types of manual work .
25 His message got through : Laniel approved a proposal to send a Socialist Deputy , Alain Savary , to open up preliminary talks , but Bidault , now Foreign Minister and still a hawk , refused : ‘ Ho Chi Minh is giving in ; do not support him by this contact . ’
26 In this assessment of an explanation the writer has disagreed with the main proposition and supported it by looking at the Liberal and Labour parties separately , and secondly at the other factors making for Liberal decline .
27 At many shows they actually supported themselves by playing a brief set of their usual material .
28 Even in northern England the urban unemployed could easily turn to work on nearby farms in the summer : the striking weavers of Padiham ( Lancashire ) in 1859 supported themselves by hay-making .
29 Mothers on out-door relief were to be encouraged or forced by the threat of withdrawal of relief to send some or all of their children into the workhouse , so that the mothers could support themselves by work .
30 Although some could do this through using their savings or drawing on insurances , many could not , with women much less likely than men to be able to support themselves by these means ( Roebuck and Slaughter , 1979 ) .
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