Example sentences of "speak [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dazzled by Monsieur Aliane 's tartan favours , not to mention his repartee , the French fan remarked : ‘ Sacre bleu , you Scots speak most fantastic French . ’
2 Pause pause speak rather slower than you would do if you were in a normal conversation .
3 As the class progresses , those women who have had some schooling race ahead , while the rest , who speak little Spanish , stumble and get confused .
4 Regular or prolonged contact between two groups who speak mutually unintelligible languages may result in the formation of a pidgin — a language which is nobody 's native language but serves as a means of communication for a limited range of purposes related to the contact situation .
5 The few contemporary references to Traherne which survive all speak highly both of his learning and of his character .
6 As one who has listened to nothing as often as BM 's solo albums these last two years ( OK , you 've established your credentials , now come to the point — IM ) I can not speak highly enough of the man ( try a step-ladder — IM ) .
7 Jackie has been with the Company for the last four years and the Argos Service Manager Gwynne Davis ca n't speak highly enough of her work .
8 A very well liked man in the community , a very well liked man at the station and erm I I ca n't speak highly enough of the man .
9 I ca n't speak much Spanish and Rosa speaks little English but … but somehow we managed .
10 Bathsheba and her husband did not speak much that evening , or the following day .
11 I do n't speak so good cos I 've got some teeth out and I 've got to have
12 Er eventually they wo n't speak real English , with all this Asian kids in now al all the Asian children have got ta go in any school have n't they and th everything , well sooner or later er this mixture of languages is gon na spoil the English language is n't it ?
13 Stereotypes like this flatten out important details : they disguise the exceptions to the ‘ women speak more standard ’ rule , or else are unable to account for them .
14 There , at the bar , he had been introduced to one of the heads of M.I.9 who , when he heard that Eric wanted to get back to Italy and could speak more Italian than most people who had been on the run , immediately offered to make him a member of the Allied Screening Commission .
15 Speak up loud , you 've got ta be speak up loud and clear .
16 An English person who can speak even one other language fluently is rare .
17 To substantiate the continuum hypothesis De Camp and others ( for example , Bickerton , in his detailed studies of Guyanese Creole ) point to the following well-documented facts : few Jamaicans or Guyanese speak Standard English , few speak maximally broad Creole all the time : most speak ( by their own assessment as well as a linguist 's ) something " in between " ; and how close to the standard or the broad Creole they speak , is largely a function of their social class .
18 It 's very unusual to find a senior civil servant in France who ca n't speak either good English or good German or both , and it does make communications a lot easier .
19 Well I have I did n't because I said that I would just tell them about it and then I would speak again this month and see what er , they say .
20 No , when they speak too loud .
21 When they speak too loud down the telephone .
22 Er , do n't speak too loud now
23 ‘ You should not speak too bluntly of forgery , my dear fellow , ’ said Mr Singleton , delicately imbibing more whisky .
24 You speak very good English . ’
25 And er the French speak very good English
26 My only rather weighty problem is the fact that I speak very little French though I am learning , both at French lessons and at my Medau classes .
27 Oh I ca n't speak very well English and I
28 Speaking rather rusty German , Maxim said carefully : ‘ I am Harry Maxim .
29 Despite the fact of achieved ruwang ship , the Piaroa are relatively speaking highly egalitarian , for they place great value upon personal autonomy .
30 Speaking in early 1989 , Medvedev ( an economist by training ) spoke still more positively of the market as a ‘ flexible instrument for reconciling production and consumption ’ which could be adapted to the purposes of a wide variety of social systems .
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