Example sentences of "seek [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Convention , partly drawing on United Kingdom bilateral conventions , sought to harmonise these different concepts by providing a procedural device acceptable to all systems .
2 Exploiting Boniface 's injudicious move , Edward sought to rekindle popular support for his Scottish campaign by a debate in parliament on his and the papal claims , in the course of which he employed no little historical research to justify his own rights , to refute the pope 's , and to persuade the public of all this .
3 At the same time as the US sought to stiffen French resolve , at least to continue the war , it had to persuade France in effect to let go because , at the very least , it had recognized that the forces of what was nominally ‘ the French Union ’ in Indo-China in reality needed men : and these men would have to be found for and fight in the National Army of Vietnam .
4 Though he sought to remain neutral during the English civil war , commissioners empowered by Parliament took control of the colony in 1652 and continued to administer Maryland until Oliver Cromwell restored Calvert 's proprietary rights in 1657 .
5 Indeed titles are everywhere in China today , with little trace of the fact that the Cultural Revolution sought to banish such indicators of rank and position .
6 Policy makers sought to promote national health and welfare and it was considered to be in the nation 's interest to extend child and maternal welfare services .
7 In Manchester , Liverpool , the Greater London Council , and some London boroughs left-wing Labour authorities sought to implement local socialism and use the town hall to challenge Thatcherite Whitehall .
8 Mr. Collins sought to accommodate such cases by recognising them as an exception to his suggested rule .
9 Early anatomists sought to arrange all living things linearly , on a single ‘ ladder of nature ’ : man was about half-way up , with angels , archangels , and powers above him , and a sequence of animals below .
10 A sanitary code which sought to evade fundamental moral principles could never ultimately succeed .
11 The court judged that their principles , objectives and methods conformed with the sharia ( Islamic law ) and was satisfied that they sought to preserve national unity , social peace , the socialist democratic system and socialist gains in keeping with the principles of the July 1952 and May 1971 revolutions .
12 In their protest they sought to restore some political coals to Newcastle : the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 committed the lay and ecclesiastical nobles of Scotland to support Robert Bruce , who stood against proud Edward 's army , and sent him homeward to think again .
13 In a state where autocracy sought to monopolise all forms of political life no political party could really exist .
14 Inspired by Darwin 's cousin , Francis Galton ( 1822–1911 ) , the biometricians sought to provide hard evidence that a population subjected to selection pressure exhibited a measurable difference after a few generations .
15 In the absence of appropriate provision by other bodies , the WEA had grown as a social movement which sought to provide those opportunities for people , denied access to further and higher education , either through its own efforts or cooperatively , but without patronage , in partnership with the universities , LEAs , and other agencies .
16 233 an applicant for judicial review sought to adduce Parliamentary materials to prove a fact .
17 By applications made to the Court of Appeal the local authority and the natural mother sought to adduce further evidence .
18 The legislation sought to encourage illegal immigrants ( mostly from North African countries and variously estimated as between fewer than 500,000 and as many as 2,000,000 ) to regularize their situation by registering with the police .
19 Act 1919 , which encouraged adjacent districts to co-ordinate their plans , and the Town and Country Planning Act 1932 , which sought to encourage local action to regulate activities in both the town and county ( Sheail 1981 ) .
20 Using the example of Cartwright at the Oxford Delegacy , Shearman sought to establish similar arrangements at Cambridge because :
21 Among the Anglo-Saxons Charlemagne sought to establish good relations with Northumbria .
22 In May 1989 I first introduced a ten-minute rule Bill — the Public Service Contract Bill — which sought to establish minimum standards of public service with automatic compensation for failure .
23 The US Supreme Court has effectively limited the power of the Endangered Species Act , by dismissing a case which sought to establish that federal bodies must comply with the Act when funding projects overseas .
24 Thus , with the distinctions made between Chapters II and III , the Board of Education sought to establish clear , demarcated responsibilities for each of the two main providers of liberal adult education ; with the universities engaged in more academic levels of study .
25 He was always something of a showman and sought to attract extra revenue by utilising the tramway as an attraction : to this end he introduced Illuminations tours , reintroduced the Circular Tour and created new feature cars , attracting commercial sponsorship .
26 Lloyd George sought to obtain regular press support through the direct means of ownership .
27 During the ensuing correspondence attempts were made on behalf of the applicant to obtain a much larger postponement whilst he sought to obtain legal aid for representation at the interview , but the Director of the Serious Fraud Office did not agree , and on 24 June she caused a further notice to be served , identical to the first , save that the interview was now to take place on 26 June , and the ‘ person under investigation ’ was identified as the applicant alone .
28 The search of Clinton 's files had been ordered in September 1992 , at the height of the election campaign , in an effort to find evidence that the Democratic candidate had , while a student in the UK , sought to obtain foreign nationality as a means of avoiding being drafted for service in the Vietnam War .
29 She sought to redress both the neglect by historians of " changes in the nature of demand " and their concentration on labour as a factor of production rather than as constituting " the major portion of the consuming public " .
30 The system used to distribute RSG after 1981 became increasingly complex as the government sought to contain local expenditure .
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