Example sentences of "describe [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Osburn 's points were that his fellow Englishmen in India , whose heartless behaviour towards Indians he described in some detail , failed to ‘ realize that the British Empire depends for its existence on obtaining the consent and the friendly co-operation of the races governed ’ , and that the demand for independence ‘ need never have arisen but for the arrogance and want of tact of a large percentage of Englishmen who , in one capacity or another , are resident in India ’ .
2 I think that it would be helpful now if I described in some detail what the effect of the banding arrangements will be , as there has been considerable misunderstanding of the provisions .
3 To illustrate this I will describe in some detail the example of my own school , where the governing body has grasped the opportunity presented by recent legislation to formalise a long-established tradition of teacher involvement in decision-making .
4 Fortunately this did not stop the women from trying , and Basnett , senior lecturer in Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick , describes in some detail the individual practitioners who set about the task .
5 Joan Bromberg describes in some detail the US 's preparation for the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy .
6 The sense of ‘ the men ’ constituting a social group in a particular enterprise can be found in the joking relationships that are established which Willis describes in some detail .
7 This chapter describes in some detail the procedures for isolation of eggs and pre-implantation embryos , and for the manipulation and observation of embryos at various stages of development .
8 Whereas Taskopruzade , writing toward the end of Suleyman 's reign , is on the whole relatively vague about the facts of a scholar 's career , he delights in anecdotes which illustrate the scholar 's piety or learning and describes in some detail his writings and his his pious foundations .
9 The Gesta describes in some detail the journey of Peter to Rome to receive the belt , the symbol of the Christian warrior , and the diadem or crown , the symbol of kingship .
10 Mr Lyle 's neighbours at Beaumanoir contrive , despite its size , to make it seem intimate and domestic by creating the ‘ lived-in look ’ ( which Jane Austen appears to be describing with some scepticism in Persuasion ) :
11 It is worth describing in some detail the evolution of the Inservice Panel , since it is the evaluators ' judgement that a number of lessons might be learnt from its somewhat chequered career .
12 Many of the details of this study are reported in Willman and Winch , with Francis and Snell ( 1984 ) , and we describe in some detail the way in which the company introduced this technology in Chapter 9 .
13 These describe in some detail each department 's spending plans , its aims and objectives and various output measures against which performance is assessed .
14 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
15 I want first to focus on the latter meaning , and to describe in some detail what teachers are talking about when they say they are stressed , or suffering from stress .
16 The earlier part of the chapter sought to describe in some detail the major concerns articulated by Mrs Whitehouse and the NVALA , the most basic of which , it was suggested , revolved around the perceived declining centrality of organised religion in British social life .
17 And so I took the opportunity to describe in some detail conditions in the attic .
18 It can also be propagated from seed in the manner described for some earlier species .
19 In noting such comments , it is appropriate to recall that this discussion must be seen against a background described with some outrage by many commentators .
20 However most practitioners of literary stylistics , including Halliday himself on a later occasion ( Halliday 1971 ) , would insist on supplementing the comparative approach just described with some kind of functional analysis — analysis , that is , that asks what the language of a text does , how it contributes to the meaning and effect of the whole .
21 However , marine algae were very important in the early history of the evolution of the earth , and they are described in some detail in Chapters 7 and 8 .
22 The scheme was extensively illustrated and described in some detail by the leading architectural periodicals , and there is an elevational drawing of the east front of the Foreign Office in the Victoria and Albert Museum .
23 The effects of trampling on large mammalian bone have been described in some detail ( Andrews & Cook , 1985 ; Behrensmeyer et al . ,
24 This project has been described in some detail for it exemplifies the way social workers may need to adapt their skills , to work with colleagues from other disciplines , and also to work at one remove from the client , in sustaining an informal care network , or a family network .
25 This concerns the factors of affect and attitude already described in some detail , and we have explored how negative affect will tend to produce less contact with users of the language .
26 A pawn in the chess match between Unix and Microsoft Corp , WABI is starting to be described in some circles as more important than COSE itself .
27 Neither is there any sign that epithelial cells further from the leading edge are putting out lamellipodia or crawling forward as described in some adult systems .
28 In one such incident , described in some detail , he tells us how ‘ one Friday night an enormous navvy pushed the head of a constable through a shop window and started quite a battle in which uniformed and plainclothes men cheerfully joined in ’ .
29 If diarrhoea is described in some particular terms rather than others ( e.g. if it described as empacho ) the patient is more likely to consult a traditional practitioner than to go to a health clinic .
30 The actual institutions in the UK , USA , and EC are described in some detail in three papers in this issue ( Williams , White and Sapir et al .
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