Example sentences of "stop [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 He stopped himself from looking at any of them and stuffed them into his waste-paper basket .
2 TREE surgeon Robin Teasdill , 34 , stopped himself from bleeding to death by holding the main artery of his leg together for 15 minutes .
3 Another superb serve led to no more than a defensive return from Sampras and Forget was so confident that the American would not be able to return his first volley that he only just stopped himself from throwing his racket into the air as he started to dance for joy along with the crowd .
4 Charles just stopped himself from saying ‘ Reet nice ’ .
5 He just stopped himself from reacting angrily .
6 He just stopped himself from adding , ‘ We were n't looking for anything . ’
7 With an effort he stopped himself from adding , ’ I hope ! ’
8 Pink riding hats , turquoise waistcoats , stetsons ( Jane just stopped herself from asking where the corks were ) and they wore all these glories even when they were mucking out .
9 Agnes again stopped herself from yelling , ‘ How do I know ! ’ and she was about to say , ‘ You should have thought about this before , ’ but this would have been a stupid reply , for when that urge was tearing at your body and there was a way of getting rid of it , would one stop to think ?
10 Just in time she stopped herself from confiding that she 'd almost forgotten how to dance .
11 Carolyn just stopped herself from saying why .
12 Not that he could have stopped himself from remembering .
13 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
14 Even now he could n't stop himself from making a comic routine out of it : looking at his fingers , his face screwed up in disgust , pretending that he 'd found something unspeakably revolting in the depths of his pocket .
15 He could not stop himself from thinking about it and he shuddered , as he imagined again Simon 's hands around his neck .
16 He could n't stop himself from shuddering .
17 SHe could n't understand how , when he was clearly so wound up and frantic about his daughter 's development , he could stop himself from taking part in it .
18 ‘ Eric was so surprised he could n't stop himself from crying .
19 Old mouth McEnroe , who ca n't stop himself from foully abusing anyone in authority with whom he disagrees .
20 Many people would say that Jesus could not stop himself from healing people because of his overwhelming feeling of compassion and love for them .
21 Then came the tears — Gascoigne simply could not stop himself from crying .
22 Even so , he could not stop himself from feeling it was wrong .
23 Midnight did n't reply , but Jess could n't stop herself from saying : ‘ He were , but he ai n't no longer .
24 And Amabel could not stop herself from thinking that this dreadful , dirty town must surely be to blame , that if Gemma had been less stubborn about remaining here , in this dark old manor , standing cheek-by-jowl with the brewery and the foundry and those hundreds and hundreds of unwashed , unlettered people who worked in them , then this tragedy would not have occurred .
25 Jessamy was so shaken by his quietly spoken reply that she could n't stop herself from over-reacting .
26 Jessamy could n't stop herself from moving restlessly .
27 Kate hugged her mother in return , grateful for the warm body contact between them , but she could n't stop herself from crying .
28 Even in her weary state , she could n't stop herself from wriggling self-consciously .
29 I wish I could stop myself from having to have everything just right , ’ Sue admits .
30 How else can I stop myself from feeling miserable ?
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