Example sentences of "speak the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't exactly speak the lingo , do you ? ’
2 I think of her and there is speechless upheaval in me — I feel this way when I 'm in Zurich , Frankfurt or Paris and the locals ca n't speak the lingo .
3 The people who run it try to fix up compatible ages , interests etc and it does n't matter if you ca n't speak the lingo , they will find someone with a knowledge of the English language for you .
4 She could not tell him about Havvie ; neither could she speak the lie to him , not to Dr Neil , but she could not tell him the truth , for that would mean telling him who she was , and she could not tell him that , not here , not now ; it would spoil everything between them if he knew that she was the spoiled and pampered American Princess .
5 She glanced at him but before he could speak the phone rang .
6 Actress Susan Sheridan will speak the part when the Toytown star bounces back on our screens from September 17 .
7 Be on the look-out when ordinary people are despised because they do n't speak the way you do , or because they come from the council estate .
8 Before he could speak the door opened and a young girl appeared , smiling at them .
9 Central to that campaign were the warnings that a Labour win would mean a run on the pound , a sterling crisis , a property slump , HIGHER interest rates and possibly , dare we even speak the word , devaluation .
10 She could not speak the family 's language , and each evening Felix taught her some words .
11 This means that it is furthest from the logic of true/false and must speak the friend/foe vernacular .
12 She faltered , wondering if she could speak the devastation she had felt when Rosa and Dolores had shown her that tiny baby .
13 ‘ You 'd better speak the truth , Mr. Carter , ’ said Burden , ‘ and never mind whether it 's ill or not .
14 Do they speak the truth ? ’
15 Well , she 's a lady an' she 'll always speak the truth . ’
16 It is the device which allows us to ‘ speak the truth in love ’ ; be judicious about how we answer others in order not to offend them .
17 But the voice that had spoken waited , as if it knew that eventually Creggan would speak the truth .
18 Not everyone was patriote , and when it was finished and the enemy had left our soil , there were those who did not speak the truth about what happened . ’
19 I am doubtful about the validity of ‘ torturing the evidence ’ : surely , if you torture someone the usual result is that he will speak the truth .
20 As it was , he was looking down at her , and she could do nothing but speak the truth .
21 It will speak the truth and straighten the record .
22 If she did not speak the truth now , she was guilty of perjury .
23 ‘ This time , ’ said Owen , ‘ you had better speak the truth . ’
24 They question conventional wisdom , they ask awkward questions , they do not speak the jargon .
25 And something about how she did not speak the French of France because she was from Martinique , and how she was n't rich and she was n't chic .
26 Although we could n't speak the language , there were enough ‘ … issimos ’ attached to the adjectives to give a good idea of what the locals thought of the route , and the frequent appearance of numbers like VIII , VII+ , A4 and A3 on the topo seemed more in keeping with our previous experience than the more modest gradings given by Ron James .
27 I 'm not really Welsh by blood and I do n't speak the language .
28 In the 1911 census , the most recent complete record of Gaelic-speaking , only 2% of the population said they could speak the language .
29 He explains : ‘ Summer holidays in a French village can be great fun , but the place can turn into a different proposition in the depths of winter , when you are far from friends and family , especially if you do n't speak the language . ’
30 ‘ In a way it would be interesting to work in a country where you could n't speak the language so you could communicate with your eye and your camera , not your tongue .
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