Example sentences of "remain in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Bolton kept her in a pen where , despite remaining in a very frightened state , the little beast recovered and started eating small amounts of hay .
2 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
3 Not only is there a lack of research evidence to support this view , but it has been argued that many children do better remaining in a single-parent family than in having to make further adjustments to a third form of family life — the step-family ( Richards and Dyson , 1982 ) .
4 In 1913 the Poor Law Institutions Order prohibited children between the ages of three and sixteen from remaining in a general mixed workhouse for more than six weeks .
5 They are able to form a good relationship with their foster parents and they have the advantages of remaining in a normal setting , going to school , making friends and generally participating in the life of the neighbourhood .
6 For these and other reasons more useful information about molecular structures can be obtained by photoelectron spectroscopy , where the excited electron is ejected completely instead of remaining in a higher-energy level of the molecule .
7 Hetherington ( 1979 ) found that if marital separation led to a cessation of hostilities and conflict , this seemed somewhat less damaging for children than remaining in a discordant , unhappy , but intact home .
8 Although he managed to beat the count , Wormald was in no position to defend himself and referee Dave Parris stopped the contest with 35 seconds remaining in the opening round .
9 If Douglas 's brutality epitomizes racial , cultural , and sexual domination in its most callously direct form , Gide 's self-description of remaining in the security of his room , considering it wiser not to intervene , becomes a resonant image of the hesitant complicities which most kinds of brutality and exploitation presuppose and in which most of us are implicated .
10 In fact , the individual migrants who participate in this urban migration manage to generate income which is more attractive to them than the income they would have earned by remaining in the rural areas .
11 After remaining in the colony for seven years they can apply for a CI which is a more widely recognised travel document and enables them to become British Dependent Territory Citizens .
12 But the company outstripped competitors by remaining in the black .
13 Incidents such as five year olds showing ‘ bottoms ’ to each other in the playground or playhouse comer can , unless prompt action is taken , snowball into reports of almost sex orgy proportion rather than remaining in the league of innocent childish curiosity .
14 Reserve Winners Dog The dog who came second in the Winners Dog 's original class competes with the dogs remaining in the ring , ( unless he has already been defeated by one of them ) , for Reserve Winners .
15 With the two umbilicals deployed , the bellman has the lonely task of remaining in the bell until the run is complete .
16 It may be an allergic reaction or residual bacteria remaining in the body and affecting the circulation .
17 The hospital 's duty to maintain hygiene and protect the health of other patients would entitle the hospital to demand acceptance of such care as a condition for remaining in the hospital .
18 Then , in 1067 , Ferdinand 's widow died , thus removing any scruple remaining in the mind of Sancho towards honouring the partition .
19 These pseudopods fragment in the blood flow with the nucleus remaining in the bone marrow .
20 The samples are heated under experimental conditions such that the ‘ live ’ organic matter remaining in the coal is completely converted into gaseous products .
21 The SAM may also help solve some of the riddles remaining in the field of polymer chemistry .
22 IT IS more than possible that I am missing a point , showing a lack of imagination , remaining in the Middle Ages and have my feet firmly stuck in the mud when I am under the impression they are just on the ground .
23 ‘ … we were both pulling in opposite directions , and I felt Brian was siding with his mother rather than standing up for me or remaining in the middle .
24 When the cork is extracted the slush-like sediment shoots out of the bottle and , because the rest of the wine remaining in the bottle is at a much lower temperature than normal , the gas is reluctant to escape , hence there is no spray of foam and the bottle may be topped up and recorked with a minimal loss of pressure .
25 Those remaining in the original syndicat took the view that they comprised the élite of the trade and , by protecting the élite , the syndicat would achieve the best possible image for Champagne .
26 Triton Cottage , dating from around 1700 , is the earliest house remaining in the village .
27 Remaining in the character of Ratso , Dustin yelled to the driver , ‘ I 'm walkin' here !
28 Remaining in the same position , cross your ankles and , using the strength from the legs to work against themselves , attempt to pull the legs apart .
29 Malta was on short rations and the menu was sparse but we must have consumed most of the champagne remaining in the club cellars .
30 In that situation , the company should also give a note that analyses the balance sheet figure between the surplus remaining in the scheme , which at 31 March 1993 would be nil , and the total of unamortised variation of £27m .
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