Example sentences of "fail take [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It criticized the Ministry of Education for failing to take into account the social and economic context of the school-age population particularly their nutritional and health needs and the job options open to them .
2 The judge was therefore at fault in considering that there was no need for him to pay explicit regard to the public interest in freedom of expression guaranteed by article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) in seeking to resolve the uncertainty or ambiguity in the common law ; ( 7 ) in failing , as did Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case , to have proper regard to the public interest in freedom of expression and to the question of whether in a democratic society there really was a pressing social need to extend the ambit of the law of defamation to enable a governmental body to sue in respect of presumed ( and not actual ) injury to its governmental reputation ; ( 8 ) in failing to take into account the acceptance by the English courts of the fact that where a governmental plaintiff sought to invoke a private law right to interfere with freedom of discussion about the workings of government , the court 's approach would ( because of the competing public interests involved ) differ from that in a private dispute between citizen and citizen .
3 By re-amended notice of appeal dated 30 August 1991 the defendants sought an order to set aside or vary the judge 's order or to order a retrial and sought leave to adduce fresh evidence on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge had erred in law in failing to take into account ( a ) the lack of a penal notice on the order which it was claimed that the appellants had breached ; and ( b ) the plaintiff 's delay of 18 months in applying for the committal order ; ( 2 ) that the judge 's decision was arrived at without regard to fresh evidence which the defendants had obtained since the hearing , part of which related to matters subsequent to the hearing and the remainder of which could not have been obtained with reasonable diligence ; which , if given , would probably have had an important influence on the result , which was credible and which should , therefore , be admitted ; ( 3 ) that , alternatively , the court should exercise its discretion to admit the fresh evidence as the liberty of the defendants was at risk ; and ( 4 ) that the sentence imposed was excessive .
4 Ultimately , the judge found in favour of the plaintiffs , who had argued that the educational authorities were illegally discriminating against their children by failing to take into account their distinctive language and culture .
5 Some requests or demands are reasonable and fair , but others certainly might not be so because they fail to take into account the child 's right to his/her needs and point of view , or because they are inappropriate to his/her level of development .
6 You fail to take into consideration subordinates/ customers/clients/your nearest and dearest .
7 A clear example of the need to allow for demographic characteristics when forecasting staying-on rates is provided by Mao Qing and Mar Molinero ( 1986 ) who demonstrate that LEA forecasts of the number of school pupils aged 16–18 in Southampton are too low because they fail to take into account variations in enrolment by social class and geographic location .
8 This is the expression of a man deeply committed to the practical development of the Soviet socialist state , dismissive of esoteric philosophical debates which fail to take into account the material conditions of the socialist experiment , and preoccupied above all with the need to defend an increasingly isolated Soviet Union from potentially damaging criticisms , however well intentioned they might be .
9 We shall shortly see how the tax system , in this case a tax on cigarettes , may be used to offset externalities that individuals fail to take into account .
10 Solutions that concentrate on groups , on the other hand , fail to take into account the real nature of employment systems .
11 [ That this House condemns British Coal for its closure of the Coventry Colliery at Keresely with the loss of 1,300 jobs , completed in a mere 13 days from the announcement of the decision to the working of the last shift ; believes that the pit is not abandoned but mothballed with 40 million tonnes of good quality reserves of medium sulphur content which will be kept on a care and maintenance basis until a link-up is organised by a privatised Daw Mill Colliery should the Government be re-elected ; condemns British Coal 's refusal to attend two meetings of local authority and parish councillors , local honourable Members of this House and church representatives and notes the absence at the meetings of 24th October and 11th November of the local Tory honourable Members ; and calls for a public inquiry into the methods of the closure and the false economics which talk of losses ' yet fail to take into account the future cost to public funds of lost production and taxes paid , and of dole and unemployment payments to be made . ]
12 People will usually choose in a way which is consistent , but not in their own best interests since they fail to take into account all relevant information .
13 The statistics , however , fail to take into account the effect pressure has on players and an ability to rise to an occasion .
14 Patient numbers and mortality fail to take into account the influences of different demographic groups or diagnoses and so these simple data are being abandoned for more complex assessments that generate an overall score and tell us something about how ill the patient is .
15 APACHE II scores on admission to ICUs can not be used for comparison of performances of ICUs as they fail to take into account the influences that management prior to ICU admission , such as stabilisation in an operating theatre or ward , may have on physiological variables .
16 The circumstances are : where the adjudications authority failed to take into account specific evidence before it relating to a claim ; where a member of staff did not submit or record relevant evidence ; or where an adjudication officer overlooked and misconstrued a provision in legislation or case law .
17 Many of the early studies of platelet function in diabetic subjects failed to take into account other factors known to influence platelet function , particularly the presence or absence of diabetic vascular complications .
18 In the abstract the Free City arrangements might have worked , but they failed to take into account the hostilities they provoked ; failed to take into account the fears and prejudices unleashed by the sudden alteration of patterns of trade and allegiance ; and failed to take into account the long years of humiliating Polish partition , Prussian Polenpolitik and the rise of revolutionary Russia .
19 In the abstract the Free City arrangements might have worked , but they failed to take into account the hostilities they provoked ; failed to take into account the fears and prejudices unleashed by the sudden alteration of patterns of trade and allegiance ; and failed to take into account the long years of humiliating Polish partition , Prussian Polenpolitik and the rise of revolutionary Russia .
20 In the abstract the Free City arrangements might have worked , but they failed to take into account the hostilities they provoked ; failed to take into account the fears and prejudices unleashed by the sudden alteration of patterns of trade and allegiance ; and failed to take into account the long years of humiliating Polish partition , Prussian Polenpolitik and the rise of revolutionary Russia .
21 Management could be faced ‘ with severe economic losses if it failed to take into account their views , or to win their consent on issues which were felt to be of major importance by the workforce ’ ( p. 314 ) .
22 The grounds for relief were , inter alia , that Lautro failed to comply with the rules of natural justice and to act fairly in that it failed before the service of the notice to inform the applicant or Winchester of the allegations being made therein , failed to allow Winchester or its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised company representatives the opportunity of answering or responding to the allegations made against them , failed to take into account the interest of Winchester , its controllers , directors , senior management or authorised representatives when deciding to exercise the notice ; that Lautro acted unreasonably and came to a decision such that no person or body properly directing itself on the relevant law and acting reasonably could have reached in that it acted with bias against Winchester and its officials , issued the notice at a time its investigations were incomplete and on the basis of findings which were erroneous and provisional , and failed to conclude its investigations before serving the notice ; and that Lautro acted ultra vires and in error of law in that the rights of appeal applied to any person subject to the rules of Lautro whether or not members .
23 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
24 Given all this , a chapter about kitchens and kitchen decoration would be illogical to say the least , if it failed to take into account the room or area where food is served , which should bc as pleasant a place as possible .
25 What Franco failed to take into account , however , was , first , that Germany had its own designs on French Morocco ; second , that Hitler did not want to provoke Free French/Allied resistance in North Africa which would oblige him to open a new military front far away from what was then his principal concern , namely the invasion of the British Isles ; and , third , that Hitler was not convinced of the need or utility of Spanish military help .
26 Nelson argues that the failure of other reviewers to come to the same conclusion was because they used vague definitions of depression and failed to take into account the severity of the disorder .
27 Atheists , who have destroyed the continuum by insisting that death is the end , have failed to take into account that this arid conclusion must feed back into life as it is lived , making it seem haphazard and futile and emphasising its injustices .
28 This of course is not to exonerate outside influences in toto because even the most altruistic of such schemes have regularly failed to take into account the specific requirements of local groups and their inherent land-management skills .
29 The doubters had failed to take into account Alcock 's remarkable visual acuity , but photographs taken at professional observatories , and by space probes , have verified the details of his observations .
30 A statement said the TCCB had failed to take into account Lamb 's previously unblemished record and ‘ outstanding service and contribution to English cricket . ’
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