Example sentences of "stop [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Like all new lovers they made love all night , laughed , stopped for a cigarette whose smoke tantalised in the lazy glow of the room .
2 She had seen to Mrs Goodwin by nine o'clock and stopped for a chat and a bit of buttering-up .
3 They stood there , breathless , as the steps came nearer , stopped for a moment outside then turned up the corridor .
4 At the top of the Exit Cracks the three men stopped for a rest .
5 To verify this the remedy is stopped for a week or two .
6 He was reminded of the statements of the stableman who had joined him for a drink at the Bull , situated at the end of Cross Street , and of the café owner where he had stopped for a fried breakfast .
7 We decided to halt the nonsense and stopped for a sandwich on a picturesque rocky outcrop that provided views east and west along the glen , and over to spectacular Knoydart .
8 But to Paula 's triumphant delight the suit was snapped up the moment it went back onto its hanger — a solicitor 's wife who had stopped for a coffee had fallen in love with it , even if the skirt did have to be taken up four full inches to make it fit her less-than-willow tall frame .
9 They were only caught after being stopped for a burglary they did n't commit .
10 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
11 We had spent an hour or two in the hraun and had stopped for a rest when a huge white-tailed eagle came flying past .
12 Above them , the tiny figure crawling along the top of a pipe stopped for a moment , and then continued .
13 He felt mercifully isolated and stopped for a while to lean back on the lower bank of fell .
14 Suddenly he noticed how pale I was , and stopped for a moment to let me get my breath back .
15 The bachelor stopped for a moment , while the children 's imaginations took in these wonderful pictures .
16 At the foot of the steps Lan stopped for a moment to turn and stare back at Joseph .
17 With a jolt of excitement , as if his heart has stopped for a moment , his mind leaps to the image of a pyramid-shaped mountain .
18 The singing of the birds stopped for a moment , and then started again .
19 The main advantage of panels is that they provide feedback over a period of time , which increases the reliability of their responses compared with people who may have been stopped for a brief interview outside their local supermarket , for example .
20 Then , just as if the world had frozen and stopped for a moment , she saw the woman in the driving seat , face white , eyes glassy with shock , the mouth stretched in a grimace which looked like terror .
21 It was announced on June 26 that three of the four were to be charged with the murder on May 27 of two Australians from London , Nick Spanos and Stephen Melrose , who had been shot dead in Roermond in the Netherlands , where they had stopped for a meal , by two gunmen who drove off towards Belgium with a third man .
22 ‘ Just stopped for a look at the map , ’ Ivy told him .
23 I was n't going to court to get the order reduced , just stopped for a while until I get a job .
24 And then of course , this was all blown when th the raids stopped for a quite a long time , all these bloody kids came back !
25 Very busy I have n't stopped for a second .
26 Survivors thought their vehicles had been stopped for a security check ; the shock of what they 'd seen sent this young Palestinian into deep trauma .
27 Both ships stopped for an hour while repairs were made to the launch 's engines .
28 Police violence against members of racial minorities became a national issue following the widespread broadcast on television of an amateur video showing white Los Angeles policemen brutally beating a black man who had been stopped for an alleged driving offence on March 3 .
29 The nuns are young because fresh recruitment — of monks as well as nuns — was stopped during a decade of suppression and allowed only after reform in 1981 initiated by the then Communist Party secretary-general , Mr Hu Yaobang .
30 STARTLED motorists stopped as a 999 ambulance sped past them — with flames roaring from its back .
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