Example sentences of "face with this " in BNC.

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1 Faced with this unprecedented , unique and , above all , fearsomely complex challenge , the West is just beginning to come up with an unprecedented , unique , and also fearsomely complex response .
2 Faced with this level of uncertainty , the response of employers within the sector has been to invest as much of their profits as possible in land or housing , if possible in their home area or within the city , if tenure is reasonably secure .
3 Faced with this situation , the elder girl sold some family property and bought two tickets to London .
4 The control lobby worries that governments , faced with this anomaly , will simply decide to loosen their own controls and allow advertisers to deluge the airwaves with booze ads .
5 ‘ They know that even if a forward gets past them , the striker is faced with this massive Dane racing out to confront him .
6 Faced with this , Amy had seemed to abandon her frivolous society friends — or had been abandoned by them — and turned to someone she could trust .
7 Faced with this united German front , Napoleon III realized that for him nothing of substance was likely to emerge from the meeting and so he turned it into an exercise in public relations .
8 Faced with this potential loss , it was hardly surprising that the UK Heritage Year poster proclaimed the aim of ‘ calling the attention of the European people to the steady erosion of their common architectural heritage ’ .
9 It is perhaps hardly surprising then that , faced with this kind of system in operation , councillors in Derbyshire and elsewhere should fight back with their own Realpolitik and hit where they think the effect will be most controversial .
10 When faced with this problem many authors have turned to the idea of ‘ local political cultures ’ , and have sought to explain political variation by reference to the existence of such ‘ cultures ’ ( Butler and Stokes , 1974 ; Johnston , 1986a ) .
11 Many daughters — and sons too — faced with this need make incredible sacrifices in their own lives to make sure that this is done well .
12 Faced with this rank illiteracy , Derek steamed in and said …
13 The villagers who were faced with this fearsome figure while the verses were being repeated looked upon it , not with revulsion as might be expected , but with affection — even awe .
14 This is always a surprising development from the point of view of those close to her , but if you are faced with this reaction in your elderly parent , or any other that seems strange but harmless , tread softly , and accept the fact that she must be allowed to grieve and to adjust in her own way .
15 If you are faced with this , the only thing to do is to refuse to be drawn into any fruitless arguments , but stand firm in your resolve to leave when you feel you must , assuring her of your affection and concern for her and your intention to visit her again as soon as you can .
16 If your elderly parent is faced with this problem , the most sensible first step towards a solution will be for her to spend a longish ‘ holiday ’ in your home before making a final decision , or for you to make an extended ‘ visit ’ to her if you are thinking of going to live in her home .
17 Faced with this failure to raise output through the wage rate , it became advantageous to the manufacturer to set up central spinning and weaving factories in order to reduce the rising cost of merchants travelling ever more extensively in search of additional putting-out workers .
18 If parents were faced with this list which one would you advise them to choose as a priority ?
19 And with this interjection Aggie now beat her closed fist against the end of the settle as she added angrily , ‘ If she had acted like the friend that she was supposed to be to the mother I would n't be faced with this lot tonight . ’
20 Faced with this conflict of views , Anselm expressed his own view that , despite the pope 's opinion , the altar could be brought back into use after simple reconsecration .
21 Hamilton , faced with this in equality of manpower , resolved on a master stroke : a further landing , this time to the north at Suvla Bay .
22 Faced with this difficulty , Ullman makes specific assumptions about normal viewing conditions , and takes into account certain physical and geometrical properties of the real world , as well as ( human ) psychological evidence based on studies of apparent motion .
23 Most sociologists faced with this particular problem have used occupation as the indicator .
24 Faced with this dilemma , monopoly capital puts its political interests above its short-term economic goals , and compromises with the other sections of the bourgeoisie .
25 Faced with this living miscegenation , I had spells of getting all minimalist , which rendered things a bit tense .
26 faced with this world of faithful and complicated objects , the child can only identify himself as owner , as user , never as creator ; he does not invent the world , he uses it : there are , prepared for him , actions without adventures , without wonder , without joy ( Barthes , 1973 , p. 54 ) .
27 Faced with this combination of forced scrupulosity and ingenious casuistry it is hard to believe that gratuities were an entirely natural and accepted part of the system .
28 Faced with this situation , but without any brief to involve themselves in working with the teacher to modify aspects of the curriculum for the class as a whole , nor indeed with any time in which to do it , support teachers are powerless to take action to improve the effectiveness of their work .
29 The moves to increase child benefit , which have already been discussed , will ensure that most households with children are not faced with this option .
30 Faced with this fact , there are three possible options : accepting less desirable jobs , being unemployed , or migrating from the area .
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