Example sentences of "base not on " in BNC.

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1 I wonder how many of Expotel 's customers are aware that Expotel 's recommendations are based not on hotel quality but on the self-interested payment up-front of this ‘ sweetener ’ , plus exclusive corporate rates ?
2 Where ‘ belief ’ is based not on experience and observation , but on the revelation of the Gospels , Locke speaks of ‘ faith ’ .
3 And they pillaged Earth because their lives were based not on co-operation with Nature , but on money .
4 He first of all asked for a mandate based not on the distortions of a month 's electioneering but on his 16 months in the leadership , not least his performance on the international stage .
5 In Britain , most juries would find it depraving and corrupting to solicit members of the public to become voyeurs of an actual rape , murder , and dismemberment , but a new criminal test based not on the effect of the work , but on the circumstances of its production could provide one more useful link in the chain of criminal provisions which modern media law requires .
6 The benefit of this revolutionary diet is based not on just one advantage over other diets but on many factors which add up to faster , easier , more effective slimming .
7 Goodwill through golf , Hopkins ' idea , is based not on money , but on the notion that little-known golfers would broaden their horizons , and stretch their abilities , by matching shots with the stars .
8 After the banning of the CPSU these liberal groups decided to form a new left-wing party based not on a new programme but on the liberal and , in essence , social democratic programme of the CPSU .
9 Among other metaphors there is a rich cluster based not on sight but on touch , some likewise submerged in Latin etymologies ( ‘ conceive ’ , ‘ apprehend ’ , ‘ comprehend ’ , from concipio ‘ seize together ’ , apprehendo ‘ grasp ’ , comprehendo ‘ grasp together ’ ) , others overt ( ‘ be in touch ’ , ‘ grasp ’ something , ‘ catch on ’ to it , ‘ get the point ’ , ‘ feel ’ that it is ‘ palpably ’ true ) .
10 Once again , it is necessary that the separate items should be demonstrably reliable and valid , since specific interpretations may well be based not on the accumulation of correct and incorrect responses , but on the child 's pattern of scores .
11 The latter term describes a truer form of knowledge based not on ideas as such but ideas about real forms of existence , that is ‘ materialism ’ .
12 It is based not on the mythico-religious system resistant to challenge but on the exchange relations of the commodity market including the labour market .
13 The authority of civil association is an endowment which is not traceable to any particular source and which lies only in ‘ continuous acknowledgement ’ based not on acts of obedience ‘ but in the continuous recognition of the obligation to subscribe to its prescriptions because it has a certain shape ’ .
14 ‘ That study was based not on preconceived notions but on the observations of structure in the drawings themselves .
15 It is against a background of near hysteria that we set out to propose an alternative account of what is happening on the football terraces — an account based not on the second-hand rhetoric of myth-creating media men but on our faith in people 's ability to render their own social action intelligible and meaningful .
16 Labour 's success was based not on equality of opportunity but on the assertion that a working man was more equal than others in his claim to represent the working-class electorate .
17 Another good reason for antiracist scepticism about culture was the emergence in the 1980s of a ‘ new racism ’ based not on ideas of innate biological superiority , but on the supposed incompatibility of cultural traditions ( see , for example , Barker , 1981 ) .
18 To liberal scholars , the Soviet version is a manifest distortion based not on scholarly analysis of historical evidence but on the political requirements of the post-October regime .
19 The former aristocratic standards of who and what was acceptable were now dumped ; everyone wanted to belong to the new meritocracy , based not on birth but on talent , achievement , and the resultant financial reward — the with-it people , as opposed to the dull , unwith-its .
20 It had resulted in the allocation of funds based not on the best interests of justice but on value for money .
21 So , underlying this chapter is a theory of ageing based not on the analysis of biologically determined differences in senescence or individual adjustments to the ageing process but , instead , on the social creation of dependent status and on the structural relationships between older people and younger adults and between different groups of older people , especially men and women .
22 To overcome the problem of case specificity , assessment of the interview section is based not on how well the students did but on their ability to evaluate their communication with the patient .
23 The dissemination of these views in adult education is based not on a class or race or gender analysis of inequality but on notions of feckless , unconfident , incompetent individuals who , because of learning difficulties or lack of social and life skills , are inadequate in their day-to-day lives .
24 The Community Charge was to be based not on the household , but on the individual .
25 A comparative evaluation of the alternative approaches should be based not on ideological issues , but on their ability to make sense of empirical observations .
26 That reform will be based not on the discriminatory attitudes of Mr. MacSharry but on a sensible policy of supporting agriculture fairly throughout the Community , bringing agriculture closer to the market and ensuring that the environment is a central concern of the CAP .
27 Turning now to the income-related benefits , as the House knows , the uprating is , in this respect , based not on the full retail prices index , but on what is known as the Rossi index , which , in essence , is the RPI less housing costs but which we have this year brought more exactly into line with what the benefits are intended to cover by including in the calculation 20 per cent .
28 The senior Law Officer of the Crown , the Attorney-General , explained to the House that , on the question of the Shops Act 1950 , he had to make a decision based not on party politics but on the law .
29 They know that we must build a new , enduring peace — based not on arms races and confrontation , but on shared principles and the rule of law .
30 On the issue of reform of the Senate , the committee recommended an elected upper chamber , based not on equal provincial representation but on representation in accordance with each province 's population .
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