Example sentences of "accord [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 According to this American guide , ‘ Art criticism is a many-levelled activity that comprises the historical , the recreative , and the judicial .
2 According to this , art criticism has three indispensable elements .
3 According to this formalist approach art aspires to the condition of music , a phrase employed by Pater , but deriving from classical Greece .
4 According to this the picture must have been painted about 1588 , with which the style and the age of the sitter agree .
5 ‘ Incidentally , according to this we 're both down for beds tonight .
6 According to this account , the mind-body distinction as we know it was invented by Descartes .
7 She was a professional dancer at 12 ; her father partnered her on stage and , according to this book , did far worse to her off it .
8 The Polynesians , according to this way of seeing things , had a system of kinship terms , which indicated , not the marriage system which they practised , but the marriage system which they had practised in the past .
9 According to this theory the earlier generational pairing was abandoned because it led to so much inbreeding that people who practised the gens system were genetically more fit for natural selection and therefore survived better .
10 According to this theory the State therefore arises with the appearance of classes .
11 According to this claim , the mores of the eighteenth century were radically different from the sixteenth .
12 The canvas , according to this definition , becomes an arena for the artist 's free actions , which the spectator relives through the traces they leave .
13 According to this criterion of purchasing-power parity , the dollar should be roughly DM2.25 , not DM1.74 ; ¥200 , not ¥138 ; and $1.40 to the pound , not $1.71 .
14 The almost Damascene conversion came literally overnight on September 24th–25th 1938 , according to this account , after the German rejection of the Anglo-French plan for dismembering Czechoslovakia .
15 According to this , ratiocination consists in ‘ composition ’ ( or ‘ synthesis ’ ) and ‘ resolution ’ ( or ‘ analysis ’ ) .
16 According to this materialistic point of view , sense-perception is a matter of motion in the body of the perceiver .
17 According to this account , to serve as satisfactory starting-points for scientific demonstration , the first principles , or axioms , need themselves to be indemonstrable ; otherwise a demonstration would be needed of them .
18 According to this conception , ideas may be internal sensations like pain ; they may be perceptions of external objects and their qualities .
19 According to this view the grammatical difference between nouns and adjectives marks no real difference between things and their properties : a material thing , a substance , is no more than ‘ a bundle ’ of properties .
20 According to this , the existence of sensible things consists solely in their actually being perceived .
21 According to this , we can have , for example , an idea of colour alone and as such , an idea abstracted from any thought of particular extended things with their particular colours .
22 According to this view , the woman who agrees to have sex with D only when he promises to marry her ( never intending to keep this promise ) — and because he has promised to marry her — is a victim not of rape but of the lesser offence of procuring sexual intercourse by false representations .
23 According to this understanding , people who make vows of celibacy are somehow standing in judgement over those who do not .
24 According to this we 've to keep an eye out for anything — or anybody — suspicious .
25 ‘ Not according to this , ’ Stanley replied .
26 According to this interpretation , the protection of the ‘ Führer myth ’ — of the legend that Hitler was kept in the dark about the misdeeds of the regime , and acted promptly on learning of them — was a crucial component in bringing the ‘ euthanasia action ’ to an end .
27 According to this book , the new cathedral 's strategic site had been hard to acquire .
28 According to this view , organisms are simply survival machines , constructed by genes to ensure their own replication .
29 According to this view , interbreeding is at the same time the criterion of whether two forms belong to the same species ( e.g. the dark and pale forms of the arctic skua interbreed freely , so they belong to the same species ) , and also the reason why organisms in nature do fall into discrete categories , with few intermediates .
30 According to this teaching , the moral law ( The Ten Commandments ) was not binding on believers .
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