Example sentences of "available at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Overnight camping is available at £2.00 per night per unit , with all the usual facilities .
2 Copies are available at £2.00 each from the Office .
3 There are some orange balls available at £2.00 each for orders of a dozen
4 Tickets are £2 and are available at Waistell 's florists and Clarke 's chemist in Barnard Castle .
5 The band have just released a new EP , Firefly , and it 's available at Ben 's Collectors Records in Farnham and Collectors Record Centre in Guildford .
6 A ‘ maplet ’ , giving full exhibition details and opening times together with an independent ‘ fringe ’ guide will be available at Art Trail venues and the Tourist Information Centre .
7 These results relate to data available at April 1987 , by which time about 65% of sucjects were no longer under observation , mainly because they have moved from the recruiting doctors ' practice .
8 ( Only 198 of 1.1 million women in a survey last year had crèches available at work . )
9 The matter was referred to Jockey Club headquarters in London to enable the stewards to see a video recording of the Ayr race which had not been available at Carlisle .
10 It 's available at £1.30 plus 35p p&p , from NCT ( Maternity Sales ) , Alexandra House , Oldham Terrace , London W3 6NH .
11 The artists have produced their Christmas pack once again , with six cards , six tags and two angels , priced at £3.45 and also their calendar , available at £5.95 .
12 No further information is available at present , but it is understood that police are interviewing the five people arrested . ’
13 There is no immunisation available at present for CMV .
14 This section reviews briefly the range of techniques which are available at present .
15 The EEC commission , in backing the expenditure of some £50 million on Super- SARA , said that ‘ no other facility available at present or in the foreseeable future provides the range and advantages for in-pile loss of coolant accident simulation . ’
16 This yacht is immaculate , and most definitely one of the finest available at present .
17 No further details available at present .
18 Little systematic evidence on Asian girls is available at present , but it is emerging that their educational achievements are continually improving and it is clear that the common image of the docile Asian girl uninterested in education and ‘ torn ’ between western and Asian cultures is a gross stereotype ( Brah and Minhas , 1986 ) .
19 A nonlinear Q s - L relationship may reduce the range of implied solar changes before 1900 , but there is no evidence available at present to support a more complex relationship than assumed here .
20 There is no good evidence available at present to identify the origin of the African ape and human clade , the Homininae , but two alternatives can be mentioned .
21 It is usual today therefore to provide a number of general electronic interfaces to which a range of transput devices can be attached , and a set of general instructions which can be used to control any transput device available at present or in the future , from the computer manufacturer or elsewhere .
22 The programs available at present fall into four main categories , as outlined below .
23 We are determined to get the best possible value for the enormous amount of public money that is available at present .
24 Through an examination of the files down to 1551 , it is intended to produce a more detailed guide to the contents of these records than is available at present , so that they may be used more easily and become better known .
25 Therapeutic studies on intestinal M avium complex infection are missing and an effective therapy for cryptosporidiosis is not available at present .
26 Although the techniques for these are not available at present , recent continuing advances in the field of molecular biology and tumour suppressor gene research might lead to some benefit with gene therapy in the future .
27 The Company complies with The Code of Best Practice incorporated in the Report of the Cadbury Committee on The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance except for the recommendation to include an ‘ Operating Financial Review ’ in the Annual Report , as insufficient guidance is available at present as to content .
28 The kind of hardware generally available at present is ideally suited to small-scale database creation i.e. databases with 200–800 records .
29 British Rail has had to postpone buying new rolling stock for Network South-East because it says there is not enough money available at present .
30 A TEST which checks foetuses for Down 's Syndrome will be made available at Hartlepool General Hospital 's Cameron maternity unit from next Wednesday for mothers-to-be who want it .
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