Example sentences of "claim to have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested that he has claimed to have absorbed the banned substance through eating meat but one observer claimed cryptically yesterday : ‘ He would have to eat three cows a day for that to be the case . ’
2 Wilfrid is claimed to have baptised 250 slaves of both sexes at Selsey and there is the celebrated case of ‘ Angles ’ from Deira , an area approximating to the historic county of Yorkshire , being sold in the market-place of Rome c .
3 ‘ I 've never claimed to be a punk rocker , I 've just claimed to have liked punk rock music .
4 Dick Turpin is claimed to have stopped here and according to Nevinson , Queen Elizabeth dined at the Whitefriars in 1565 , after which it fell to the ground .
5 One of these missing persons was still lying ( lying still , rather ! ) in the police mortuary in St Aldate 's ; the other person , with Morse 's full permission , had that afternoon departed by train for London , not stopping on this occasion ( as he had claimed to have stopped earlier ) at Didcot Parkway , but travelling straight through — past Reading , Maidenhead , Slough — to Paddington , whence he had taken a taxi to the Tour Company HQ in Belgravia in order to discuss the last wishes and the last rites of his erstwhile legal spouse , Mrs Laura Mary Stratton .
6 Smallpox mortality is claimed to have fallen correspondingly ( Razzell 1977 ) , a view support by the Bills of Mortality in provincial towns .
7 Cornelius had noted that famous men and women generally claimed to have fallen into their famous careers through sheer chance .
8 Anthony even claimed to have discovered ‘ maps of Ireland ’ on the sheets when he stuffed them into the machine in the local Launderette .
9 During the 1970s , the British National Front denied that it was a fascist party , and its former leader , John Tyndall , always publicly claimed to have broken away from his antisemitic and Nazi political past .
10 My dad always claimed to have gone to public school , but he was never precise about which one .
11 The product is also claimed to have enhanced diagnostic capabilities to manage enterprise-wide networks as well as an Integrated Boot Device , which uses Flash memory , a floppy drive for loading software upgrades and for data collection , and SNMP time-stamped event logging with a real time clock .
12 A report submitted by the eighth UN chemical weapons inspection team to the UN 's Special Commission on Iraqi Disarmament on May 4 confirmed that Iraq had unilaterally destroyed large numbers of chemical munitions , as it had claimed to have done .
13 The Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry has claimed to have developed a method for breaking down large amounts of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) .
14 The nationalization of the banking system by President José López Portillo on Sept. 1 , 1982 [ see p. 32071 ] , was claimed to have precipitated the devaluation of the official currency , the peso , and to have contributed to high inflation and the flight of capital .
15 The hearings system is claimed to have turned thousands of youngsters away from a life of crime over the last 20 years , but because of the confidential nature of the work done by reporters and panel members , much of the evidence is anecdotal .
16 One of Shaughnessy 's sources , with close links to Israeli intelligence , actually claimed to have heard the tapes of these telephone intercepts , and another , well-connected with the US intelligence community , confirmed not only that the Iranian Embassy 's calls had been monitored at that time but also the substance of the Lovejoy — Niknam conversations .
17 In the past Gates had claimed to have heard rumours of the operation only on Oct. 1 , 1986 , less than seven weeks before it became public .
18 Claimed to have jumped from a window . ’
19 Partners leaving the five-man practice were claimed to have raided computer records and accounts and waged a campaign against Dr Williams , the senior partner , who is staying with the practice .
20 One medium even claimed to have made a plaster cast of a pair of ectoplasmic hands before they dissolved .
21 Key Sun employees in the areas of programming and signal processing are said to be moving to the new company , which is claimed to have made breakthroughs in security and ease of use .
22 Unlike some she could mention , she had never claimed to have stayed unmarried out of any particular principle .
23 Many also claimed to have seen a banana-shaped object in the sky , and a characteristic illuminated sign . ’
24 The UK chemical industry has claimed to have improved performance on emissions and environmental spending .
25 The pesh merga also claimed to have captured 80,000 government troops .
26 Although we were unaware of the wartime centrifugal launcher proposals , we have never claimed to have invented the idea .
27 The other monks all claimed to have shared the same experience .
28 Paddy Reilly , a friend of Lynch 's , once claimed to have had five ten-round fights in a week .
29 Various people have claimed to have had the idea for the scene in Curtiz' Casablanca where the patriots drown a German song with ‘ La Marseillaise ’ , but here , four years earlier , good-guy ex-rebels drown out ‘ The Union Forever ’ with ‘ Dixie ’ in exactly the same way .
30 Men also claimed to have had four times more sexual partners in their lives than women — 12.1 versus 3.2. — Reuter
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