Example sentences of "apply [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 A few weeks later the boy complained of a further assault ; the tailor was again convicted and once more fined £5 , but on this occasion the clerk to the Board applied successfully to the magistrates for the boy to be discharged from his indentures .
2 Several had considered maths or engineering , or both ; maths was generally dismissed as ‘ too theoretical ’ , while engineering was dismissed as ‘ too applied ’ : physics was held to be the perfect happy medium — applied enough to be ‘ relevant ’ ( a favourite adjective amongst both the science and the arts students ) , but theoretical enough to be stimulating and demanding .
3 But , even where there were legal improvements , enforcement was often limited and , given the nature of the labour market in Latin America , many workers remained outside the legal framework , which applied only to industrial workers .
4 Thus , the right of national self-determination applied only to ‘ the large and well-defined historical nations of Europe …
5 I would completely agree provided that this measure applied only to responding patients .
6 He is generally believed to be commemorated in the place name Caradon , which formerly applied only to the hill around which he held sway but now covers a complete District of South East Cornwall .
7 The testator has not regulated the case of the death of the second son childless : the condition on the trust in favour of his brother ( or rather now that brother 's heir ) is not satisfied , since that applied only to the brother to die first , if childless ; nor , since the first did not die childless , is the condition on the trust in favour of the granddaughter satisfied .
8 And the April referendum applied only to savings banks .
9 But he was able to anticipate that objection by suggesting that the prohibition applied only to knowledge sought in self-aggrandizement , not to that which was of service to humanity .
10 The EC-IBM 1984 agreement was also dated in that it applied only to mainframes ( specifically the IBM 370 series and successors ( which were now of less than their previous dominant significance .
11 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
12 It was concluded that bilateral speech representation applied only to strong left handers with left handed relatives .
13 The Act was needed to make up for the shortcomings of the Sale of Goods Act , 1979 , which applied only to the transfer of goods from a seller to a buyer and not to a situation where goods were being provided as part of a service , such as building work and car repairs , for example .
14 At first sight , Penrose 's result applied only to stars ; it did n't have anything to say about the question of whether the entire universe had a big bang singularity in its past .
15 However it applied only to firms with 15 or more on the payroll .
16 To have a set-aside system which applied only to farms in the north of Europe would discriminate considerably .
17 The government issued a clarification on Aug. 29 pointing out that the new reservations applied only to jobs and not to educational places .
18 It applied only to mergers between companies whose combined worldwide turnover exceeded 5,000 million ECU ( approximately US$6,500 million ) and where the aggregate EC turnover of each of at least two of the companies involved exceeded 250 million ECU .
19 This extended period , however , applied only to airforce personnel and equipment .
20 US State Department officials quoted in the Washington Post of March 7 , however , defended the administration 's decision , claiming that the Pressler Amendment applied only to government aid .
21 This total compared with 32,000 in 1990 when figures applied only to West Germany .
22 The disability discrimination provisions of the federal Rehabilitation Act 1973 were modelled upon the sex and race discrimination measures of Title VII in the Civil Rights Act 1964 , but applied only to employment by the federal government , by federal contractors and by employers in federally-financed programmes and activities .
23 But those limits applied only to services rendered to patients covered by Medicare and Medicaid , government programmes that pay for the care of the elderly and poor .
24 The taxpayer contended that the definition applied only to transactions which included an element of bounty .
25 Lord Denning decided that if the clause was limited by its perceived object it applied only to such part of the GUS group as operated within the UK .
26 Others were pure artists , to whom war and other nonaesthetic factors were quite irrelevant ; this applied especially to artists working in the 1930s , such as those associated with nonobjective art and St Ives .
27 Others were pure artists , to whom war and other nonaesthetic factors were quite irrelevant ; this applied especially to artists working in the 1930s , such as those associated with nonobjective art and St Ives .
28 Twenty years of police service had convinced him that Murphy 's law applied especially to police operations — no matter how meticulously they were planned , if it were remotely possible for something to fuck up , then it would !
29 Clearly the range of the Act is very limited , applying only to lucid adult patients connected or about to be connected to a ventilator who are suffering from a terminal condition ( as defined ) and who execute the appropriate directive.33 A first step , however , has been taken in clarifying the law .
30 In this latter regard , a distinction must be drawn between , on the one hand , Bills of general application — Public Bills , and Bills applying only to a particular area or person — Private Bills .
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