Example sentences of "pass from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the New-York Historical Society wants to deaccession works to pay for operating expenses , legislators who help fund the Society should have some veto power over those sales , particularly if works of art and other objects of local interest threaten to pass from museums into private hands .
2 It may seem strange to pass from peace-making to being persecuted .
3 The flow time t , is the time taken for the solution meniscus to pass from x to y in bulb E.
4 ‘ Although this is a drastic comparison it is still worth bearing in mind , especially when we begin to pass from youth to maturity .
5 ‘ Although this is a drastic comparison it is still worth bearing in mind , especially when we begin to pass from youth to maturity .
6 A privileged instruction is provided to pass from supervisor mode to problem mode , so that the instructions of a problem program can be executed .
7 Passing from galley to main cabin , she stopped short .
8 I was once on the ridge with my wife , taking photographs , when the silence was shattered suddenly by the scream of a low-flying jet aeroplane ; in a matter of seconds , it skimmed over the full length of the loch , rose a little in the upper valley and then appeared to turn sharply into the mountain wall , passing from sight and sound .
9 Coleridge talked incessantly , and ‘ in digressing , in dilating , in passing from subject to subject ’ , he appeared to ‘ float in air , to slide on ice ’ .
10 More recent scholars have neatly squared the circle : in the words of Curtis Price , ‘ the score was made in haste before the February 1693 revival … [ or ] it was prepared after the event for the library of the Theatre Royal , passing from Purcell 's hands before he could write in the [ missing ] dances ’ .
11 A ‘ managerial revolution ’ has taken place which has resulted in effective control over industry passing from owners to managers .
12 Equation 7.7 can be compared with the earlier expression for geodesic deviation : taking account of the sign change in the spatial components of the metric when passing from Euclidean to Minkowski space .
13 The timber arrived in the finishing shop and was machined by the aid of jigs and stops , passing from machine to adjacent benches where it was fitted together .
14 Half concealed by shadow the woman was a mire of shifting forms — face blurred , body smeared , pulses of iridescence , slow now , passing from toes to head .
15 The propensity to engage in witchcraft is considered to be hereditary , passing from father to son and mother to daughter .
16 Stalin 's argument was part of a broader one that he derived from Lenin : the right of national self-determination was valid only where countries were passing from feudalism to capitalism .
17 She scrutinised a dilapidated man on the pavement outside who was passing from rubbish bin to rubbish bin , rustling around inside and placing everything of interest in a plastic bag .
18 MY SON has a very good memory for songs and snatches gathered in passing from radio and television , and can reconstitute these with sometimes startling accuracy .
19 He had brought along several exhibits , including a portrait of Darwin he had found in a junk shop and an assortment of feathers and fossils that the children were passing from hand to hand .
20 More generous approaches to the question of emancipation were to be found not only in the many unofficial memoranda which were passing from hand to hand , but also in the minds of a few well-placed individuals whose views could hardly be ignored .
21 It is characterised by a tightly controlled method of weaving , where a shuttle passing from side to side of the loom between the warp threads creates loop pile or fine velvet carpeting that has a high density with a very smooth regular surface .
22 I was working and all of a sudden and one the woman began to sing Rock of Ages in a loud voice and then the man joined in and I sort of thought I heard sort of and I thought oh , they 've got a bottle which they 've taken out of their pockets which they were passing from side to side .
23 Power passes from persons to ‘ titles ’ , to occupational ‘ places ’ , to ‘ things ’ .
24 The emphasis passes from provisions that substitute for family functions to those that supplement and strengthen them .
25 When An Teallach passes from sight behind foothills , the road turns down to scenery of a very different character , to the beautiful trees and parklands of Dundonnell and vistas of sylvan charm .
26 The wavelength of the light increases as it passes from A to B for two reasons .
27 Although , typically , information passes from DNA to RNA , it can travel in the opposite direction .
28 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
29 A simpler way of looking at laicisation might be to say that institutional Christianity has lost some of its functions : most education passes from church to state ; so too do medicine , welfare and human counselling .
30 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
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