Example sentences of "material like [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 European colonizers also sought raw materials like gold , diamonds and timber .
2 An alternative was to apply the abrasive in powdered form to saws of materials like bone , wood , bamboo or iron .
3 What happened in Middlesex eventually happened all over England , and as Midland bricks and Welsh slates — and later more unspeakable materials like asbestos and corrugated iron — flooded into every corner of provincial England , the ancient local materials that fitted their own regions so well , for they came out of their very soil , disappeared one by one .
4 This was frequently influenced by the fact that easily available building materials like turf or heather thatch were not long-lasting , or by a short-term need for housing in particular places , such as mining areas where the demand disappeared when the coal seam ran out .
5 Wearing quality materials like cashmere , they must have felt like princesses .
6 In those days research workers were expected to earn their money by being practical , and in the case of materials they were expected to confine their experiments to proper engineering materials like wood and steel .
7 The drying of the hydroxyls , each of which normally has a shell of water molecules around it , leads to the shrinkage of materials like wood .
8 As we shall see in the next chapter , in natural materials like wood , the long-chain molecules are arranged roughly parallel to the length of the tree , that is to say , more or less in the direction of the most important stresses .
9 For instance , some items , such as raw materials like wood , sand and cement , or products such as glass and bricks , clearly can be purchased both for private use and consumption ( eg DIY sales ) and by businessmen ( eg builders ) .
10 Early play , with materials like sand , water , and clay , enables exploration of the material world .
11 They also need play materials like sand , water and dough , and lots of talking and doing .
12 Heavy materials like brick and stone do not vibrate easily , and therefore soon reduce noise .
13 It 's often associated with large-scale traditional patterns used in Victorian times , but there 's a wide range of smaller-scale geometrics , as well as textures , some of which imitate natural materials like grasscloth , tree bark , woven material , etc .
14 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
15 As they are used single-handed , they make it easier to dead-head flowers , prune shrubs , cut up chicken for the barbecue , and shape materials like leather , canvas , etc , for craftwork .
16 Fillings used include natural fibres such as cashmere , lamb 's wool , horsehair and felt and synthetic materials like polyester .
17 For matrix materials like methane , nitrogen , krypton and xenon , this is not too surprising .
18 Other products in the High Tech range include Piranha High Tech Metal Drill Bits , with a special ground tip for greater accuracy , and a longer life than conventional drill bits ; and Piranha High Tech Professional Masonry Drill Bits , which are designed for fast drilling and high performance in harder materials like granite and concrete .
19 This method was more suited to hard materials like granite and cipollino marble and shows the veining to advantage .
20 Three-dimensional work can be particularly effective and young children can achieve some remarkable things using simple materials like cardboard , paint and plasticine .
21 Other materials like ivory and bamboo achieved the same ends .
22 Generally , such a pump will consist of a cast body containing a motor although some recent models are made of non-corrosive materials like noryl .
23 Although materials like clay , dough , aloplast and plasticine have quite different qualities , they do all provide opportunity for mathematical experiences such as moulding the same amount into many different forms , sharing , or comparing size , shape , pattern and texture .
24 The advantages of traditional materials are obvious : they permit an individual to build his own house ; involve less capital ; can be built in greater variety and according to each housebuilder 's choice ; and , unlike a high-rise building , do not need expensive construction materials like cement and steel .
25 If they are not , monofilament nets must be replaced by biodegradable multifilament nets made out of a material like cotton , which are detectable by dolphin sonar .
26 ‘ But we were all so stupidly purist then , which obviously changed over the next couple of years , with Peter writing material like Man Of The World and Albatross .
27 For example , Reading Resources ( Forrester 1984 ) presents all the material ( listed in Task s2 ) through photographs of the original physical form , as do other well-known compilations of authentic material like Spectrum ( Swan 1978 ) , Kaleidoscope ( Swan 1979 ) , That 's Life !
28 It 's a good idea but the cones should be made of biodegradeable material like wood .
29 What is remarkable about the text-books ( which describe the chemical structure of the various chains in loving detail ) is not so much that they do not explain the discrepancy but that they do not even notice it ; nor are they apparently interested in the fact that the work of fracture for a material like Polythene or Nylon is at least a hundred times higher than it is for most of the thermosetting plastics .
30 Perlite : A volcanic material like vermiculite and with many of the same properties .
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