Example sentences of "decide [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After his death his executors decided to breach the convention of not disclosing private conversations with other ministers and officials .
2 That particular proposal was of interest only to the limited number of countries which have huissiers de justice , which prompted Professor Graveson when the issue was discussed in 1960 to express the traditional preference of the British Government for bilateral conventions , but the topic attracted more general interest and it was decided to re-examine the whole range of possibilities .
3 Since talking still seemed better than asking for written answers , it was decided to interview the parents in small groups , using a modification of the nursery from which is given in the SOED 's Using Ethos Indicators in Primary School Settings .
4 erm Listeners will probably know that there has been for many years what 's called the Schools Council , which has looked at erm curriculum matters and examination matters , and a year or so ago it was decided to discontinue the Schools Council , and to replace it by two successor committees , one the School Curriculum Development Committee , which you 've already mentioned and which I chair , and a parallel committee concerned with examinations , the School Examination , sorry the Secondary Examination Council , which is chaired by a mathematician , Sir Wilfred Cockroft .
5 The European Commission has now decided to draft a proposal dealing specifically with heavy vehicle drivers to enforce harmonisation of working conditions and in particular to ensure a consistent definition of ‘ working time ’ as well as driving time .
6 The Appeal Fund had now reached £65,000 , of which £23,000 had been spent on the Gymnasium ; it was decided to continue the Appeal for a Hall costing in the region of £90,000 .
7 Each night she wrote glowing tributes to him in her diary but love had turned to hate by August and diary entries showed she had decided to kill the object of her former devotion — and his manager .
8 ‘ We have decided to target the GAA clubs and it is our intention to extend our list of targets to incorporate other aspects of pan-nationalism , ’ it said .
9 Once the knocker boys have decided to hit a particular area , they will check into a good-class hotel and begin a leaflet drop .
10 Once you have decided to go the kit route , your first step is to send off a request to several manufacturers for illustrated brochures ( you will find a list of the major manufacturers at the end of the article , and it is also worth checking the Yellow Pages for firms operating in your area ) .
11 Rightly or wrongly , the Pavillon des Arts has decided to emphasise the festive spirit of the time .
12 After they 'd decided to restore a 200-year-old country cottage on the outskirts of Stroud , Gloucester , housewife Amanda Rawson and her husband scouted around auction rooms looking for furniture to suit it .
13 The commission later decided to restore the seat and today its interim report said : ‘ At present the Commission is not minded to recommend a reduction in the total number of constituencies in Scotland from 72 to 71 . ’
14 Once you have decided to see an applicant , any references given in the application form ( or c.v. ) , including telephone references , should be taken up before the interview .
15 8 ) It was decided to circulate the paper to members of the Scottish Churches Christian Aid Committee for comment at their meeting on June 9 .
16 Finally , following Customer Systems recent survey on industry trends ( CI No 2,160 ) , it has decided to implement a ‘ risk-reward sharing option ’ .
17 The family has poignant pictures of Sophie with the toy , and six months after she died decided to include a teddy carved into a headstone .
18 Burton Group ( retailing , clothing and home furnishing ) has decided to include the gross funding costs of holding the development property portfolio as part of the interest charges in the p&l account with effect from 1 March 1992 .
19 The planning officers ' report considered by the district council 's northern area planning subcommittee on March 24th stated : ‘ Initial comments indicate the council have not considered the current proposal in detail and have not therefore as yet decided to support the scheme , indeed some of the council have strong reservations ’ .
20 JAPAN has decided to remain a member of the International Whaling Commission to lobby against the creation of a whale sanctuary in the Antarctic , Farm Minister Masami Tanabu said last night .
21 During a visit to Alabama on June 20 US President George Bush announced that he had " decided to suspend the dialogue between the USA and the PLO pending a satisfactory response from the PLO on the steps it is taking to resolve problems associated with the recent acts of terrorism " .
22 ‘ Rather than plough on regardless damaging the scheme and the partnerships we have created , we have decided to suspend the project . ’
23 General Manager James McCormack said : ‘ Rather than plough on regardless , we have decided to suspend the project . ’
24 There had been a moment in his career , as he declared in the interesting preface he wrote to Josef Pieper 's Leisure the Basis of Culture and as Brand Blanshard has retailed in the Eliot Anniversary Issue of The Southern Review ( 1985 ) , ( ‘ Eliot at Oxford ’ ) , when , after a good deal of philosophical study , lie had decided to renounce the subject as such .
25 On March 6 the Central Bank of Nigeria , having the previous day decided to float the naira , set a new starting exchange rate of 17.8 naira to the US dollar , compared with 10.6 naira earlier in the week ; bank officials said that a devaluation of about 30 per cent was expected .
26 However , the tally of six underestimates the total effect because some MPs unsympathetic to Left-wing ideas may have decided to retire a little early rather than face a battle for re-adoption .
27 A year later , Singh 's successor at the Defence Ministry , K. C. Pant , issued a statement to the Lok Sabha which concluded that the allegations had been baseless and the government had decided to treat the matter " as closed " .
28 The 1859 committee was dissolved a year later , but only because the government had decided to treat the press with greater subtlety .
29 Mr Runciman said it was decided to issue a profits warning which would have come as a bombshell .
30 The material deterioration in the company 's prospects had to be made public under Stock Exchange rules , and it was decided to issue the warning .
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