Example sentences of "break out in " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet Union , for its part , let it be known that if serious trouble did break out in East Germany Soviet troops would not move in , as they did to quell the 1953 revolt — so long as the West did not interfere either .
2 In a play on the official Nazi designation of Munich as ‘ Capital of the Movement ’ , it was now dubbed unofficially the ‘ Capital of the Counter-Movement ’ ; it was said that propaganda advocating the restoration of the monarchy was increasing , that it was no longer advisable to use the ‘ Heil Hitler ’ greeting or wear the Party arm-badge , and that ‘ sooner or later ’ a revolution could break out in Munich .
3 The fire did not break out in a deserted building in the middle of nowhere in the wee small hours of the morning .
4 It also contained all the features of the protest which would break out in 1989 as the ‘ patriotic democracy movement ’ .
5 Finally , one look at the South Africans ' itinerary for the next six months — tests against Romania , Italy , then New Zealand , Australia , France and England — is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat .
6 It is wrong to suggest that , because the Serbs have made ethnic expansion work , the same phenomenon will instantly break out in many other places .
7 She stands for the civilization of the South , of the Midi , the home of the troubadours , against the sterner , rougher , cruder world of the North , represented , in this image , by her husband , the King of the North Wind , whose authority she is subtly undermining and against whom she will soon break out in open rebellion .
8 The loading had made him break out in a terrible sweat and perspiration ran down his forehead into his eyes .
9 They are ‘ normal events ’ , arising almost naturally out of the circumstances of the employment relationship itself : ‘ A wildcat can break out in perfectly normal conditions , and the structure of the relations between employers , trade unions , governments and workers guarantees that some strikes will grow from small beginnings into mighty struggles ’ ( p.241 ) .
10 A low rumble of thunder made her skin break out in a fine rash of goosepimples , and Julius glanced at her sharply as he noticed them .
11 Fire would break out in the house and he would be trapped in his room , unconscious ; she would climb up the ivy at the back of the house and help him to get out .
12 In this way , all the major towns fell peacefully into mujaheddin hands , although fighting , often ethnically rooted , did break out in a number of areas .
13 Blunt felt the sweat break out in his armpits and trickle down his ribs .
14 If the sultan rejected the tsar 's ultimatum , war would break out in the Balkans despite the Anglo-Russian agreement .
15 For the slightest skirl of the pipes makes the retired cleaner go WEAK at the knees , break out in a cold SWEAT and SHAKE uncontrollably .
16 They are then disagreeably surprised when the resentments and even despair which are so often concealed by silence break out in angry and violent rebellion .
17 But what has become internalized can always become externalized again ; and so we have seen that , increasingly in modern societies , anti-social instinctual drives of the id — specifically , the instinctual drives of the gelada-like sons of the primal fathers — break out in social conflicts and acts of delinquency and provocation which the modern incarnation of the primal father — the police , the Establishment , law , order and standards of all kinds — have to meet .
18 Otley 's cavalry twill and brogues were doing their best to keep up and he was breaking out in a sweat .
19 The most probable reason for this unjust behaviour by the Roman Governor was that he feared some sort of riot breaking out in the capital city during the festival .
20 The evening passed largely without incident , with no wars breaking out in the terraces .
21 He swivelled from joist to joist , raker to rafter , feeling horribly like a monkey and getting very cold feet in the process even though he was breaking out in a sweat at the same time .
22 With fresh violence breaking out in Natal and Cape Town the government on Sept. 9 declared four of Johannesburg 's black townships " unrest areas " .
23 Lucaroni was standing almost immediately inside , studying a notice concerning action to be taken in the event of fire breaking out in the building .
24 I was married in nineteen thirty seven prior to the war breaking out in nineteen thirty nine .
25 A sudden and miraculous plague breaks out in the camp , and though Aaron , as priest , runs into the midst of the people with ritual of atonement , he can not stop the pestilence before 14,700 lie dead .
26 That will not do , and when , to make matters considerably worse , bubonic plague breaks out in the town , the people of Ashdod decide to get rid of the ark .
27 At David Wilkerson 's rally , tension increases between the different teenage gangs and , before long , fighting breaks out in the arena .
28 Beanz meanz Bangs and Smashes , deafeningly loud , just missing two old geezers who squawk and screech , and the whole store breaks out in
29 Another fire breaks out in the West Derby area , and another one .
30 When ‘ white spot breaks out in the aquarium this species , like most other rasboras , suffers quite quickly from infestation , and rapid treatment with carefully calculated dosage is essential to save losses .
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