Example sentences of "since the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 IRAN : Hundreds of prisoners , prisoners of conscience , continue to be executed each year in Iran , a pattern which has persisted since the proclamation of the Islamic Republic in 1979 .
2 The Central Electoral Board stated that more than 1,300,000 out of 3,275,000 eligible voters had abstained , the highest abstention figure in the 37 elections held since the proclamation of independence in 1844 .
3 Mancini also gives the most circumstantial account of Edward 's wishes and their reception , and it is his version ( with slight modifications ) which has become the standard treatment since the rediscovery of his manuscript earlier this century .
4 Mancini also gives the most circumstantial account of Edward 's wishes and their reception , and it is his version ( with slight modifications ) which has become the standard treatment since the rediscovery of his manuscript earlier this century .
5 Since the ordinance of 1959 , laws and decrees had gradually increased the organizational autonomy of ORTF ; but in 1973 , as in 1959 , broadcasters were left in no doubt that the government controlled the state broadcasting organization .
6 Since the Plaza Agreement the US current account deficit had continued to increase and the current account surpluses of West Germany and Japan also continued to rise substantially .
7 Schools are having to become more complex organisations in order to meet the varied responsibilities which have been devolved to them since the Education Reform Act ( 1988 ) .
8 Mr. Raffan : Will my right Hon. Friend join me in congratulating the miners at Point of Air in my constituency for their dramatically increased productivity since the miners ' strike ?
9 They have been living since the nursery with different materials around them and objects having different weights , and they have a concealed knowledge of ice-water-steam which is more helpful to a teacher at this stage than any class experiments .
10 This realism has obviously become all the more desirable since the genesis of Fords .
11 But they argue that since the leadership of President Carter the United States has sought to circumvent these constraints on formal alliances through the looser concept of ‘ strategic understandings ’ with key Third World states ( see below ) .
12 Ever since the horses .
13 In that respect the game is certainly true to the movie , but it 's beginning to age a little now , since the release of its successors .
14 It 's now a year since the release of Nelson Mandela and the unbanning of the ANC and other political organisations .
15 On the following day in his speech to the Security Council , Botha vigorously defended his government 's record since the release of Mandela in February 1990 and rejected the ANC 's accusations .
16 His nomination for chair of the National Bank was rejected ( the Bank had been without a chair since the scandal in August 1991 , when the previous chair had been dismissed — see p. 38399 ) .
17 She did n't have the lead but it was still a big part and it was her first time on the stage since the scandal .
18 One is to continue his war of attrition against parliament , albeit from a position of greater strength since the referendum .
19 Against Chamberlain it was remembered that he was a Liberal Unionist ( as was Lansdowne , who led the Unionists in the Lords ) and that he had not been entirely loyal to Balfour since the referendum pledge .
20 ‘ The Kadanwari story so far is one of marked success for LASMO 's international diversification programme since the signing of the original concession agreement in 1986 , ’ Martin commented .
21 Fighting between SOC and Khmer Rouge forces in January , in the north-central province of Kompong Thom , was the gravest ceasefire violation since the signing of the October 1991 peace agreement .
22 Relations between Egypt and Israel , already strained by differences over the Middle East peace process , deteriorated further after the arrest of four Israeli citizens accused of spying for the Jewish state in the first such case since the signing of the Camp David peace accords between the two countries in 1978 [ see pp. 29654-60 ] .
23 The UN was criticized by relief agencies for failing to deliver food aid since the signing of the peace agreement on March 3 .
24 The tribunal ruled that the government had failed in a number of ways to honour its obligations to the Ngai Tahu since the signing of the Waitangi treaty between the white population and the Maoris in 1840 .
25 It is generally the case , nevertheless , that in the 30 years since the signing of the Treaty , EC policies have only rarely been developed in a framework which explicitly evaluates the spatial impact of those policies .
26 During a reportedly stormy first plenary session of the CNU on Feb. 9 , the NSF agreed to opposition demands that more seats be created for new parties and groups established since the Feb. 1 agreement .
27 Martial law , in force since the Feb. 23 military coup [ see p. 38003-04 ] , was lifted in most areas of the country on May 3 , although the interim government retained it in 21 sensitive border provinces and districts .
28 This critique underlies much of the ‘ Great Debate ’ which has been in progress since the Ruskin speech of 1976 and which can be seen to have result ed in the 1986 and 1988 Education Acts .
29 Next Thursday Chileans will go to the polls to elect a successor to General Pinochet , who has ruled with an iron fist since the overthrow of Allende in 1973 .
30 WACC 's Latin American/Caribbean Regional Association ( WACC-LA/C ) has written to the military regime in Haiti condemning the imposition of press censorship and the persecution of journalists since the overthrow of the country 's democratic government in September by military coup .
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