Example sentences of "speak the same " in BNC.

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1 Some of the other holiday-makers did n't speak much English … but that 's the beauty of HCI , everyone is there to have a good time and you find you make friends even if you do n't speak the same language .
2 We do not speak the same language . ’
3 Many immigrant starlings pass through Shetland , particularly during the autumn migration period , but they seem not to mix with our birds — probably they do n't even speak the same language !
4 All members of the obstetric and midwifery staff should speak the same language and use the same method of classification — something that can be achieved only by regular meetings on cardiotocography .
5 Very likely he expects a bambina — even Constanza found they did n't speak the same language any more .
6 They could speak the same language , but there was almost nothing else in their past that they 'd shared .
7 So do we speak the same language ?
8 As scientific courses proliferated , so this aspect became more prominent ; the people working in particular sciences came to expect of each other that they would speak the same language , and gaps between physicists , chemists , biologists , geologists and so on increased .
9 And do n't forget that our users may not even speak the same language as we take our systems enterprise wide .
10 If the captives could not speak the same language , reasoned the slavers , they were unlikely to organize effective opposition .
11 His actions now speak the same language .
12 ‘ Like any hobby or job , it 's vital that we speak the same language , understand the same flying terms .
13 Two people who speak the same language can always work towards an understanding about what each of them is talking about and what each of them wishes to achieve by what they say .
14 When it comes to business , you 'll see we both speak the same language .
15 A special case relating to the Netherlands and Flanders , which speak the same language , is noteworthy in this connection .
16 They speak the same language and can relate to the people who consult them in a more personal , less clinical and intimidating fashion .
17 Right erm these notes are sort of based on a lecture that I went to when I was in sixth form erm and the theme for it is , Men And Women , Do We Speak The Same Language ?
18 We speak the same language , share similar interests .
19 Here at Lilleshall , sportsmen and women , speak the same language .
20 ‘ Products come from Britain , Spain or France , but the customers ’ relationship is with us because we live in Italy , speak the same language and follow the same way of life , ’ says general manager .
21 All Distribution Services staff had taken the Quality in action workshop training by the end of their drive to TQM — and to make sure they speak the same language of improvement — we 're now presenting the QiA workshop to them , too .
22 You end up speaking the same jargon or formulae as the establishment without stopping to think .
23 Ralph Lauren 's trademark steed certainly is n't speaking the same language on a bootleg shirt here on a Brooklyn market stall as it is on Manhatten 's Upper East Side .
24 When your sales , marketing , purchasing , finance and production people are all speaking the same language , it pays real dividends .
25 Someone from industry might be seen by employers as speaking the same language as they do themselves .
26 By eschewing such girls he avoided a lot of foreign in-laws and chatter in disparate tongues , and the misunderstandings that are inevitably worsened by not quite speaking the same language .
27 Since those early days there have been many sea chases with much bigger things at stake , but broadly speaking the same rules apply , although it is sometimes difficult to be dispassionate where hard drugs are concerned .
28 What I 'd like you to do this evening if you will erm as an exercise is you know you were talking about erm asking questions listening to the answers speaking the same language watching erm talk the language .
29 In the three little countries in Southern Africa , Botswana , Lesotho and Swaziland , nearly everyone speaks the same mother tongue .
30 If it does then the product , in conjunction with a page printer that speaks the same language , will be almost infinitely more powerful than one that does n't .
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