Example sentences of "remain [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Why , then , does prostate disease , and particularly prostate cancer , remain such a taboo subject and receive such scant attention from health ministers , health educators and men themselves ?
2 As the red roses remain such a vivid shade after pressing I think they balance the colour of the mount beautifully .
3 For the family and friends who remain such an event is devastating .
4 It is worth noting that there are not a few cases where constructions containing postverbal adjectives are equivalent to different structures having the same subject and the same adjectival and verbal properties , but with the former now in ordinary predicative position and the latter replaced by an adverb : ( 61 ) Mario seemed regretful Mario was apparently regretful ( 62 ) the sharks remain dangerous the sharks are still dangerous This is exactly what could have been expected , given structure ( 47 ) .
5 Finally , after going full circle , AIB finished up in 1983 in the Department of Transport which seems to me to be where it should have remained all the time .
6 In cases of breach of repairing covenants where three years or more of the lease remain unexpired a preliminary application for leave under s 1(3) of the Leasehold Property ( Repairs ) Act 1938 will be necessary before an action for forfeiture may be commenced .
7 In a statement issued before leaving Israel , Baker confirms that two issues remain unresolved the role of the UN in the conference and whether it will hold more than one session .
8 If it remains high the undergravel filter bed may not be large enough to cope .
9 A hotel receptionist should be sure that prospective guests are aged 18 or more , since otherwise if the bill remains unpaid a court action if brought to recover the debt will fail because the contract of booking is unenforceable .
10 If the Operator terminal is in use , the Offline System will try to access it several times in quick succession ; if it remains unavailable the Offline run will not take place and a message reporting the situation will be sent via the mail system to the Offline Manager .
11 Gramsci 's theory of hegemony is a partial answer to this ; but there remains unanswered the question how development occurs at all in peripheral areas .
12 The tenant may then discover that an unforeseen delay for which it is not responsible results in revocation of the agreement and if clause 5.5.3 remains unamended the tenant will receive no compensation for works carried out prior to such termination .
13 In a city where riots , road accidents and murders are routine events , many corpses remain unidentified every day .
14 If you remain silent the nightmare will continue for Edward and Joan McDermott who want only justice for an innocent little boy whose young life was snuffed out in a moment of senseless savagery .
15 To remain competitive the Company decided to enter the manufacturing business .
16 In the western half the common system of tenure was the lease for three lives , whereby the tenant entered the names of any three people , and as long as one of them remained alive the lease held good .
17 But a few patients remained healthier a year later .
18 This eventually helped make Strauss the CDU 's candidate for Chancellor in the next election , but he remained such a controversial figure in the country that his election was unlikely .
19 ‘ I hit it very hard but I remained conscious the whole time . ’
20 As long as any feudal dues remained valuable the lords desired to protect them , and rules about title to land at common law were developed to aid this process .
21 Of those women who were single and in their late twenties in 1921 , 50 per cent remained unmarried a decade later : this figure is particularly striking when compared with that for men , of whom only 30 per cent failed to marry .
22 And although there were many dreams and faces I remained all the time in my bed .
23 The bugle sounded the charge ; the horsemen 's pace increased , but remained all the while under control .
24 The island presented such a complex profile to the early European navigators that they assumed her to be separate islands — and her pluralized name remained all the way up to Indonesia 's independence when an orgy of name-changing occurred and Celebes was renamed Sulawesi , and her capital , Makassar , became Ujung Pandang .
25 One small colony remained all the time on their beach , an isolated solitary place of grey pebbles below greenish breakwaters ; high above them the blind-eyed office blocks glittered pink and yellow in the sun .
26 From Catherine II 's reign the local administration began to expand , and although the number of officials remained miniscule the system sufficed to meet the needs of the army .
27 The breeze was blowing from behind the buffalo , and if they remained quiet the animals would have no inkling of their presence .
28 When , sensing that he had left her alone in more ways than one , the woman asked him to come back to bed , he had not turned to look at her but instead remained silent a moment longer .
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