Example sentences of "all [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 We have all heard the tedious cliché that we are living in an Information Society .
2 We have all heard the prophets of social and moral decay recalling the days when such ‘ senseless and mindless ’ violence did not exist .
3 Well , we 've all heard the stories of divers tackling the marine Moray ( and may remember the film ‘ The Deep ’ ) , so you can imagine the sort of thing my mind was conjuring up .
4 We have all heard the stories of season ticket holders being found to stand for a match because someone else had been allocated a ticket for that seat .
5 You have all heard the club golfer who says of his opponent , after losing a match , ‘ he putted like God . ’
6 We have all heard the phrase ‘ paralysis by analysis ’ , and it is depressingly easy to analyse to greater and greater degrees of minutiae , becoming ever more dissatisfied with the conclusions that you are forming , until eventually you decide that there is not sufficient data to take any action at all .
7 We 've all heard the warnings — it dries out your skin , you 'll get terrible wrinkles , it could give you cancer .
8 It was a lucid dream , with him walking down infinite identical corridors , all painted the same pale blue , all leading to endless identical doors .
9 Coincidentally Tony mentioned ‘ that as a result of the move to central Leamington we are now fitter and healthier as we have all joined the local gym for keep fit sessions in the lunch hour . ’
10 The students , who are already working as racial equality officers all over Britain , have all completed the course sponsored by the Commission for Racial Equality .
11 Further , the growth of Federal expenditure , in support for agriculture and in the expansion of the aerospace and defence industries ( see above ) have all favoured the South .
12 The growth of German industry , the flight from the land , the Ostflucht and the ending of serfdom had all broken the bonds of the Prussian feudal system ; had caused a massive upheaval in terms of social and geographical mobility ; had caused a radical change and development in German class- and national consciousness , and had created problems of identity deep within the German consciousness , precisely because they took place much later than in the west European nations .
13 But as soon as he got his glasses back on again , they had all smoothed the hazy , unfocussed grins off their faces and seemed intent on their own affairs .
14 I ATTENDED a very up-market company dinner and after the meal the chairman got up and said , ‘ I hope you have all enjoyed the Thermal Lobsterdor this evening . ’
15 We have all enjoyed the good value in price and cover offered by Autocover , our own Car Insurance Scheme , for the past eleven years .
16 There was silence at the table for a moment , until the old lady spoke again ; ‘ You 've all forgotten the Boer War , ’ she said , ‘ although Hughie 's carrying a bit of it in his leg .
17 The Green lobby , the animal welfare lobby , the organic lobby and the vegetarian lobby have all caught the attention of the media and consumer yet they are often minority sections of the community .
18 But before that , to the north , numerous small rivers and tributaries — including the likes of the Bruar Water , the Banvie , the Tilt and the Fender Burn have all fattened the River Garry before it feeds into the Tummel and on down into the Tay .
19 Leo and his family have all toured the North-East — with Clannad performing in Newcastle most recently .
20 Subsequent developments , including the isolation of cell components , the recognition of DNA in the cell nucleus as the purveyor of hereditary information and the determination of its structure in the 1950s by Watson and Crick , have all paved the way for the genetic engineering of the 1980s .
21 It makes the heart pump blood faster ( we have all felt the pounding and racing of our hearts when we are roused ) ; dilates the airways of our lungs ( so we can breathe faster ) ; and causes a great increase in the release of energy — by breaking down glycogen ( the form in which glucose is stored ) for muscles , and fat ( from fat storage depots ) for the rest of the body .
22 We have all felt the frustration of dealing with institutions and bureaucracy — receiving the institutional brush off , the failure to generate a spark of interest or concern , knowing that nothing will be done and nothing change in response to your grievance .
23 Manufacturers , distributors and retailers have all felt the pinch during the recession and some hard bargaining was going on over coffee and orange juice .
24 This announcement meant that the three biggest Japanese car makers had all selected the UK as the site for their first European car assembly plant , in preparation for the completion of the Single European Market in 1992 .
25 Ira Dilworth , Dick Halhed and Jim Gilmore had all visited the northern B.C. port of Prince Rupert and spoken highly of it , so I decided to go north on a Pacific coast steamer .
26 We have all met the school secretary or a main scale teacher with a strong personality who exerts more influence on staff attitudes than senior post holders .
27 We have all met the person who expresses himself or herself indirectly — ‘ Well , of course I would , but it 's George — you know how it is …
28 We 've all suffered the ‘ amateur night ’ feeling that occurs when the poor speaker gets it wrong : the upside down slide , the image on the ceiling , the missing bulb and the inevitable stifled titters from the audience .
29 At one time or another my guests have all suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous critics
30 But we have all endured the archetypal house price bore — ‘ You wo n't believe what we paid for our house in Normandy … ’ .
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