Example sentences of "apply [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Matthew 's theory drew upon a long tradition of applying evolutionism to the problems of biogeography begun by the first Darwinians .
2 Having painted as a child , Stewart began to experiment at college ( the American College of London ) by applying patterns to everything in sight , from folding screens to lamps , and floor cloths to cutlery handles .
3 John had considered fibreglassing the pond , but instead got in touch with local man Barry Haythorne , who travels the world applying linings to swimming pools .
4 In so far as the exercise of judgement by officials when applying rules to particular cases can never be made entirely unnecessary by the articulation of rules to fit all instances , the values of individual officials will affect the outcome of executive action .
5 Pioneers who are applying TQM to hotel and catering operations seem universally delighted with results , both in staff motivation and in customer satisfaction .
6 Power Toolbox goes further than this , though , as you can define a set of buttons for individual applications , so , for instance , you could design a set for Word for Windows to do things like applying styles to paragraphs , saving files in multiple formats — almost anything you choose .
7 Uses for the foam or suggested ones , are for keeping bank vaults safe and for applying pesticides to crops without polluting the air , I do not see it catching on .
8 By selectively applying pesticides to , say , the outer part of a crop canopy , much lower dosages will control exposed pests , such as aphids on cereals .
9 It is suggested that applying losses to the preceding three years on a ‘ first in , first out ’ , rather than the existing ‘ last in , first out ’ , basis would decrease the possibility that companies are not able to carry back losses to periods in which profits were made .
10 The question which remains is that of minimum sample size and , in general , other researchers have tended to avoid applying formulae to texts of less than 150 words in length .
11 The first allows political realities to be brought about by defining them in the mind first and then applying perception to reality ; the second leads to the belief in supra-personal historical processes , Hegelian determinism and Marx .
12 Subjects given extensive pre-training in applying labels to the stimuli learned the motor task more readily than others given little or no pretraining .
13 Initial training in applying labels to these stimuli did not influence test performance , and this prompted Robinson ( 1955 ) to suggest that pre-training might be ineffective when the test task is ‘ perceptual , rather than ‘ motor ’ .
14 Key Points : Pull the board close to you by using the back foot ; maintain an upright rig ; kick hard with the front foot ; lean forwards applying weight to mast foot .
15 Line clips and foam rubber stuffed into the butt ring are , respectively , a means of applying tension to the line and sustaining it .
16 If the polymer sample is oriented , by drawing a fibre , or by applying tension to a film , the crystallites tend to become aligned in the direction of the stress and the X-ray pattern is improved .
17 To understand a Fregean representation is to know how to interpret it so as to establish what it is referring to , basically by the method described by the logician Frege as applying functions to arguments .
18 Exactly the same applies to applying columns to the text , although I can not find a way of having mixed numbers of columns without using frames — much like every DTP package I 've come across , as it happens .
19 So far , the Western countries have shown far greater enthusiasm for applying law to international terrorism than for enforcement of the ( IVth ) Geneva Convention .
20 Applying cove to wall/ceiling angle
21 But applying QALYs to the allocation of resources is quite different because it involves a choice between the welfares of different people .
22 By applying judgements to the curriculum itself , evaluation by the users of that curriculum can be brought into the classroom , evaluation can be made to serve as a basis for new directions in the process of teaching and learning … it can shape and guide learning and guide decisions within the curriculum process .
23 Use the slightly abrasive grey one to soften ridges and prepare nails for colour or use the pink one to bring out the natural shine instead of applying polish to your nails .
24 ‘ I saw him lying totally naked on a bed , ’ says Gerald Thomas , ‘ while the sister , who was quite formidable , was applying Savlon to his private parts .
25 The difficulty of applying life-style to marketing decisions is best illustrated by the " Yuppy " .
26 Emphasis is placed however on the need for fairness in applying regulations to groups of institutions , given the need to stimulate neutral competitive conditions .
27 Helping the sufferer to establish clear goals and to be oriented towards positive action , applying theory to practice .
28 Indeed , applying functionalism to bureaucracy quickly throws up most of the theoretical limitations of this approach ; in particular , the problem of limiting politics to seven functions , and its ethnocentric bias .
29 In these cases it may be appropriate after advising the insured of the position , to offer to make a payment based upon importing average into the contract and applying average to the amount of the claim .
30 Why want to celebrate the act of applying paint to canvas ?
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