Example sentences of "industry and the " in BNC.

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1 In its short history , CAMRA has produced many reports on the structure of the industry and the need to refashion it to meet consumer needs .
2 Debate grows over whether time is ripe to join ERM : Falling pound puts Conservatives under pressure at Blackpool , from industry and the Press
3 The sort of cheap publicity gained by Ukepra over the past week will simply reinforce consumer concern about the integrity of the egg industry and the safety of its product .
4 Unlike artists ' record royalties , all songwriters receive the same royalty which is a rate agreed between the record industry and the MCPS .
5 It was in fact my experience of working with the banks and institutions for the recapitalisation and reconstruction of John Brown which led me to think that the City is much maligned over its attitudes to industry and the accusation of short-termism is not justified .
6 But in even-handedly denouncing ardent Europhiles and Europhobes as ‘ superannuated Sumo wrestlers ’ he was , in effect , accusing Downing Street of being out of date — even on worker participation in industry and the Social Charter .
7 The survey arose because two final year students at Imperial College gambled with £6,000 of savings to establish a research company to plug the information gap between engineering industry and the students they wish to recruit .
8 The survey arose because two final year students at Imperial College gambled with £6,000 of savings to establish a research company to plug the information gap between engineering industry and the students they wish to recruit .
9 Simon Best , Business Development Manager of ICI Seeds There is nothing unusual about ministries being responsible for both industry and the consumer .
10 If energy saving is applied rigorously in homes and industry and the power stations clean up their act by switching from coal to other fuels or otherwise cutting their carbon emissions , transport seems set to take over as the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in Western industrialized countries .
11 Rolls-Royce and British Aerospace have also been feeling the slump in civil aviation : the hangover after a spending boom , the post-liberalisation troubles of the American airline industry and the hiccup over the Gulf war have all cut into demand for new aeroplanes .
12 There would be the cost of additional tax relief and the extra costs for private industry and the public sector .
13 The compromise was accepted by industry and the opposition melted away .
14 But we were n't talking about the motor industry and the never-ending management-union saga .
15 Indeed , once families were earning over £3 per week in the Midlands and the South East , where the car industry and the new consumer industries were developing , they had the prospect of a much improved standard of living and a significant improvement in their life opportunities .
16 Lest they be contaminated by too frequent contact with the fudge and mudge of Whitehall , they were entertained to frequent lunches by right-wing organizations like Aims of Industry and the Institute of Directors .
17 Now it is a prosperous place , making its living from light industry and the visitors who come to tour the battlefields .
18 He wants the Slavs , who accounted for a quarter of the 4.4 million population , to stay , to help keep the wheels of industry and the civil service running .
19 Two new Cabinet posts will be created — a minister with responsibility for the Citizen 's Charter and reforming the Civil Service ; and a new department responsible for broadcasting , arts , sport , the film industry and the national heritage .
20 He is the author of numerous books and pamphlets on capitalism , industry and the enterprise culture .
21 Advice , education and training were seen as important aids in the future of the industry and the ATB must ensure that its services are available to those in the more remote , as well as in the favoured , farming areas .
22 Both the industry and the Group Organisers would benefit if the Organisers were left to get on with what they were happiest and most able to do , namely , organising .
23 The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and the British Chemical Distributors and Traders Association also apply it to their member companies .
24 Bioremediation is being evaluated by both industry and the US-EPA as one technology for cleaning up hazardous waste sites .
25 This much is an advance , but whether they have the stomach to take on the power industry and the Department of Energy remains to be seen .
26 This is a major boost to the Northern Ireland quarry industry and the Port of Belfast means to play its full part in seeing that this export trade is expanded even further in the years ahead .
27 He accused the government of ‘ a paranoid determination to reduce the coal-mining industry and the power of the miners ’ .
28 At the moment , it is important only to note that the prospective sale of the industry and the opening up of competition within electricity generation produced a fundamental dilemma .
29 ‘ Peter is so detached from the pantomime element of the whole industry and the whole party ethic and so are The Smiths . ’
30 The trend towards concentration on the efficient , low-cost parts of the European coal industry and the shut-down of loss-making pits , will continue , opening the way for a trebling of coal imports into Europe by the year 2000 ( see coal section ) .
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